June 26, 2001 (London) Day
4 of the Lipstadt appeal JUDGES enter at 10:30 a.m., and by
12:45 p.m. it is all over, as they retire
to reach a judgment over the next few days
or weeks -- at any rate before the end of
term in late July, says my counsel
Adrian Davies. Richard
Rampton, Lipstadt's QC, dealt with
the holes
controversy, and the Schlegelberger
document, but did not make many
telling points in our view. Rampton makes heavy going of the
"holes" controversy. He says that Prof.
Van Pelt has been to Auschwitz many
times, and that Crematorium II and Morgue
1 are in such a state of ruin that nothing
can be found. The presence of the holes,
he says, is attested to by the "eye
witnesses" Tauber, Höss, Aumeier,
Kula, and Broad. There are also
drawings by Olère of the
wire mesh columns going up to the holes in
the roof and drawings by one Fakin.
So "there are a lot of documents and eye
witness evidence," even though the holes
cannot now be seen. He then very wrongly
adds that had we put in the Germar
Rudolf affidavit in evidence, they
would have submitted an immense Van Pelt
report in rebuttal, to which is appended
the evidence of two experts who have
"found the holes." I hiss to Adrian Davies that he must
object to this illegal procedure, but
Adrian does not move; afterwards he says
the Court will pay no heed to any
documents not formally put in evidence to
them. May be. Pelt's two experts turn out
of course to be the notorious Dr
Keren and Dr Green (both with
computer mathematics degrees, hardly the
kind of experts this case needs). Coming to the Schlegelberger Document,
Rampton wheezes that this cannot be read
in isolation. He fills in rather
desperately the entire historical
background to the document, beginning
virtually with Adam & Eve and
proceeding via the Goebbels diary
entry to his breakfast this morning. He
even brings in the "Reinhard camps,"
stating "they were as Mr Irving conceded
at the trial mass extermination camps,
using carbon monoxide instead of cyanide
pellets." It is not debatable, he says,
that Hitler did not know and authorize
what Himmler
was doing at that time. He even argues all
over again that the document is dated July
17, 1941 (a misreading by Prof.
Evans of the St.S. in front of
Staatssekretär Freisler's name
as "17.7.!" Of the document, Rampton says
there is no direct evidence that
Schlegelberger wrote it, it is undated,
has no heading or signature, and is devoid
of any internal evidence. It is truly remarkable, the double
standards that they apply to a key
document like this, compared with the
Holocaust evidence they rely so heavily
on! Rampton then quotes rather desperately
from two speeches I made in August 1988
(Toronto) and 1983 (Los Angeles) in which
I referred to the document. "No reputable
historian," he thunders, "would
characterise it that way." Mr Irving was,
he said, clutching at every straw to
exonerate Hitler. Finally, Rampton argues
that the document is not referring to Jews
as a whole but only to the Mischlinge (the
half- and quarter-Jews, whom it does not
explicitly mention). After all this, the presiding Judge,
Lord Justice Pill -- who bears a
startling resemblance to Lord
Denning, though greater wisdom --
interrupts Rampton to point to a key
passage in Mr Justice Gray's judgment. He
purrs: "You have attempted (!) a
comprehensive demolition, but Gray says 'I
do not regard Irving's arguments as being
without merit.'"  But then, it is pointed out, Gray
(right) went
on to say that Mr. Irving considers in
War that this document was
"incontrovertible evidence." (When Adrian
Davies speaks, later in the morning, he
knocks that for six: he points out that
his client Mr Irving has conducted a
digital word search of the entire trial
transcripts, and that phrase is not used
once by Mr. Irving or anybody else about
the Schlegelberger document. Wow!) Rampton reads out a passage in which I
have called it "highly significant." Pill admonishes him, "In ordinary
English, 'highly significant' is not the
same as 'incontrovertible evidence.'" With
Rampton growing more frantic, while I
light whole festivals of candles in my
heart, Rampton scours the documents and
comes up with my calling the document in
other statements, speeches etc., "a most
compelling document," and "proof of
Hitler's innocence." He summarizes: I have
imbued it with a significance which it
does not have, and I have ignored the
historical context. "I'll be quite frank," he huffs. "We
never regarded the Schlegelberger document
issues as being significant by comparison
with Mr Irving's other falsifications. The
Schlegelberger issues was not the most
telling." Thus, with his tail between his
legs, he abandons that particular
battlefield and we have clearly won. But
he still whinges, "to pick one brick out
of a wall, relatively insignificant, makes
no impression on the wall as a whole.
Because he is profoundly antisemitic, Mr
Irving is at pains to exonerate Hitler
from what the Nazis did to the Jews.
Indeed, from 1988 onwards Mr Irving denies
that anything much did happen to the
Jews." This is of course monstrous, but the
judges will see through that distortion of
the evidence by Rampton. They have my
books in front of them. They make rather better progress with
the March 27, 1942 Goebbels entry, which I
have quoted much more fully in
don't have to say it is incontrovertible
evidence that Adolf Hitler knew," says
Rampton, using that same phrase. "My case
is that Mr Irving did not do what a
reputable historian should have done, that
is to allow readers to make up their own
mind. It is a historiographical
falsification of the first water, to
suppress the middle passage" -- i.e. as I
have in Hitler's War. Lord Justice Buxton interrupts
after a while to make good points on the
law, and to ask why Gray was looking at
the circumstantial evidence on the entry,
and to pose the question: "Could any
honest historian have written that?" From
Buxton's demeanour, it is apparent that he
and Evans are of the same camp. He will be
the, uh, odd one out in the woodpile when
they come to consider their verdict, as
Pill and Mantell are evidently not
ill-disposed towards me and my
writings. Rampton obliges: "Mr Irving specializes
in the history of World War II. If any
historian closes his eyes to that evidence
in support of his attempt to mislead the
reader ... he compounds his offence as an
historian. It would have been legitimate
for Irving to say, 'none of these events
happened,' so 'I was under no obligation
to heed them.' But he did not. He did not
look at the historical context."
