v - Penguin
Books Ltd and Deborah
1993 American scholar Deborah
Lipstadt published
product of a research contract
funded by an Israeli
agency. British
writer David Irving
that it libels him. | |
| Since
Professor Lpstadt's lawyers broke their
undertaking to bring the original videos to the
High Court hearing, Mr Irving reported them to
the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors, on
that same day, Friday April 23, 1999 | 21 April 1999 Dear Sir PROFESSOR LIPSTADT We acknowledge receipt of your two letters of
today enclosing copies of your sworn affidavit and
Exhibit "DJCI 6" in support of your Summons
returnable on 23 April 1999. You have not responded to our last letter of 20
April 1999 setting out the grounds on which we
claim privilege in the videos numbered 223, 226 and
227. Accordingly, we enclose by way of service a
copy of the third
sworn affidavit of James Libson together
with a copy of Exhibit "JLL 3". Kindly acknowledge
receipt. Yours faithfully MISHCON DE REYA | Fax
from David Irving, London, April 21, 1999 11:46
p.m. To: Mr James Libson, Mishcon de Reya I confirm receipt of your third affidavit. I have no objection to returning the three rogue
videos immediately to your custody on your giving
undertakings (a) to provide me forthwith with Pal
copies of all three, (b) to bring the three
videos to Friday's hearing before Master
Trench. Otherwise it would seem sensible for me to hand
them to you on that same occasion. Yours sincerely, David Irving | 22 April 1999 Dear Sir PROFESSOR LIPSTADT We refer to your fax of today. We agree to (a) and (b). We have explained the
nature of the privilege we are claiming over the
videos, which has not yet been waived. Please now
explain on what grounds you propose to pursue your
application tomorrow. Yours faithfully MISHCON DE REYA | Friday, April 23,
1999 Dear Sirs D J C Irving vs Penguin Books and D
Lipstadt, In the High Court, Queens Bench,
1996-I-No.1113.This is a complaint against the firm of
solicitors Mishcon de Reya of 21 Southampton Row,
London WC1, in general and their Mr James
Libson in particular. This firm of solicitors had inadvertently sent
three videos to me, which they had not properly
discovered to me in the above matter. Prior to a
hearing of my application for a suitable Order
before Master Trench today, they demanded
the videos' return. I wrote to them yesterday
stating my willingness to return to them the
original videos on their undertaking to produce
them in Court today. This undertaking they
breached, and did not bring the videos to Court.
This is a serious breach which was not without
consequence for the conduct of this case and I ask
that you apply the proper sanctions against this
firm and inform me of what steps you have
taken. Yours sincerely, David Irving FOCAL POINT PUBLICATIONS e-mail: [email protected] ENCLOSURE Office for Supervision of Solicitors, Victoria Court, 8 Dormer Place, Leamington Spa, CV 32 5AE | Index
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