2001 appeal notes: [Day
July 19, 2001 (London -- Seaford) HEAVY Traffic as our
Budget rental truck heads south all
afternoon; at Reigate the owner of
[...] bookshop is out for the day;
same at East Grinstead bookshop, but two
students are at a nearby table in their
tea-shop, and one comes over having
pricked up her ears to hear I am in the
store. "Are you connected with the Deborah
Lipstadt case? We have just had three
hours of lectures on that at university."
The Holocaust Industry! It never lets up.
I give her a book, Churchill's
War, vol. ii; she says she
does not think her sister ought to see it,
she is a student under Dr David
head of the history department at
Southampton University. "We
call him Dr Ratface Cesarani," I
volunteer, and we spend a good hour
talking about history and differing
viewpoints, before we drive on. [...] Watch TV in the evening
with J.: the Jeffrey Archer case;
not very edifying, the way the cowardly
British press kicks him, and fiercely,
when he is down. The journaille has
never changed. Friday,
July 20, 2001 (Seaford -- Reigate --
London) WE leave Seaford at 9:30 a.m. and drive
over to [one of
Britain's biggest book
distributors] who take several
hundred copies of
War, vol. ii. I sign one for
their unloader too. Good start to the day.
Then we retrace our route back to Reigate
and London. There is nothing about the outcome of
the Lipstadt appeal on the Classic FM news
bulletins that we are listening to. The
court has convened in London at 10:30 a.m.
to announce its ruling. Around midday I
phone B., and she knows only that I have
evidently lost the appeal, as she has been
having blank telephone calls, cackling
laughter, and hate-calls that tell her as
much; she knows no more detail. I try
phoning [my
counsel] once or twice, but get
no reply. Still nothing on Classic FM
Lost, after a five-year battle: but not
lost the war. Sombre drive for an hour,
but a later call to B. brings word that
[another of
Britain's biggest book
distributors] have just
telephoned headquarters, they are also
taking 200 Churchill's War, vol. ii, and
have praised the book in the highest
terms, which perks me up. Coffee at East Grinstead; the bookshop
owner is there today, and he has a long
chat with us about book trade
developments. At Reigate, the little
[...] bookshop takes six. We drive
on back through London's dreadful southern
suburbs. In Fulham, [...] Books
takes five, and I donate a sixth; I get an
£80 parking ticket in those three
minutes, as J. looks on passively at the
traffic warden and makes no move to shift
our truck (later he admits he could not
get it into reverse). Aaargh. Back at Duke Street in the evening
there is no word of the detail of the
judgment, and I cannot raise either
lawyers or counsel to learn more. BBC Radio Four's "Today" programme has
phoned in my absence: will I do a
programme tomorrow morning, over at the
White City? By which they mean seven a.m.
When I say yes, they later change it to
5:30 a.m. -- a pre-recording, to enable
them to protect themselves legally. A car
will come for me.
The lost battle has given an uplift to
all the louts. E-mail hatred pours in to
the mailboxes, much of it obscene, Messrs.
Redish, Joel
Rosenberg, and all the other Jewish
gentleman; I zap their messages as usual,
unread. Typical is a message from one
Ash up in the Shetland Isles: Subject: Victory For
Academic Freedom I am very pleased to hear that your
appeal hearing was unsuccessful. This
represents a major victory of academic
freedom over a traditional enemy of the
truth. No reputable historian should
resort to the courts to silence their
critics. Tim Ash, Kildrummy
Technologies Ltd http://www.kildrummy.com. That goes on to our website with this
answer: I agree. Lipstadt however
chose to stay silent, I did not oblige
her to. She took the Fifth, as they say
in the USA -- the traditional out-route
of the crook (vide Jeffrey
Archer). As for silencing their
critics: was it not Lipstadt who
St. Martins Press not to publish my
book Goebbels.
Mastermind of the Third Reich,
on which I had laboured for eight
years; and was it not Prof. Peter
Pulzer, professor of politics at
Oxford, who pressured
Macmillan UK Ltd into violating all
their remaining contracts with me (in
return for the promise of more academic
authors from Oxford); which gentle
pressure so petrified my editor in
chief at Macmillan, Roland
Philips (husband of managing
director Felicity Rubinstein),
that he on that same day, July 6, 1992,
directed that all my remaining books be
secretly destroyed, without -- as he
ordered -- anything of this leaking out
to the press or public, let alone to
me. Who is silencing whom, I ask? At 8:17 p.m. the phone rings, and there
is just crazed, psychotic, cackling
laughter. The caller has withheld his
number, but the telephone company now has
certain instructions from me which will
ensure that this harassment soon
stops. 9:35-46
p.m. the BBC phones, they will now pick me
up at five a.m. for the programme. We go
over points, and I volunteer that I need
not mention Prof. Evans
(right) by
name as the perjurer.
This email to
printers]: "Thank you for the
update; the books are selling well. I was
impressed by the shipping arrangements
that your packaging department makes, when
I inspected the pallets at
warehouse]. Well done. " More phone messages. [...]
