April 1983 David Irving kept not only a
diary but a scrappy telephone log,
particularly during interesting
episodes. The 1983 Telephone Log was
among discs salvaged in 2001 from Xerox
discs. This fragment covers the period
of the famous "Hitler Diaries scandal."
In 1982 Munich document expert Dr
August Priesack had first hinted at the
existence of these items to Mr Irving.
In the winter of 1982/3 Mr Irving had
offered to put The Sunday Times in
contact with Priesack. When he himself
saw the items that December, he decided
they were fake and warned The Suhday
Times. All the greater was his
surprise, on being telephoned on April
22, 1983, to learn that the Sunday
Times (Magnus Linklater) had gone
behind his back and bought rights to
the dubious documents. Der Spiegel
phoned him and asked what he knew about
a press conference announced for April
24 by rival news magazine Stern.

22nd, 1983
0:15 am Telephoned Acropole, (a) sent
them German proofs of Morell 10:20 am Phoned
Höhne [Der Spiegel]
back: he says Stern is running story about
Hitler diaries, has bought them. I told
him what I knew. 10:25 am Phoned Mondadori. 10:25 am Phoned Macmillan. 10.. am Hodder's phoned,
Newsweek want to speak to me, same
matter. Rita Dallas. 10:30 am Telephoned her at (01) 629
8361 ext 45. Told her what I knew. She
added the information that Sunday
Times has bought the diaries. (!) .. am Phoned Höhne about this. He
said, he knew this, Sunday Times
paid £2 million, apparently. .. am Rita Dallas phoned again, wanting
to know details of the inconsistencies. I
told her: the 20 July speech, etc. 1:30 pm Magnus Linklater telephoned
back. I asked him what he knew of the
Sunday Times buying the Hitler
diaries, despite my warnings. He: knew
nothing, "All done on a much higher level
than himself," etc. (Recorded) 1:30 pm tz newspaper telephoned
from Munich. .. pm Langen Müller
[Verlag] telephoned. Re
Dresden 2:30 pm Reuter phoned from Bonn 3:50 pm Phoned Trevor Roper. No
reply. 4:15 pm Jürgen Böhme
telephoned. New York Times.
23rd, 1983
9:10 am LBC telephoned, be there at
11:45 am. 9:15 am Bild Zeitung telephoned,
ticket HNECZT LH 1033
[London to
Hamburg, to gate-crash the Stern press
conference], but it is not
prepaid. 9:30 am Phoned Kendall Globe -- no
reply. 10:30 am Sunday People
telephoned. 10:46 Phoned Clifton Court: spoke with
Pilar Sr., I need cheque and car. Okay 11 am Robert Harris phoned 11:15 am BBCtv News phoned, will call
2:30 pm 11:20 am Simon Walters telephoned.
the Stern Press conference in Hamburg
on the morning of April 25, 1983, Mr
Irving was the first to get to the
microphone and declare the diaries
fakes. He was shortly evicted by Stern
security. Before returning to London he
took part in a ZDF television
discussion attended by Peter Koch of
Stern, German historians, and (by phone
from London) Hugh Trevor-Roper.
for the big picture]
26th, 1983
Wiesbaden 9 pm David Kahn phoned from New York
(at ZDF studio) and asked some questions
for an article for Long Island ...
newspaper. (Daily News) 9 pm Ned T Chase of 840 Park Avenue,
New York, NY 10021, telephoned: would like
me to write a book about the Diaries. Had
spoken with Max
literary agent]. I said I was
interested, in principal. He said also
interested in the FDR.
27th, 1983
1:20 pm Macmillan Inc phoned, George
Walsh, wanting a summary of my position,
which they will put out as a press
statement. They are now planning a US tour
for me after all [to promote The
Secret Diaries of Hitler's
Doctor]. I say when I will be
available, before or after German trip.
Walsh asks for a press statement of my
position, and to dictate it to him later
today. I: in three hours' time, as I must
now see my bank manager.
28th, 1983
. pm Telephoned Heinz Höhne, to
see Spiegel 3/1966 for suitable
title: "Geben Sie mir fünf Zeilen
geschriebenes." Also with
Karl] Thöt
stenographer] quote, Apr 23,
1945. 11:10 pm BBC phoned, want
Morell 11:15 am Phoned Höhne again, at
home (04102/62616) re above. Then dictated
the points to Frau
Heidemann. .. pm
Heidemann phoned me from Stern
office, could not find the quote in
Spiegel pages. Then did so, was
however disappointed as it did not refer
specifically to a diary(!)
29th, 1983
Phone calls during the day from many
magazines and newspapers including
Time, Munich Abendzeitung,
Günter Peis who wants to arrange a
Club 2, in Vienna; visit from
Argentinian journalist. .. pm Michael Carter of Macmillan Inc
phoned: provisionally wants to arrange the
Washington and New York interviews May
23-7. Okay by me. .. pm Kerry Hood telephoned to arrange
publicity visits from David Frost and
others on Morell 8:30 pm Gerd Heidemann telephoned at
great length from Hamburg, while my supper
went cold. Eventually I had to break off
the talk until tomorrow at the same time,
as I wanted to go to the movies with Rim.
I told him that the diaries of Morell
showed Hitler had Parkinsonism, and the
final Hitler diary entry sloped in the way
that a Parkinsonism victim's writing
slopes down, across the rulings. That had
deeply impressed me and I have put it into
a Newsnight BBCtv programme to be
broadcast Wednesday. Heidemann, in
summary, urged me to say it now as Peter
Koch is going on television in New York on
Monday with his counter attack. In the
next Stern editorial he, Koch,
reveals how he had overheard me telling
Heidemann, "Wann soll ich umkippen?
