1996.--.I--N. In
LIMITED -- and -- GITTA SERENY Defendants Statement of Claim
The Parties to the
Action 1. The Plaintiff is a well known writer and at
all times material to this action an historian and
publisher wholly or largely dependent since 1961 on
his income from writing publishing and marketing
books and from lecturing at home and overseas on
topics of modern history. He is the author of a
biography Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third
Reich. 2. The First Defendants carry on business as a
well known company publishing the weekly newspaper
The Observer. The Observer is one of
Britain's most prestigious newspapers with a very
substantial circulation throughout the
jurisdiction. 3. The Second Defendant is a journalist. She is
the author of an article entitled "Spin Time for
Hitler" which the First Defendants published or
caused to be published in the newspaper The
Observer on April 21, 1996 to the public
generally to the whole of which article the
Plaintiff will refer at the trial of this
action. The Words Complained
of 4. In the said article the Second Defendant
falsely and recklessly wrote and published to the
First Defendants and caused them to publish as they
did falsely and recklessly the following words
defamatory of and concerning the Plaintiff and of
him in the way of his said calling: |
Douglas--Stahl has Müller recite here all the
stories Peter Stahl told me over the years --
Casement, Churchill, Roosevelt, the bombing of
(with David Irving's 10-times inflated figure of
250,000 dead) [...] and then, folded into
it all, more falsehoods about the Final Solution
itself, that one crime that none of these obsessed
people can leave alone."
"But while Goldhagen's emotion-based --
obsessive -- thesis is simplistic, narrow, and
misleading, his book is not a deliberate falsehood.
The master of this particular craft, now presenting
a new
Goebbels biography -- is the British
revisionist writer David Irving [...]". "As reputable publishers will no longer touch
him, he published and is distributing his
Goebbels, Mastermind of the Third Reich
himself -- as he did with his expanded edition of
Hitler's War in 1991 -- from his London home
in Duke Street, under the imprint 'Focal
Point.'[...]". |
"[...] It is precisely the clever
mixture of truth and untruth that makes Irving
dangerous: [...]". "But although Goebbels was a radical anti-Semite
even before Hitler emerged, Irving is yet again
trying to manipulate history when he suggests that
Goebbels was the originator or even the driving
force in the Final
Solution. He tries to prove this with selected
quotes from Goebbels's
diaries, while carefully avoiding passages
which show clearly that Goebbels was only
informed -- by Hitler himself -- of the
annihilation of the Jews many months after it had
begun." "The
German historian Elke
Fröhlich, the greatest living expert on
Goebbels, had discovered in Russian secret archives
in March 1992 the entire collection of glass plates
on to which Goebbels had his diary entries from
1924 to 1945 photographically copied before the war
ended.[...] In his book, Irving has to
admit that it was she -- rather than he, as he had
originally told the Sunday Times when he
offered them the story for £75,000 in 1992 --
who had found the microfiches in Moscow.
Nonetheless, he cannot resist stating that he had
'the immense good fortune to become the first, and
so far only, person to open the complete microfiche
records'. What nonsense. The fact is that when he
learnt of Dr Fröhlich's discovery he talked
his way into the Moscow archives, and 'borrowed' a
dozen of the glass plates to show to Andrew Neil,
then the Sunday Times editor, while he was
on a visit to Moscow. [...] There is no
question of his having 'exclusive' access to
'80,000 pages' of the diary as he boasts. First of
all there are not 80,000 pages (Dr Fröhlich
estimates that there will be 50,000). The dozen
plates he borrowed contained some 700 diary pages,
and these were the only 'exclusive' source he had
-- for a few days, until he was discovered.
[...] Not surprisingly, however, he makes
good use of what he has for his purpose of
whitewashing 'our Führer' -- as I have heard
him refer to Hitler -- this time using Goebbels as
his tool."
