David Irving: some
expansions of abbreviations, and a useful working glossary
on names and positions of some of the people cryptically
referred to in the Diaries - Airy, Tim: left Nov 1943 for Mountbatten's HQ,
- Allan, Harry (also Harry Allen) wants to keep GHQ
Home Forces informed on MI5; went to the Middle East,
1943. Is this Colonel Allan?
- Allan, Philip: private secretary to Sir John
- Archer, Group Captain Joe: responsible for aircraft
factory security
- Archer, Jane: in charge of RO's at Blenheim, sacked
for insubordination
- Astor, Hugh: runs DA's (Double Agents)
- B.1A -- controlled deception (e.g. V1 impact points)
using double-agents
- B.4c -- working on Soviet espionage
- B.7 -- working on BUF and fascists
- Bedaux, Charles: French-American millionaire, friend
of Duke of Windsor
- Bell, Walter
- Blunt, Major Anthony: B.1.b, Soviet agent; joined D
Branch June 1940.
- Boddington: possibly to be placed at the head of
Marine Sabotage Section, with Burn as assistant.
- Boyle, Archie: of SOE (or Air Ministry, Sept
- Brock: made Lt Col in 1942
- Bacon: made Lt Col in 1942
- Brook-Wilkinson: 'B-W'; B-W is also
- Burt, Chief Inspector (of Scotland Yard)
- Burton, Maurice: of PID
- Butler, Charles
- Butler, Dick
- Cain: Inspector, of Special Branch
- Camp 001: Central Oratory School, London
- Canning: of Scotland Yard
- Caulfield: at NID; also Caulfeild
- Chichaev -- Beria's representative in Soviet embassy,
- Cheney: of seamen's section
- Clarke, Dudley: controlling strategic deception in
- Codrington, Will: Assistant S of S, security, re FO;
ran FO Security Service
- Cookie: German speaking MI5 interrogator, Hinchley
- Cooper, Duff: in charge of the Security
- Cowgill, Captain, later Major Felix: in charge of
Section V of SIS
- Creedy, Sir Herbert, of the Security Committee
- Crocker: of the Interrogation Centre, pitchforked
into MI5 as Deputy Director in August 1940, attempt to
coordinate Intelligence activities.
- Crockett: Major, runs MI9
- Cumming, Malcolm: of MI5; made Lt Col in 1942
- Curry: at Blenheim; research section, writing history
of MI5 1908-1946
- Cussen, Major
- Dixon, Major:
- DNI is Commodore Rushbrook?
- DSC -- Sir William Stephenson's directorate
- Ede is Bertram Ede
- Ellis, Dick
- Ferguson is in SIS, was WRC3.
- Fleetwood Husked [liaising with Cossac]
- Forrest, M N, Major: at SIME
- Frost: of MI5, disgruntled, ex-BBC; appointed head of
Radio security Committee, July 1940; returned later to
- Gambier-Perry: represents the SIS on the Y-Commitee,
- Garbo: Juan Pujol-Garcia, Double Agent.
- Gash, Capt N: MI14(d) at War Office
- Gibbs, Reggie:
- Gilbert: real name Henri Alfred Dericourt, agent
suspected of working for Germans
- Glass, Fridolin: SD representative in Sofia
- Gambier-Perry: 'G-P'
- Göring, Franz, Hauptsturmführer: (also
Fritz) Göring of RSHA Amt VI Wi, secretly engaged to
Schellenberg's secretary Maria Luise Schienke
- Hale, Jim
- Hampshire, Stuart [not Stewart] -- of RSS; a
member of Trevor-Roper's section, an expert on the
- Harker: deputy DG of MI5
- Harris, Tommy: running garbo, deception operations
via Eire etc
- Hart, Herbert (and Milmo)
- Haylor, Ronnie
- Herbert, Sir Edwin: head of Censorship, UK
- Hill, Colonel: of Moscow embassy; the SOE man in
- Hollis, Roger: supervising the Communist block, at
- Holt, Major Herbert: of PWE German Section (in
absence of Guy Liddell)
- Horrocks: at Blenheim
- Hyde, Ronald: Tangye's friend on the Evening
- Inglis, F: Air vice marshal, ACAS(I).
