v - Penguin
Books Ltd and Deborah
1993 American scholar Deborah
Lipstadt published
product of a research contract
funded by an Israeli
agency. British
writer David Irving
that it libels him. | |
| Affidavit
Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London
W1M 5DJ MAKE OATH and say as
follows: 1. I am a self employed writer,
historian, broadcaster, and publisher.
On September 5, 1996 I issued and
served a Writ
in libel on Penguin Books Ltd and on
their author professor Deborah
Lipstadt. The contents of this
affidavit are within my knowledge save
where appears otherwise from the
context. 2. I have been the target for a long
time of a well-funded world-wide
campaign to destroy my hard-won
professional legitimacy as an historian
of Hitler's Reich, and deprive me of my
professional income; this campaign has
been operated within the jurisdiction
of this court as well as in the United
States, Argentina, Canada, New Zealand,
Australia, Germany, South Africa,
Austria, Italy and other countries. |
| 3. At the trial of this action I shall
show that the Defendants adopted the role of
Willing Executioners in this campaign, with
Professor Lipstadt the Second Defendant casting
herself in the executioner's role of Albert
Pierrepoint and me in the less fortunate
role of James Hanratty.4. There is now produced and shown to me a
bundle of documents marked "DJCI5" (the
"bundle"). 5. Discovery by the parties involved has so
far produced about three thousand numbered
documents, with many thousands more furnished by
myself in bulk to the defendants under Orders
made by Master Trench. 6. I am a litigant in person but I have a
working knowledge of the laws of the land and
the Rules of the Supreme Court. I shall not be
aided in court by counsel nor have I instructed
solicitors. I am obliged to prepare months ahead
of the trial, using modern information
technology to process the immense
documentation. My Websites.
7. I maintain a Website on which I host a
newsletter and correspondence columns, and make
available to the historical community historical
documents which I have generated through my
thirty-five years of research. An example is the
interrogation (pages 1-5 of the bundle): a
Nazi general describes in 1945 in captivity mass
shootings of Jews he has witnessed, without
realising he is being taped. I was the first to
locate and publicise, repeatedly, this horrific
document. 8. My staff
and I are transferring key documents of all
parties in this action to a computer within my
residence, in the form of a hierarchically
constructed Website. This structure has the
advantage that "hyperlinks" can be constructed
between files (these show up underlined and in
red on the exhibits
[not posted] to this affidavit):
a key word in one document, when "clicked" on,
brings up instantly other documents referred to,
or a rebuttal, or some other relevant item. 9. The manual labour involved in coding the
documents is considerable. They have to be
converted to hypertext mark-up language (HTML),
the hyperlinks referred to have to be calculated
and inserted, and the necessary indices and
navigation aids have to be constructed. All of
this is being done offline and behind closed
doors. 10. I submit that this is no different from
an office worker typing a copy onto a
word-processor (or making a Xerox copy and
filing it in a confidential cabinet); this
latter procedure is no doubt adopted by the
solicitors for both Defendants, whether or not
the documents are subject to the O.24 implied
undertaking. At this stage in the argument,
nothing has proceeded beyond the casing of my
computer and the walls of my residence. | 11. I and my publishing imprint Focal
Point Publications (FPP)
created on or about January 19, 1998 a
public-domain Website. Its URL (address
location) is "www.fpp.co.uk".
