v - Penguin
Books Ltd and Deborah
1993 American scholar Deborah
Lipstadt published
product of a research contract
funded by an Israeli
agency. British
writer David Irving
that it libels him. | |
| Lord
Justice Sedley refuses Mr Irving permission to
appeal [profile of
Lord Justice Sedley] | IRVING v PENGUIN BOOKS REASONS - I much regret the length of time that it has
taken me to come to this decision, not least in
view of the pressure that I put on the parties
to submit their representations expeditiously.
Reaching a conclusion on the application has
been the work of days, not of hours.
- I am prepared to enlarge time on the basis
of Mr. Adams' affidavit of 16 May 2000 and to
permit amendment of the notice of appeal as
- What follow are my essential reasons for
refusing permission to appeal. They do not cover
every element advanced and contested although I
have read and re-read both the submissions
and the judgment.
They address what I consider to be the key
- I bear in mind, as Gray J very clearly did,
that when a professional historian claims,
correctly, that he has been defamed as a
falsifier and a bigot, a defence
of justification places a heavy burden on the
defendant who advances it. There is much about
which two people can legitimately differ, and
differ angrily, without either of them meriting
such a description. But by bringing this action
on the pleaded meanings the applicant offered a
challenge, and in Gray J's judgment the
defendants met it.
- I accept that this court is probably as well
placed as Gray J to evaluate the documents and
the expert evidence, What it cannot do, and is
not asked to do, is to ignore or modify the
judge's appraisal of the applicant himself. This
is not, as the grounds suggest, peripheral. As
Gray J in Chapter XIII shows with clarity, the
applicant's disposition is the cement between
the bricks. What might in another historian have
been casual misreadings of evidence emerge in
the applicant's case as sedulous
misinterpretations all going in the direction of
his racial and ideological leanings. Hence the
verdict for the defendants.
- "Holocaust denial" may be a comprehensible
phrase, but it has a particular register about
which the judge was entitled to hear expert
evidence. With or without such evidence the
meaning he assigned to the phrase at J 8.3-4 was
plainly right. Holocaust denial means not
necessarily a blank refusal to acknowledge a
Nazi policy of mass murder of Jews and other
minorities but a systematic endeavour, by
marginalising and excusing what happened, to
accuse those who insist upon it of being Zionist
propagandists. This is not the law's concern so
long as it stops short of incitement to racial
hatred: in the UK there is no law against
Holocaust denial, and it is a fundamental
liberty not only to be contentious but to be
wrong. I bear in mind too that anti-Zionism and
anti-semitism are not necessarily the same
- Here, however, the applicant has invoked the
law by suing his antagonists. In justifying
their libel, the defendants have focused upon
two particular forms of Holocaust denial in his
work: what I will call the aberration theory,
predicated on Hitler's ignorance of and/or
opposition to mass extermination of Jews, and
the exaggeration theory, predicated on
deliberate inflation of the numbers killed at
Auschwitz. The first, they say, seeks to excuse
what happened; the second to marginalise
- The Schlegelberger
memorandum is the applicant's preferred
evidence for the aberration theory. The
memorandum by itself (see J 5.151-169) might
have stood simply as an example of a
controversial document about which honest
historians could differ -- indeed the judge said
so (J 13.36). But the applicant's adherence to
it as a "diamond document" came in the context
of a damning and justifiable finding (J
13.26-31) that he had repeatedly misrepresented
documentary evidence in order to absolve Hitler
of anti-semitism; and it is against the backdrop
of this ubiquitous handling of Third Reich
material that the applicant's use of the
document emerges as part of a predetermined
misreading of evidence which could not, as the
judge found, be objectively justified.
- The Auschwitz
materials are central to the exaggeration
theory. Here too the historical record is
inevitably incomplete and in places unreliable;
but here too the applicant has been betrayed by
his own method, notably his reliance on the
discredited Leuchter report. The judgment (J
8.17) sets out the solidity of the applicant's
denial of mass homicide at Auschwitz, and sets
in that context his recent focus on the
in the roof" issue (J 13.81-3). I accept
readily that the latter argument may be none the
worse for coming late in the day; but the
evidence that there were no holes for the
admission of cyanide pellets is at best
inconclusive against the potent evidence that
people were gassed there in tens of thousands.
The controversy about methods and numbers may
legitimately remain; but what the applicant has
done is demonstrate once again his willingness
to sacrifice objectivity in favour of anything
which will support his chosen form of Holocaust
- Van
Pelt's evidence enters into this aspect of
the judgment. Van Pelt was heard as a cultural
historian with a special knowledge of Auschwitz
and its architecture (J 4.17(ii). G 30). What he
said (J 7.123-4) about the use of Zyklon-B was
in part arithmetic and in part comment: probably
it was not necessary to have an expert of any
kind to put this forward, but its acceptance by
Gray J was a matter of logic and did not depend
on any expertise professed by Van Pelt.
- In these circumstances the applicability of
s.5 of the Defamation Act I 952 was in essence a
jury question: were the false allegations that
the applicant had agreed to share a platform
with terrorists, had a self-portrait of Hitler
above his desk and had misappropriated archive
material sufficient to damage the reputation
which was now his? The negative answer given by
Gray J was entirely open to him, and that, I
apprehend, is enough. If, however, this court
were to take the decision for itself, I see no
realistic prospect of its arriving at a
different answer. The claimant had played for
high stakes on the central issue of his
entitlement to be regarded as a genuine
historian and had lost on grounds so damaging
that they left no real room for discrete damage
by the unfounded allegations.
- The experts'
fees may be thought high -- depending on how
much work they did -- but the suggestion that
they were paid to testify as they did is without
visible foundation,
- If a newspaper comments impermissibly on a
current trial the Attorney General has power to
bring contempt proceedings against it. But where
the trial is by judge alone it takes cogent
evidence to establish a sufficient risk that he
has been influenced -- especially when the
suggestion is that he has been driven by a fear
of adverse press comment. I know of nothing in
the present case which comes near this
- The stay on enforcement of the costs order
will remain in place until the expiry of the
time for renewal of this application. If within
that time it is renewed, any application for
further prolongation of the stay is to be made
on notice.
Sedley L J 18 xii 2000 [received by Penguin's lawyers Dec 18, by Mr
Irving's lawyers Dec 22, and by him Dec 23,
2000] | © Focal Point 2000
to David Irving |