"It is here -- as an example only, for there are
many obsessions with people, ideas, or even things
-- that the four books I cite have a common
denominator. All of them, whether founded on love
or hate, and whether expressing the obsession by
means of invention, omission or distortion share
the fatal weakness: the absence of detachment,
rationality, and judgement which must inform any
historical approach to the Third Reich." The Natural or Ordinary
Meaning of the Words Complained of 5. In the premises the said words as thus
published by the First and Second Defendants in the
context of the said article meant and were intended
and understood to mean (i) that the Plaintiff
deliberately inflated the death roll in the 1945
air raids on Dresden by tenfold |
that the Plaintiff writes and publishes
deliberate falsehoods in his biography
Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich(iii) that reputable publishers were
unwilling to enter into agreements with the
Plaintiff to publish his work Goebbels.
Mastermind of the Third Reich and will no
longer inquire about the availability of rights
in or enter into agreements to publish future
writings of the Plaintiff (iv) that accordingly the Plaintiff
had no option but to publish Goebbels.
Mastermind of the Third Reich in Britain
himself (v) that the Plaintiff publishes a
dangerous mixture of the truth and untruth in
his works and particularly in his book
Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich
(vi) that the Plaintiff has several
times tried to manipulate history in particular
in the book Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third
Reich by publishing selected quotes from
diaries while carefully avoiding passages not
favouring his views (vii) that the Plaintiff tried to rob
Dr Elke Fröhlich of the real credit for
discovering the Goebbels diary microfiches in
Moscow [see document] (viii) that the Plaintiff lied to the
Sunday Times in concealing from them in
1992 that it was Dr Fröhlich and not he who
had discovered the Goebbels diary microfiches in
Moscow, and has now had to admit that he so
lied (ix) that the Plaintiff talked his way
into the Moscow archives and obtained the
diaries by subterfuge and was able to use them
until his illicit use of them was discovered (x) that the Plaintiff acted at all
material times without the knowledge of and
behind the back of Dr Fröhlich, thereby
cheating her of her rightful gains and
credit (xi) that the Plaintiff boastfully
exaggerated the number of pages in the
aforementioned Goebbels diary (xii) that the Plaintiff has spoken in
the hearing of third parties of the Nazi leader
Adolf Hitler as "our Führer" (xiii) that the Plaintiff used the
means of invention, omission or distortion to
express an obsession, thereby demonstrating a
lack of the detachment, rationality and
judgement appropriate to an historian.
The Damage is of a Lasting Nature 6. The damage is of a lasting nature which
notwithstanding the publication of any purported
apology or retraction lasts long after the actual
date of publication of the libel or libels by the
Defendants. The Plaintiff is entitled to Aggravated
Damages 7. In justification of a claim for aggravated
damages the Plaintiff will rely on the following
facts: (i) the First Defendants resisted the
Plaintiff's request, communicated to them by
facsimile message and by letter on the third day
after publication of the words above complained
of, that they publish a timely reply by him.
Furthermore, on the occasion of the publication
of similar libels by one Chaim Bermant in
August 1992, the First Defendants published in
The Observer newspaper a
withdrawal and apology but have now published
what are essentially the same libels; |
(ii) the Second Defendant has pursued a
sustained campaign of defamation against the
Plaintiff for nearly twenty years and published
the words complained of without any attempt at
verification. Summary8. By reason of the premises the Plaintiff has been brought into hatred, ridicule,
and contempt, andhas suffered damage to his reputation in his
said calling as an historian and writer and
publisher, and has suffered injury to his feelings and claimsdamages, including aggravated damages, for
libel; and an injunction restraining the defendants and
each of them, whether by themselves, their
servants, or agents or otherwise, from further
publishing or causing to be published the said
or similar words defamatory of the
Plaintiff. signed 
David John Cawdell Irving served the first day of May
1996 by the Plaintiff acting in person, David
Irving, 81 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London
The illustrations which were not
of course part of the Statement of Claim show (1)
air raid victims laid out on Dresden's Altmark,
February 25, 1945, ready for mass cremation; (2) a
sample of the microfiche glass plates containing
Goebbels' diaries; (3) the original boxes in which
they were contained, photographed by David Irving
on a table in the Moscow archives. |