International Campaign for Real History
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London, March 27, 1999

Dear Mr Fraser

To say that I am angry at this deceit by the BBC would be an understatement, and I am awaiting the response of the Director-General's office. Your letters to me requesting my co-operation were all written from the address of "Storyville." Without telling me you instead slotted the interview into a series about the Far Right, evidently showing me in assocation with a number of fruitcakes on the Far Right, with not one of whom have I ever met, corresponded, associated or had anything else to do.

I understand that you also showed film footage of me walking away after we completed filming the interview, with the innuendo that I had cut and run; this is totally untrue, since you had clearly indicated that filming was over, your crew were already packing up their equipment, and we had shaken hands and parted, off camera. That you then resumed filming from behind my back, for the purpose mentioned, is indicative of the kind of methods that you employed. So much for your concern about "free speech and the bans" on me.

Yours sincerely,

David Irving
e-mail: [email protected]


BBC "Storyville"
Nicholas Fraser,
Commissioning Editor
Room 3218, White City
201 Wood lane, London W12 7TS

London, March 27, 1999

Dear Director-General

I have received your printed acknowledgement of my letter of March 21. I have today received an unsatisfactory and evasive reply from your producer Mr Fraser about the programme shown on BBC2 at 9 p.m. on March 20, about which I have written, as you know, complaining. I am awaiting your response to this complaint. Please ensure meanwhile that the enclosed letter and its attachment are duly passed to your legal office.

2. Your legal office will please ensure by taking the necessary steps that none of the relevant raw unedited video- and audiotapes that were shot during my interview and thereafter is wiped, and that all relevant correspondence, notes, and other papers are also preserved, as I shall in due course make application for specific discovery of these items if this complaint remains unresolved. What I am complaining of is deceit, at very least, and of serious defamation, at worst.

Yours sincerely,

David Irving
e-mail: [email protected]


The Director-General
BBC Television
201 Wood lane,
London W12 7TS


© Focal Point 1999 write to David Irving