London, Sunday September 17, 2000
repeats itself for Irving as Tolstoy
threatens action By Sophie Goodchild, Home Affairs
Correspondent DAVID Irving, the
right-wing historian dubbed an anti-semite
and a racist by a High Court Judge, is
facing his second major legal battle in a
year. Count Nikolai Tolstoy, great
nephew of the author of War and Peace, and
no stranger to the law courts himself, is
threatening action, claiming his
reputation has been tarnished after being
linked to a revisionist conference
organised and hosted by Mr Irving.
[...]. WE
regret that by letter dated
Tuesday, December 12, 2000 a
Ms. Louise
the head of legal services at
The Independent newspaper,
requested that this article be
removed from this website. In
an email to mr Irving on
December 10, 2000 Count
Tolstoy dismissed the entire
story as a pack of lies
anyway. We have adjusted the
masthead accordingly.
Nikolai Tolstoy on August
24 1999 to address the Cincinnati
conference, and he accepted on
August 31, 1999 in writing,
subject to a prior engagement in
Russia having fallen through as
he believed it had. When the
Russian engagement went ahead at
the last moment, he had to drop
out. The invitation was renewed
this year in good time. Pending
his confirmation that he would
speak at Real History USA 2000 we
announced in February that we had
again invited Tolstoy, and I
mentioned it to him at a dinner
at The Reform in April.
"anti-fascist" sheet Searchlight
published an intemperate attack
on Mr Tolstoy for this. Four
months later, after reminders
from us on May 13 and August
2 about the arrangements, Mr
Tolstoy wrote that he could not
come to Cincinnati after all; as
we informed him that day,
22, we at once removed his
name from the speakers list and
replaced it with others of equal
to Nikolai Tolstoy]