[David Irving:] Note on some Points Raised by Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper during a conversation at his rooms in Oriel College, Oxford, from 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. 27 January 1968. 1. He described the reason why he believes Martin BORMANN is still alive. He wishes he had been allowed by the Americans to interview AXMANN in 1946, but he was prevented (a long story). In 1960, when he had become known for his editions of the Table Talk and Testament, Trevor-Roper is convinced that Bormann actually endeavoured to contact him; this is the only explanation which fits the episode. Reluctant at first to describe what happened, TREVOR-ROPER said that in about 1960, he was met by a met who had come specially from America just to have a conversation with him. This man asked him "Suppose BORMANN were alive - would you be prepared to meet him in confidence?" This took T.R. so much aback that he asked for a day or two to think it over. In the meantime he took advice from "those with whom he had worked during the war" - i.e. the Intelligence service - and asked them what he should do. On no account would he be party to an ambush. The British authorities told him that as long as such a meeting took place outside British territory it was no concern of theirs, and he could go ahead as far as they were concerned. Accordingly, T.R. told the intermediary, who duly turned up at the appointed hour, that he was prepared to meet BORMANN. However, that was the last he heard for almost at the same time, EICHMANN was captured, and the whole episode leading to his sentencing and execution took place. This must have thoroughly scared BORMANN, who had earlier presumably thought that the atmosphere against Nazi criminals was softening. A dead silence followed. T.R. knows more about this, and about BORMANN's escape, but he is not prepared to talk more about it. 2. He had in particular discussed BORMANN with one very reliable witness, a lady who had known him during the war. She had met him suddenly in Bolzano in 1946. He had recognised her and turned off abruptly into a multi-story palazzo; w she had followed him in, but lost him in a maze of corridors. She was absolutely certain it was him. Why else should he dodged her? T.R. considers her a reliable and objective witness, and would consider her witness alone enough to disprove the theory of BORMANN's death in 1945. Besides, his wife had come from Bolzano. 3. He had particularly close links with Feliks KERSTEN,
Himmler's masseur, now dead. He had been to KERSTEN's home,
and had seen there the diary KERSTEN had kept of HIMMLER's
late night tea-parties. A vital document, never published.
For instance, it revealed how a M. Bonnier (T.R.'s publisher
in Sweden?) had offered to HIMMLER the names and addresses
of every Jew in Sweden, if only he promised to spare Bonnier
and his family: give them free passage, etc. HIMMLER had
related this (in 1940) to HITLER, who had laughed and said
that he had the names and addresses of the Swedish Jews
already and had no need of M. BONNIER's offer. The rest of
the Diary is said to contain similar dynamite, which is why
KERSTEN never published it. He has no idea who holds the
document now: KERSTEN's family? (David Irving)