AT 11:25 a.m. Adrian Davies follows him,
and makes effective points again on the
"holes", pointing out that while Rampton
has spoke with "great drama about the
convergence of evidence on the gas
chambers at Auschwitz," "if all the
evidence is weak then the convergence
thereof does not matter." On Day
10 at page 37, Mr Justice Gray last
year asked Van Pelt was other evidence
there is than the holes.
The photographic evidence, it turns
out, is hard to interpret. "If there was a
subject which called for a properly
qualified expert," declares Davies, it is
the interpretation of aerial photos. But
Van Pelt is a jack of all trades, allows
himself to expound to the court on
cremation technology, toxicology, the
appearance of victims after an epidemics,
and much else. From Day 10 at page 14,
says Davies, it is evident that Pelt
cannot even date the photos he is relying
on with any accuracy or certainty. The
date he applies is pure speculation on his
part, and to his own satisfaction. The
shadows of the "chimneys" cannot be
shadows, as they are being cast in
different directions. At 13.73 of his judgment, Gray properly
summarizes the weakness of all this
evidence. The drawings, he says, "yield
little clear evidence." They can be
explained by fumigation chambers. "Mr
Justice Gray reviews all the evidence,"
observes Davies, "and comes to the
conclusion that none of it comes to very
much. Your Lordships cannot but find that
Irving was entertaining honest doubts on
the evidence." "Taken together, it shows
extraordinarily little evidence." As for
the eye witnesses, we have Höss
believing that 2.5 million were murdered,
Tauber even says 4 million, but the real
figure is one million or less dying at
Auschwitz. Pill asks if I accept those figures,
and there are moments of uncertainty while
we check the transcripts. At 12:08 Davies moves on to the
Schlegelberger document; Gray has said my
arguments on this were "not without
merit," while the defendants too "are well
founded." Buxton growls across the
courtroom, that it was the defendants'
case that Mr Irving treated Schlegelberger
beyond the acceptable, and that that was
what he called an "dishonest historical
mistake." Lord Justice Pill says that Mr.
Irving has clearly given "enormous weight
to the document," but he finds that this
"is not perverse." Quite. In Hitler's War
I call it merely "highly significant." A
few minutes later Pill LJ remarks that in
his view Mr Justice Gray has criticized Mr
Irving for it "in terms which are not
supported by the evidence." Adrian Davies then moves on to the
Goebbels diary, remarking "we argued for
two hours last Friday" about this. Lord
Justice Mantell bestirs himself, and
roars at him: "Was it only two hours, Mr.
Davies?" to general laughter. Pill LJ
remarks, after further argument, rather
delphically, the fact that there is
disagreement among the judges does not
mean that they are at cross purposes.  | Goebbels
diaries microfiches, researched
by Mr Irving in their original
boxes in the Moscow archives
(above); a typical microfiche
(below) |  |
WE are at the end of our appeal. Adrian
Davies deals briefly and effectively with
the "Section 5" items (items in Lipstadt's
book which Mr Justice Gray agreed were
libellous and not justified, but not
libellous enough to overturn his other
adverse findings). He urges that Lipstadt
should be made to pay heavy damages for
the allegation that I agreed to share a
platform with Hamas, Hizbollah terrorist
leaders, that I stole the glass plates of
the Goebbels diaries from the Moscow
archives, and especially the allegation
that I applauded "internment" by Hitler
and the Nazis (in quotation marks; the
innuendo being " liquidation") of the
Jews, as well merited by them. Nothing I
have written justifies such a slur.
Buxton now asks very properly, "Was it
pleaded in that way?" -- i.e. by me. I
murmur to attorney Peter Fraser, "
He has spotted that." But Adrian Davies
argues that (and Gatley agrees)
there is no need in law to plead a true
innuendo, only a false innuendo. Rampton,
an acknowledged expert on defamation law,
is on his feet at once disagreeing, but we
must leave it there. Buxton grumbles that
this is the first that the court has heard
of this allegation, namely the innuendo
pleaded; Pill gently reminds him that
Adrian Davies included it in his skeleton
argument last year, many months ago. "Mr
Irving drew the pleadings himself," Davies
adds. "It is utterly apparent to anyone
who reads these words what the innuendo
At 12:35 p.m. it is over. The judges go
into a huddle on the bench, and then
announce that they will hand down their
judgment in due course. Afterwards we all walk through the
sweltering streets to what Adrian Davies
says is "a nearby Italian restaurant,"
which turns out to be up north of Holborn!
. . . A useful working lunch as we plan
the further steps to take against . . .
and . . .. In the latter case . . .
suggests a private prosecution for
perjury. He is even more of a rottweiler
than I am, when injustice is being done.

Related items on this website
action index
for the appeal