Cahal Milmo from The Independent,
wants my comments on the ruling; I give
him some. The vultures all ask how I
intend to pay. I say. "That's my business,
I do not discuss my finances with the
media." I will never reveal any names,
whatever the penalty. The Sunday Times (Jack Grimston)
telephones and we speak at length about a
story he is following up that Field
Marshal Rommel had
an illegitimate son, whose own son is
living in Germany, named Pan; I confirm
that this is true, I was contacted by a
Linda Siegrist, Rommel's
granddaughter, living in New Jersey, with
the same facts in January, but I decided
not to make use of them. Ironic, the way
that the press beats me up with one hand,
and holds out the other asking for expert
assistance when they need it. Saturday,
July 21, 2001 (London) PAPERWORK until one a.m., then I sleep
until four, awaiting the call from the BBC
driver. No call comes, until around 6:15
p.m. when they phone with apologies; the
driver has let them down. Aaargh. They ask
if they can do the interview by phone, and
I do so with John Humphrys as
interviewer around seven a.m. It goes
well; my mind is a blank afterwards about
what I have said, but M. who phones me
around 9 a.m. about what he has heard on
the radio says the BBC have cut out all
reference to Churchill's War and to the
witness whom we intend to see prosecuted
for perjury, and other more minor matters.
No doubt space considerations
prevailed. Today's papers run modest items about
the appeal outcome, and I at last learn
the outline of what was ruled in the Court
of Appeal yesterday. The
Times has found that I printed
Churchill's War, vol. ii in Singapore, to
avoid pressure on the printers coming from
my "freedom-loving" opponents. The
Guardian ("Deathwish News") excels
itself, reporting as follows, quoting
(it said) my counsel Adrian Davies
as to why I was not in Court: "Mr Irving was 'somewhere in a
van on the south coast'
trying to
sell his latest book, Churchill's War,
to book-shops, said his lawyers."After Mr Justice Gray's
devastating judgment that he was an
apologist for Hitler, Mr Irving
has been unable
to find a mainstream distributor for
the book, which he has published
under his own imprint, Focal Point
Press, with finance from American
investors." Of course, this merely repeats the
Gitta Sereny
(above right)
libel, for which Guardian Newspapers Ltd
will shortly be facing the music. Most
wisely in my view, I have never attempted
or intended to offer
War, vol. ii to
any publisher other than Focal Point: we
generate a far better product than the
others (compare Macmillan's
with Focal Point's Goebbels
and Nuremberg,
the Last Battle). Moreover,
at the very moment that the appeal court
was sitting, my assistant and I were
unloading hundreds of copies of the
Churchill book that have been ordered by
one of the U.K.'s biggest mainstream book
distributors. This Guardian kind of reporting is
reminiscent of Der Spiegel, which claimed
that Norman
Finkelstein's book, The Holocaust
Industry, was a dismal flop in the German
bookstores; only to have to admit in a
later issue that it was top of the
best-seller list, and remained there for
fifteen weeks or more. It all reminds me too of the late
lamented (but very gifted) Jewish
Chronicle writer Chaim Bermant
(left) who
wrote in August 1992 in The Observer,
after interviewing me, that he had found
my apartment filled with "packages of
hundreds, if not thousands, of unsold
copies of Hitler's
War." The innuendo of course was not
unsold, but unsaleable:
But we can visit any branch of
Waterstones or Barnes & Noble and find
ourselves surrounded by thousands of
copies of "unsold" books. That is what the
bookselling business is about: selling
unsold books. The Hitler biography concerned has been
sold out, out of print, for over five
years -- we printed far too few. It comes
back into print in four weeks' time, also
-- as The Times will no doubt find out --
in the Far East.
SOMEBODY sends me a page from a University
of Cambridge magazine. It seems that The
Skunk (Prof.
Richard Evans, as he is known to
The Jewish Chronicle, courtroom lawyers,
the Holocaust Loot commission, and other
employers) is lecturing at Cambridge on
the weekend of September 21--23 on the
topic "Should
historical issues be settled in court?" I
do hope that lots of my friends attend and
inquire about the
moneys he received (indeed, a small
fortune) for expressing his neutral and
objective views on such issues. They can
phone the university office concerned at
01223 339 268, or email them at [email protected];
or peek at the website.
I note that the version
of today's story posted on the Daily
Telegraph website has, as usual, all the
enemy weblinks but no link to my own
website, which alone has the complete
trial and appeal records. An email comes to us today from a Dr
Jörg Goebbels in Austria: "I have
read David Irving's Goebbels: Mastermind
of the Third Reich and found it great!
Exceptional! It's great that he's
researched so much on my great uncle!
.[...]" Long call from Mr Sadeh who's
writing an article for the Israeli
Ha'aretz: he phoned yesterday too. Drive over to Foyles with a vanload of
books. On
the way back, two strangers, a pedestrian
and his wife crossing Shaftesbury Avenue,
spot me through the van window, smile
broadly, and shout, "Good luck with the
appeal!" Ah, the English. Nice friendly
folks -- so different from the newspapers;
but a bit behind events, I fear. An e-mail comes from R.: "I am very
angry with the result of your appeal to
the higher court. I cannot begin to
describe the torrent of disgust and
outrage I feel over the injustice done to
your reputation and profession. You are the finest historian I have
ever read! My studies of history begin
with the first time I picked up your book
The Trail of the
Fox. I'm putting a check in the mail for
your legal battle this week! These may be
trying times, but, you will prevail! We
are with you!" I reply: "Thank
you so much for your kind support; we are
fighting on still, but on slightly
different fronts -- and we shall try to
get a criminal conviction of one of the
witnesses for perjury." 8:10--36 pm a long call from
[...] How very interesting the
whole thing is. Good thing I have strong
Related items on this website:
action index
for the appeal
letters reveal secret second