Fragmentary notes on the
conversations with Frl. Christa Schroeder during a drive
with her to Austria and back, 20.-21.April
1. She was Hitler's private secretary 1935 (?) to the
2. In March 1945 Hitler was in a bad mood during a
mealtime. He began to complain that er sich wirklich
um jedes Kleinkramm beschäftigen müsse. The
wretched people had to stand in line in Voss Strasse for
access to the bunker, and he had ordered
[Alwin-Broder] Albrecht (Adjutant) to see
that a shelter was erected for them there. This had still
not been done. What would Germany be like after he,
Hitler had gone? Hess, Göring, Himmler, were
out of the questions as Nachfolger. There then
followed the well-known snatch of dialogue about Himmler,
and the Reichsführer's being too
amusisch" to make a good leader. This
conversation was in the secretary's Treppenzimmer at the
On 16. April 1945 she had asked Hitler, Was wird
nun wenn die Russen..." (etc.) Hitler had replied,
Berlin bleibt doch Berlin." This was also im
4. In Februar 1944 there was trouble between Hitler
and Frau Exner: Darges wollte Exner heiraten (kurz vor
der Abreise von der Wolfsschanze). Bormann stellte fest,
dass sie eine Vierteljüdin sei. Daraufhin wurde sie
beurlaubt. Führer ass nichts mehr, was sie kochte,
inzwischen. In Berchtesgaden merkte Eva Braun das. Das
Essen wurde nunmehr vom Sanatorium Dr. Zabel
herbeigeholt. Frl. Manziarly was then invited to take
over as Hitler's Diätköchin. She asked Frl.
Schroeder whether she would recommend her (Frl. M) to
accept the invitation.
5. On etwa 18. Juli [1944] in der
Wolfsschanze, Hitler mentioned his Vorausahnung
that something evil was going to happen. This was during
a meal im Führerbunker dort, attended only by
6. In the Berghof she found in Hitler's desk a letter
to Geli Raubal from a boyfriend in (Wien?). The
Wiener had written to her that it was wrong for her uncle
(Hitler) to dominate her for ever as though she was a
Parteigenosse, in einem Jahr werde sie volljährig...
usw. Frl. Schroeder kept the letter, but it was taken
from her by the French interrogator [Anton]
Zoller" in 1945.
7. On one occasion in 1944 Hitler made some curious
sexuelle Andeutungen to her and Fr.
[Gerda] Christian after [Prof. Dr
Theodor] Morell had just treated him. They told
Morell this, and the doctor leered and said this was the
result of certain hormones he had just injected.