We thus have a public presence on the word-wide
link-up of computers known as the Internet. In
fact I have three Internet service providers
(ISPs), one of which is located within the
jurisdiction, and two are not. FPP stores its
publicly accessible Website www.fpp.co.uk on a
commercial computer ("server") at an ISP located
at Milton Keynes; this is to all intents a
mirror-image of the public part of the Website,
which I construct on my domestic computer. This
public Website is updated regularly, usually
several times a day, since it contains an
newsletter".12. The purpose of this newsletter is
twofold (a) generally disseminating news,
both items created by myself and important
items culled from other sources including
national newspapers e.g. on censorship, on
General Pinochet, or on the bombing of Iraq;
and(b) informing my world-wide circle of
friends and sponsors of the progress of the
current legal actions through an on-line
edition of my printed newsletter Action
Report. 13. There is a second purpose underlying the
effort being spent on preparing the off-line
(i.e. non-public part of the) Website referred
to in para. 9: When the trial of this action
begins it is possible that it will attract wide
attention. To aid interested parties in
following the action I propose to make public
all documents as soon as, but not of course
before, it is legally permissible. The relevant
files will then be transferred electronically
from the off-line (private) to the on-line
(public) portion of the Website. The legal rules
governing this are as set out in my letter to
the Second Defendants' solicitors on January 20,
1999 which is in their bundle. 14. The Second
Defendant [Deborah
Lipstadt] is aggrieved by suspicions
that she has developed, rummaging around the
further reaches of my Website (which currently
consists of 1,968 files), that I may have on
occasion momentarily posted in a strictly
password-protected (i.e. non-public) part of
that electronic environment a transcript of a
privileged document from her discovery. 15. The password protected sites are totally
closed to the public. They are accessed e.g. via
a tiny key
(the Internet symbol for a password-protected
link) located at the bottom right hand corner of
the main index.
This brings up three levels of password
protection (e.g. pages 6-7
of the bundle). There is currently nothing
of any questionable nature posted whatever. 16. The protected-area device is used purely
as a particularly secure electronic mail
(e-mail) facility for a legal document too bulky
to send by regular e-mail: for example, as in
the case of the Mozzochi affidavit,
which was however, so is my submission, not
privileged, I shall need to ask advisers and
witnesses for their commentary on a particular
document. Showing it to them in a
password-protected frame, purely for the purpose
of preparing this action, is no different from
showing it to such expert advisers in my office.
The password protection is multi-level (one
password alone is not enough), and regularly
changed, to make that document available only to
the one addressee. There is no intention to make
such privileged documents available for public
consumption before it is legally permissible to
do so. | 17. Agencies
representing the international Jewish community
have financed a number of mega-Websites
specifically devoted to problems of history,
presenting their own case. Most prominent among
these are Websites run by Mr Ken
McVay and David Keren in Canada and Mr
McCarthy. The consequence of this saturation
of the Internet has been that for several years
any Internet browser who has browsed the world
wide web with one of the search-engines
available, typing-in a search for my name, has
generated hundreds of items produced by my
enemies calculated to defame and blacken my
reputation before they read any alternate
materials.18. The attack on my name is being conducted
with particular savagery on the Internet. Within
the last few days they have begun a frenzied
activity, posting on his Website over 120 items
attacking me. I produce at pages 8-11 of the
bundle a listing, downloaded from the Internet
this morning, of the first one hundred items
posted within the last few days, largely by
Messrs Ken McVay, Daniel Keren, and James
McCarthy. McVay's Website, Nizkor, has the
address (or "URL") www.nizkor.org. Until I
established my own Website one year ago this
month I was unable to respond to this
attack. 19. These include court documents obtained by
various means relating to legal actions in
Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada,
and elsewhere. In other words, the same people
who are trying today to secure an injunction
tying my hands as to what I can post on my own
Website, are gleefully saturating it with
hundreds, if not thousands of items, smearing
me. 20. As is evident from the Second Defendant's
discovery [... passage
withheld to comply with Order ...].
What they are doing is not illegal. But
there must be a level playing field. 21. The prospects of this, the level playing
field, are diminishing hourly. The same
people who have devoted twenty years of
effort to destroying my career have recently
devoted much ingenuity to attempts to
controlling the Internet and filtering out of it
materials which they oppose. They have
collaborated with Internet software developers
to manufacture filters with proprietary
trade-names like Surfwatch
and simultaneously they have in the USA obtained
state and federal assistance in requiring public
and educational establishments to install these
filters in their computers. Computers thus
tampered with are incapable of "tuning in" to
Websites these people disagree with. In some
cases (e.g. Cyber-Patrol), users find
themselves surreptitiously directed to the
Websites which these people maintain instead.
