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Posted Sunday, March 21, 2004 • HELP MR IRVING'S LEGAL BATTLES click

Mr Irving writes a warning letter to Emory University's website*, January 7, 2004

January 7, 2004

This letter gives you the written notice under US digital communications laws to remove within seven (7) working days all copyright materials which are my copyright, and which you have without permission posted on the Internet domain identified as and particularly those at the directory with this URL

failing which I shall apply all remedies available to me in law, seek punitive damages for breach of copyright, and take such action with your ISP as is available to me under the Digital Communications legislation to ensure that this breach of copyright is not repeated.

Please confirm by return in writing to this email address AND to the mail address below that you will remove all such copyright materials.

2. I reserve the right also to proceed against yourselves as website owners and the Defendant Deborah Lipstadt for the publication of privileged materials obtained by the process of Discovery (Disclosure), which is an egregious Contempt of Court under UK law.

Such breaches of the rules of Discovery are very severely punished by the UK courts. The penalties for such contempts are rightly harsh, including imprisonment and damages, and would effectively prevent Lipstadt from entering the jurisdiction of the UK Courts until such contempt was purged.

David Irving [. . .]


 [* "This website is a project of Emory University's Witness to the Holocaust Program and the Institute for Jewish Studies"]




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Index to Deborah Lipstadt dossier
Letter repeated by registered mail, after no acknowledgment is received, Jan 23, 2004
© Focal Point 2004 F DISmall write to David Irving