June 22, 2001 (London) Day
3 of the Lipstadt appeal
In Court at 10:15 a.m. What a surprise,
Prof. Richard Evans is back in the
Courtroom all day; Prof. Lipstadt
hisses at him as she walks, "You don't
know what you missed yesterday!" I would
be surprised if he is really unaware. I
give Adrian Davies the stuff I have
prepared during the night. He looks
flattened by exhaustion. He deals with
remaining points during the day, his voice
gradually wearing out (packets of lozenges
are brought in to fortify him). Lord Justice Buxton is much
sharper and more caustic than yesterday,
while Pill LJ [the presiding
judge] and Mantell LJ remain
genial. Buxton says that my omission of
the SS lieutenant Altemeyer's 1941
remarks (reported as hearsay by Bruns
in 1945) are "on the face of it a most
serious omission" and Gray had used it to
attack my methodology. Adrian makes good
points, but fails to impress upon the
Court that the Bruns document is a 1945
hearsay item, whereas the
1941 decodes, just about the hardest
evidence one can imagines, what Adrian
calls the "factual matrix," invalidate
what Altemeyer appears to be saying. Mantell LJ puts to him, "If a man omits
the last three words of 'I have stopped
beating my wife with a cane,' that is not
minor." Adrian retorts, after a moment's
thought, "If witnesses show that the man
has indeed stopped beating his wife, then
the last words that are left out do not
matter."  | Goebbels
diaries microfiches, researched
by Mr Irving in their original
boxes in the Moscow archives
(above); a typical microfiche
(below) |  | Coming to the Goebbels diary entry
of March 27, 1942 -- I treated it at
greater length in Goebbels
than in Hitler's
War of course -- Adrian reminds
the Court that the diaries are a huge
corpus of documents. The Court must recall
that Goebbels is a pathological liar, and
that the Schlegelberger
document, coming a few days later,
completely devalues the suggestion that,
in that entry, Hitler was aware of or
ordering a homicidal final solution as the
defence suggests. To accept that view, the
Court must first accept a whole series of
propositions, the failure of any one of
which invalidates the defendants'
view.Buxton snaps that I have not quoted
"anywhere," the line that Hitler has
remarked that "it is a struggle for life
and death with the Jewish bacillus." I
ruffle through the pages of Goebbels and
find that very quote on page 388. Buxton
appears unmollified by this proof that he
is wrong. "The complaint is about Hitler's
War, not Goebbels," he sniffs. Lunch -- a bacon sandwich over the
road; I offer a friendly bite of it to
Don Guttenplan, then apologise, "Of
course, you're not allowed to!" He looks
injured. On the way back into Court at
1:45 p.m. I hear a voice loudly talking in
Hebrew into a cellphone -- it turns out to
be Lipstadt, waiting in the corridor. The traditional enemies of free speech:
everywhere, but nowhere -- paying,
listening, bribing, monitoring, dictating
from the wings. In the Court every day is Sir Martin
Gilbert; I compliment him on the
technical presentation of his latest
Holocaust study, which has very fine photo
reproductions. I was shown a copy at the
Chicago book fair earlier this month by
the executives of Hulton/Getty when they
came to my Stand; they had supplied the
photographs. He has not seen it yet. Pill,
the presiding judge, seems more genial
than ever. Once he concedes, "I am little
surprised at the judge's conclusion",
referring to Gray
in the lower Court. Mantell offers, "You
are attempting to jump a four foot hurdle
when it is only two feet high." Davies
says, "Your Lordships would have to find
that Mr. Irving's reading was 'utterly
unreasonable.' Buxton interjects that Gray
finds me guilty of selective quotation,
and later he points that that Gray has
used the word "pretext" that I had offered
in saying something, which is a very harsh
Adrian makes good use of facts I had
volunteered against my own case to
Longerich -- the remark made to me by
brother Gebhard, years ago -- and
my letter to The Times on Dresden
casualties in July 1966. I am doubtful as
to the weight they may carry, but Adrian
says they have left a good impression. If
he is right, I am rather perturbed that
the Court can be swayed by such trivia.
That appears to be the fault of the
justice system all along. Finally Adrian addresses two points of
law: first the huge
fees paid to the 'neutral" defence
witnesses, so great "that they risk an
appearance that they will be biassed in
favour of the paying party." It would
"predispose the recipients not to fall out
with those paying them" The second point
is that it is the task of the Court (Gray)
and not the experts to come to conclusions
as to the meanings of words. What is meant
by "Holocaust denial," is not properly a
matter for Evans, but for Gray J. At 3:13 p.m. the Judges withdraw, and
go into a room to deliberate. Adrian
thinks at first they are just deciding to
pack up early for the afternoon. But as
the minutes pass and the absence
lengthens, I have qualms: what if they
just come back in and say that they have
decided to refuse our application there
and then -- then it is all over, with no
possibility of appeal? Adrian says, "I
think that's what they're going to do." He
is half right. As the judges come back in at 3:25 p.m.
Pill LJ asks Richard Rampton QC,
for the defendants, to address the Court
on the law. Then he says that they have
six questions for him to address in
particular: - should post-publication events be
taken into account by the Court?
- what should the Court's approach be
to the verdict of the Judge in a
defamation action where there is no
- the concept of "Holocaust
- Auschwitz, especially the judgment
paragraphs 13.77, 13.83
- the Schlegelberger
- the Goebbels diary entry for March
27, 1942
I ask Peter Laskey [my
attorney] if that means they have
accepted all the rest of our points and he
says, "The opposite." Rampton deals with the first four
swiftly and scathingly, triumphant. The
defence is entitled, he argues, to deal on
general facts that are subsequent to the
publication of a work complained of.
Second, a judge acts as a jury in relation
to Section 5 matters, as reputation is a
jury matter, but a judge gives reasons for
a decision where a jury does not. In this
case Gray looked at what he found proved
on motive, ideology, etc., and said to
himself, rightly, that the damage done by
unproved allegations is of no
consequence. As for "Holocaust denier," he says that
of itself it is not defamatory, it is
Lipstadt's use of the word "dangerous"
that makes it so. He asks their Lordships
to read Section 8 of the Judgment right
through, stating when he now deals with
the Auschwitz question that Mr Davies has
plucked many paragraphs out of context.
"The test would be what an ordinary
dispassionate mind would make of the
evidence seen as a whole." He is still dealing with the "holes" on
the Auschwitz roof as he finishes,
producing the photos of the "smudges" and
all the other stuff long since disproved
by careful and unbiassed research, but
stressing how well they match the drawings
produced by the French artist David
Olère. The references to "30x40cm"
shutters on the architectural drawings
confirm, he says, that the crematoria were
homicidal (and Rampton spouts much more
mind-numbing nonsense besides). The Judges adjourn fifteen minutes
early at 4:15 p.m., thank goodness; it
meets again on Tuesday. Adrian gathers up his things and turns
round to say to me, "So on Tuesday we can
at least go down with guns firing like the
Bismarck." "Go down?" He says firmly and
knowledgeably, "We're going down." He did
not use the Daluege stuff I had worked so
hard on, and much else we had prepared; we
could not put into the Court any of the
Crematorium II pictures, or any other new
stuff. Rules of Court do not make it
possible. However we are going to put up a big
fight on Tuesday still -- and then
jump-start the action
against The Guardian and Gitta Sereny,
whatever the outcome of this
one. [
on Day 4]
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action index
for the appeal