They wanted to get to www.birmingham.com, but
find themselves in www.crewe.com instead. 22. When the Anti-Defamation League in New
York, another organisation with which the Second
Defendant stands in close communication as is
evidenced by her discovery, applied pressure
in the spring of 1996 to my American publishers
Martins Press (SMP) to violate, as they
subsequently did, their contract with me and to
abandon plans to publish my book
THIRD REICH, they did so, according to
press statements
of SMP chairman Mr Tom McCormack, by drawing his
attention to the defamatory materials about me
on the Internet, claiming that they were true.
They did not reveal that they themselves had
planted that material on the Internet. They have
posted at their Internet Website www.adl.org
since June 6 last year a multi-page document
in press release form devoted to smearing my
name and reputation. In fact the book
THIRD REICH describes at length documents
like the Bruns interrogation referred to
above. 23. I submit that the Second Defendant's
attempt to gain an injunction against my
preparing to place documents related to this
case on the public part of my Website, as and
when it becomes legal to do so, is an attempt to
tilt the playing field against me and to gag me;
it is an extension of censorship, which is
abhorrent in a free society. | The Witness
Statements24. In preparing the groundwork for an
application in chambers for an order that I
verify my List, and produce further documents
relating to individuals, the Second Defendant
produced affidavits by a certain Oregonian,
Jonathan Mozzochi. The affidavits were
defamatory and scandalous, and their allegations
were untrue. By posting those affidavits on my
Website I was able to develop information as to
credibility, revealing that Mozzochi had in fact
figured in Oregon
police records as a skinhead gangleader, and
had a history of a bad character. These
affidavits were struck out by Master
Trench on my application. 25. I have prepared all the witness
statements for posting in a form necessary
to generate information as to the credibility of
the witnesses (page 22). A "splash screen" (page
23 of the bundle) first warns the reader that
the document is a legal document, etc. At the
foot of the page is an e-mail form (page 24)
specifically asking the reader to provide
information on the witness concerned, for the
purposes of these proceedings. It is
respectfully submitted that this is not an
improper use of the documents, as contemplated
under O 38 r 2A. 26. The Second Defendant has given notice
under the Civil
Evidence Act that, with the exception of
herself, all those witnesses whose statements of
fact are at issue today are over the seas and
cannot be called upon to testify. In the
premises I shall therefore have no chance to
test their credibility or their allegations,
many of which are of a scandalous nature, in
cross-examination, and it is proper that I
should be permitted to use the same methods of
inquiry to expose them as I used successfully to
expose the same Defendant's witness
Mozzochi. 27. The relief sought of this Honourable
Court is an attempt to hamstring my inquiry into
the credibility of those witnesses, by making it
impossible for me to conduct inquiries, as a
litigant in person without the funds that are at
the Second Defendants' disposal. Thus one
of the latest witnesses is known to have
attended a university in East Berlin that was a
training ground for the KGB and Stasi (East
German secret police) agents, which is of
significance given the nature of their
allegations, which are untrue, about my
political views. 28. It is respectfully submitted that the
proper course of action for the Defendants is to
wait until the implied undertaking is breached
and then seek the appropriate sanctions. It is
further respectfully submitted that I have not
breached the O.24 undertaking or made any
unpermitted use of the documents that is not
related to the proceedings. 29. Pending the ruling of this Honourable
Court, there are currently no O.38 witness
statements, save those served by myself, on the
public (on-line) portion of the Website, since I
temporarily removed them from that portion on
receipt of the letters
from the Defendants' solicitors yesterday; nor
are there any items privileged by virtue of the
O.24 implied undertaking on Discovery so posted.
Unless the Court grants the relief sought by the
Defendant, however, I shall post those items
again, in so far as is permissible within the
law. 30. At 11:40 a.m. this morning I received an
affidavit from the Plaintiff, which I have not
read before making this my affidavit. 31. In the premises I therefore ask that this Honourable Court dismiss the
Second Defendant's application for the relief
sought, and make no order as to the costs. SWORN AT LONDON, this
twenty-sixth day of January 1999
 Before me, A Solicitor,
[signature] This affidavit is filed on
behalf of the Plaintiff. |