August 2, 2000 David Irving to
Count Tolstoy I SEE that you have resumed the attack
on Lord Aldington; I think that our
opponents are foolish to underestimate the
tenacity of writers! I have long recovered from the initial
setback of the Great
Lipstadt Trial. The outcome was very
shocking, and I have received letters from
High Court judges, whom I know in private,
saying they are mystified at Gray's
findings. You of course would not be,
having experienced him in the flesh
already. He foolishly told the press he
had already begun writing his judgment
weeks before the trial ended. You might
like to pass around your friends the word
that the moneys
paid to the expert witnesses were as
follows (in pounds): Professor Van
Pelt £109,244.24, Funke
£92,557.94, Longerich
£76,195.25, Evans
£70,181, and Browning a
(relatively) modest £27,632.12.
Gentlemen and scholars all! That is just one of the lesser
of our appeal, which is being lodged
with the High Court this afternoon. That
will be a very nasty shock to my
opponents. It is a very powerful appeal,
alleging bias in the Judge and the
witnesses, and a total misreading of the
documents. I have engaged very good
Counsel this time round, as it is all Law
from here on. I am very sorry that
Goldsmiths had to drop out, as I liked
Sarah Lee a lot, really did. Now to the main point of this letter:
Last year as you know we held a very good
private conference on Real History
attended by 120 people at a luxury hotel
in Cincinnati, which city is to be our
centre for this annual event. This year's
event will be from September 22-24. I
would again like to invite you to come
over at my expense for a day and speak
informally for an hour on the
Macmillan/Aldington/Cossacks/Trial subject
-- which is a matter of intense interest
to me. We will pay you a [...] fee
or the equivalent in pounds, and all your
reasonable expenses. You could fly out on
Friday and return Sunday night, for
instance. As I said before, you will rub
shoulders with a number of wealthy people,
many of whom will certainly contribute
large checks to your fighting fund, as
they have to mine. We have a dozen other speakers,
including no lunatics; no Holocaust
revisionism. I have invited Prof.
[...], who wrote me a very warm
letter during the trial (as did many other
academics). We shall be hearing John
Sack, who wrote "Eye for an Eye". You
may know Kimberley Cornish, who
wrote the book on Hitler and
Wittgenstein which attracted
reviews last year. He is coming from
Australia at my invitation. (I just mailed
him the air ticket today). The press and
media are not invited, in fact they are
firmly excluded; this year we expect 200
to 300 attendees, and as a special treat I
have invited everybody to a dinner aboard
a riverboat as it paddles up the Ohio
River and back. If you have any questions,
you can email me or phone me at
[...] until mid August (please
keep the latter number confidential for
security reasons: that nice Prof.
Lipstadt has issued a fatwah in ritual
Hebrew against me, calling
me "Amalek" in speeches in Tel Aviv
and elsewhere). 