Protection Registrar to David Irving April 3, 1997
however: | 
Mr David Irving 81 Duke Street LONDON W1M 5DJ 3 April 1997 Dear Mr Irving Thank you for your letter of 9 March 1997. I am afraid that there is little that I can add
to my earlier letters regarding the concerns you
raise regarding the Board
of Deputies of British Jews and the Community
Security Trust. As you know, these matters were
investigated by a very experienced investigator who
found no evidence of a breach of the requirements
of the Data Protection Act 1984. I note that the copy of a letter from a member
of the Jewish Socialist Group which apparently
appeared in The Observer, states that many Jews who
have been excluded from meetings have been told
that they are 'on file'. As you will clearly
appreciate this cannot amount to clear evidence
that the CST currently holds personal data subject
to the Act in respect of which registration. It
would be perfectly possible for the files
apparently referred to by CST officials to be paper
ones. The CST have not yet registered under the
Data Protection Act 1984, though I gather that they
have contacted our Registration department to begin
this process. Yours sincerely PHILIP JONES Assistant Registrar |
subject now has the statutory
under the Data Protection Act, 1984, to give the
Board of Deputies forty days' notice in writing to provide
copies of all data maintained by the Board on them, and to
require the Board to make such corrections as the subject
concerned may require. Subjects
who suspect that they are being victimised should write in
the first instance by Recorded Mail to the Research Unit,
Board of Deputies of British Jews, marking their letter for
the attention of Michael Whine, Director, Research Unit,
Commonwealth House, 1 - 19 New Oxford Street, London WC1A
1NF. If the Board refuses to give satisfaction within forty
days, the subject should then complain in writing to the
of the Data Protection
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF; the
agency has statutory powers to search and seize databases in
the event of non compliance with the Act. Return
to Index to Data Protection Act
documents |