The International Campaign for Real History

The Board of Deputies of British Jews Denies that it holds Data on David Irving

September 7, 1995


The Board of Deputies of British Jews

Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H OEZ. Telephone: 0171-387 3952,

0171-388 7651. Telex: 262666 BOD G. Fax:0171-383 0629, 0171-383 5848.


7 September 1995

David Irving Esq
81 Duke Street
Grosvenor Square
London W1M 5DJ


Dear Mr Irving,


In response to your letters dated 31 July, 9 August and 4 September 1995, I can confirm that the Board of Deputies does not hold any personal data (as defined by the Act) on you.

Yours sincerely,


Michael Whine

EVERY subject now has the statutory right under the Data Protection Act, 1984, to give the Board of Deputies forty days' notice in writing to provide copies of all data maintained by the Board on them, and to require the Board to make such corrections as the subject concerned may require.

Subjects who suspect that they are being victimised should write in the first instance by Recorded Mail to the Research Unit, Board of Deputies of British Jews, marking their letter for the attention of Michael Whine, Director, Research Unit, Commonwealth House, 1 - 19 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1NF. If the Board refuses to give satisfaction within forty days, the subject should then complain in writing to the Registrar of the Data Protection Agency, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF; the agency has statutory powers to search and seize databases in the event of non compliance with the Act.

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