- Isosicles: SD traffic decodes
- Janson: of MI5, at Sanctuary Buildings
- Jebb, Gladwyn: FO, Political Intelligence
- Jebson, Johnnie [controlling tricycle]
- John Senter [of SOE]
- Kale, Nicolas de Wild, Anton, Damen, Johannes, -- all
involved in the Dutch SOE disaster: see Jan 27,
- Kellar, Alec (also Alex); A J
- Kendal, Sir Norman: to be sent phone convs re
- Kendrick, Colonel of CSDIC (Apr 1945)
- Kimball: visitor from FBI Washington.
- Knight, Max
- Lennox: of MI5, hankers after Harker's position as
Deputy DG
- Lewes: of MI5, at Sanctuary Buildings
- Lewis: Assistant DNI from 1942.
- Lipstick, double-agent agent with known Catalan
- Loxley: senior official of the F O [killed in Feb
1945 York airplane crash en route to Yalta]
- LRC [London Reception Centre]
- MacDonald, A M : B.2.C.
- Maffey, Sir John: British ambassador in Dublin
- Maltby: who had taken over RSS (May 1941)
- Marriott, John
- Masterman, JC: "JC," head of double cross
- Maxwell: Sir Alexander Maxwell ?
- Maude, John: possibly going to America, port
security, MI5 representative in USA?
- McAllister of Camp 020
- Medlam: MI5 [or MI6] chief at Gibraltar, very
unpopular there
- Melland, Lt Col Brian: MI14, then (April 1945) Count
Intelligence Bureau, Central Control Commission for
Germany, Norfolk House.
- Mills, Cyril son of Bertram (circus owner) taken on
in B.10 July 1940.
- Milmo, H P: B.1.W
- Muñoz, agent in Gibraltar: Real name is
- Neville: at NID
- Noakes, Captain: of WRC.
- Olson, Capt S O, WRC3b
- Orr, Desmond
- Page, Denis: of GC&C; (of RCIS); on RSS
- Peake, Osbert:
- Petrie, Sir David: officially appointed DSS, by 1944
head of MI5, Mar 1941
- Philby, Kim: Soviet agent; head of section V of MI6
- Phipps, John
- Pilcher, Toby: of Fascist section
- Ramsbotham, Peter
- Reid, Ned: investigating bank accounts, frauds on
Inland Revenue
- Roberts, Colin: of SIS
- Robertson, TA : TAR, deception unit; moved Dec 12,
1940 from W[ormwod Scrubs?] to
B[lenheim];TAR is Lt Col TAR [Robertson]
who was made ADB
- RSLO something like regional security liaison
- Senter, John: of SOE
- Sillitoe, Sir Percy, Director General, MI5 1948.
- SIME: Security Intelligence, Middle East, based at
GHQ in Fayid.
- Sinclair, Major-general: of JIC
- Sneath: Aiken-Sneath, of Fascist Section, supervising
the BUF, Fascists, etc.
- Speir, Rupert
- Stage A -- is evidently end of war in Europe.
- Stephens: Colonel [of Camp 020; Latchmere House
prison, Ham, Richmond, South-West London].
- Stopford: went out to the Azores
- Stratton: to work on US port security under
- Tangye, Derek: is this Tineye, at Camp 020
- TAR is Lt Col TAR [Robertson] who was made
- Tate, Harry, is a Danish subject who was doing active
work in Denmark for the Nazis before he came to UK
- Thurston, Art: American FBI liaison officer with
- Trevor-Roper, Capt Hugh R: sec'y of joint SIS and MI5
wireless committee formed in May 1941; was W.R.E. in Sept
- Tricycle, double agent in Lisbon
- Turner, Theo: handling all matters of alien control
with govt depts..
- U.35 was in London; was he Caroe?
- Vivian -- Colonel Vivian, Deputy CSS [and
- Vivian may be Colonel Vivian Seymer.
- Walsh, Joe:
- Watson, Nigel: of liaison mission to one of Tito's
Corps HQs.
- White, Dick: usually Dick White (see Sept 12, 1944,
p. 49; later head of SIS).
- Whitefoord, Jock
- Whyte, Jock: head of section at Blenheim
- Wibroe is from the LRC [London Regional
Cage], a Dane, naturalized British. LRC dealt
primarily with German-occupied territories.
- Young, Courtney (also Courtnay): liaises with FO;
Young, Harmer, Day were given to Cowgill for his SI(b)
As usual I welcome input from
other researchers, and suggestions for annotations and
corrections. I will also be grateful to researchers who
can in the same communal spirit supply high- or low
resolution scans of photographs of Guy Liddell or his
staff and of the agents referred to in the diaries'
pages, and I will post them to this website as I receive
them. [Click to contact me:
this website