leading official for culture,
alderman Stefan Hulman, was
upset when he heard about the
 Thursday, September 5, 2002 Hitler
statue shakes up Dutch art scene
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rotterdam -- A lifelike
statue of Adolf Hitler kneeling in
prayer opened a wave of criticism in the
Netherlands Thursday, a day before the
Italian piece goes on exhibit in a city
once destroyed by Nazi bombs. 
David Irving
comments: TWO things spring to mind,
upon reading this piece. According to a
record in Moscow archives, the
Polish ambassador Josef
Lipski said to Hitler,
meeting him in September 1938,
"If you succeed in solving the
Jewish Problem, we will erect a
statue to you in Warsaw" (see
War). As for the
"flattening" of Rotterdam: it was
the target of an unfortunate
Luftwaffe raid on May 14, 1940,
which was fully investigated on
the basis of Luftwaffe records by
Dr Hans Adolf Jacobsen in
the Wehrwissenschafltiche
Rundschau the 1950s. In
short, the raid was sent in to
destroy an artillery position in
the city: the Dutch offered
surrender terms, and a recall
signal was sent to the bomber
squadrons, which failed however
to reach one Staffel of
Heinkel 111s. The damage was not
severe by modern standards, but a
blaze in a margerine factory led
to a conflagration in which about
900 died, as the city authorities
confirmed to me (Churchill wrote:
"Thirty thousand"). The real damage
to the port city was done by the
subsequent Allied air raids,
particularly in 1944. | The sculpture "Him" by Maurizio
Cattelan will go on display at the
Boijmans van Beuningen museum in Rotterdam
on Friday and can be viewed by the public
until Nov. 3.Rotterdam's leading official for
culture, alderman Stefan Hulman,
was upset when he heard about the exhibit
and phoned the director of the museum to
complain, said city spokeswoman Josien
Gorkink. "He finds it tasteless to confront
people with their war past in a city like
Rotterdam where it could be upsetting to
some people," Gorkink said. Rotterdam was
flattened by German bombing during World
War II and had to be rebuilt. It won't be the first time Cattelan's
work has shocked the public. The "La Nona Ora" ("The Ninth Hour"), a
sculpture of Pope John Paul II
crumpled under a black meteorite, was
harshly debated before being sold at
Christie's last year for $886,000. The Hitler piece stands just a meter
(three feet) high and is made of
polyester, resin and finished with
wax. In a strikingly realistic portrayal,
the Nazi leader is seen with his hands
clasped at his waist looking up. The
statue stands alone in a vast gallery
hall. The museum said the statue fits into
the Italian Grotesque art genre and that
Cattelan intended to bring the viewer
face-to-face with "the personification of
evil." "By confronting this loaded theme with
irony, the historic and ethical importance
of this extremely dark period of our
existence becomes clearer," the museum
said in a statement. "It is particularly
important to display this type of work now
in a time of fear." The piece, crafted in
2000, was previously exhibited in Sweden
and Italy. Related
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