Sofort, oder erst nächste Woche!"
30th, 1983
8:50 am Schweizerische
Illustrierte telephoned at length. I
ask when they publish, he says Monday, so,
after hesitation, I announce to him that I
have changed my mind, having seen (a)
Heidemann; (b) what seems clear evidence
of Parkinsonism in the final diary entry;
(c) having decided that the papers come
from NS or SS circles in West Germany. I
explain they liegen eindeutig in meiner
Linie, -- which I explain -- ich lege Wert
aber darauf, daß sie auch diese
zweite Feuerprobe bestehen. He said Henri
Nannen said they had an eidesstattliche
Erklärung in the Stern office
"nachdem Sie bezahlt worden sind, die
Tagebücher zu killen." I tell him of
my alberne remarks to Peter Koch after the
ZDF broadcast. He: had talked at length
with SS General Karl Wolff, who left him
with clear impression he was largely
behind the source of the diaries. .. pm Barbara Buck telephoned to
arrange dinner for this evening. I said I
have a cinema date with Lady Grover. They:
then afterwards. We agreed on Osso Bucco,
off Sloane Square.
1st 1983
9:50 am Lady Grover phoned: fine piece
in today's The Observer. I: have
not seen it yet, only the Sunday
Times. 11:45 am Neil Mackwood phoned to ask if
it was true I was suing Sunday
Times for my commission on Hitler
Diaries. I: not suing, just asking. But
told him to hold his hat, and gave him the
story of the day: I am now of opinion that
on balance the Diaries are genuine. He
took full story on this. .. am Phoned Gerd Heidemann in Hamburg.
Out. Told his daughter to tell him I
phoned. .. am Phoned Rolf Hochhuth. He: is
going to Club 2 programme in Vienna
on Tuesday. I said Günter Peis was
trying to arrange that. He: would like me
on it, Maser will be on it, etc. I: cannot
invite myself. 4:40 pm Gerd Heidemann phoned. He told
me many more details of the diaries. He
stated that very many entries in latter
diaries sloped downwards, as in the April
16, 1945, entry. Reproached me again about
the 1935 page I showed -- it is not from
the diaries but from the "Aufzeichnungen
für das Jahrbuch der Partei." He read
out to me Hochhuth's Weltwoche
article of April 17-24, in which Hochhuth
argues strongly against the diaries. He
will be at the ÖTV transmission on
Tuesday, suggests I should be there. 5:05 pm Phoned Peis for ÖTV
address. No reply. Eventually got it from
Hochhuth. .. pm Sent telegram to Dr Marginter of
ÖTV, Argentinienstrasse, Wien,
dropping a broad hint. "Restating my
previous position that I feared diaries
were false I now expect them to be genuine
on certain medical evidence. -- David
Irving." 11 pm The Times sub editor
(female) phoned to check the Mackwood
story. I confirmed it. 11:30 pm Phoned Dorit Belkhodjar in
Caracas. She had cuttings and would send
them or bring them in May or June. Sounded
more stable.
2nd, 1983
8:50 am Herr Steinecke of Bild
Zeitung phoned, wanting now to follow
the sources story. I suggest he latch onto
Karl Wolff for information on this. He
says that I have published a massive
attack on Stern in today's
Spiegel! I said I do not know its
content, and hope Höhne has not
overreached himself as I have now decided
the diaries are genuine. I was uneasy at
finding myself at the head of the entire
body of historians, so have changed sides.
I explain why: (a) long talks with
Heidemann at Wiesbaden and over last few
days, in which he has told me more of the
diaries' content in private; (b)
realization that Heidemann has had them
for three or four years, and was dropping
hints to me; (c) the evidence of
Parkinson's Disease in final entries,
which a forger could hardly know of; (d) I
add that of course several objections
remain: Heidemann told me that there were
15 Kladden after July 20, 1944, but that
Hitler complained in several entries of
the pain of writing the entries. 9:30 am Schindelback of Bild
Zeitung phoned. 10 am Phoned Otto Günsche. Knows
nothing. Schwägermann lived in
Munich, but was active for BND. (Perhaps
BND was the source?) .. NDR phoned. Sommer 1980,
Stern had approached August
Priesack. Interested in his "Fund." .. am Two telephone calls from female
Dr Marginter of Vienna, the second one
inviting me to Club 2 programme
tomorrow evening, 10 pm. Okay. 11:30 am Profil magazine phoned
from Vienna. 12 DSZ Verlag phoned. Nichts neues? 12:05 pm Phoned Gerd Heidemann.
Times has it. 12:10 pm Phoned Hochhuth. 7:10 pm Phoned Macmillan Ltd. 8:50 pm Phoned Macmillan Inc. Michael
Carter. Confirmed that the media week in
United States will be May 23-7. 8:55 pm Haskemeier of Radio Bremen will
call 10-11 am tomorrow for tape
interview. .. (WHEN?) Max
Becker. $4500. Village Voice.
3rd, 1983
3:55 am Eulalia Papineau telephoned
from California, collect. Gossipped. Talks
about me being her agent in N.Y. for
toothpaste commercials. I was rather
confused, because of the hour. Said I
would call back Wednesday (tomorrow?) 9:12 am Phoned Vallint re air ticket to
Vienna. BA 14:45 to 17:50, return Austrian
airline 08 arr 9:25 am. 9:30 am Phoned Sidgwick's to change
today's interviews. Done. 11:20 am Associated Press phoned. Long
talk, suggest I'm a cynic to have changed
my mind on the diaries.
4th, 1983
.. pm Max phoned, has sold part of
Morell 8 pm George Walsh phoned, wants my
latest position on the Diaries. A LOT OF JUNE