International Campaign for Real History
Konrad Kujau denies executing the early painting signed "A. Hitler"
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Posted Monday, October 14, 2002

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Kujau's office says: "Not one of ours"

In April 1989 collector Herman Koningen wrote to Konrad Kujau, the notorious forger of Adolf Hitler's paintings and "diaries". He asked whether Kujau recalled having executed the oil painting (above) himself. Kujau's staff replied (right):

Sehr geehter Herr Koningen,

vielen Dank für Ihr Schreiben vom 04.04.1989. Leider muß ich Ihnen mitteilen, daß es sich um das Gemälde um keinen Kujau handelt.

Sollten Sie noch Fragen haben so können Sie uns unter der o.,a. Rufnummer täglich von 13.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr ereichen (Sa 9.00 - 14.00 Uhr).

[Dear Mr Koningen, many thanks for your letter of April 4, 1989. Sadly I must inform you that the painting is not a Kujau. If you have any further questions, you can reach us by phoning the above number from 1 to 6:30 p.m. ... etc]


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