World Review June 6, 2001 Reszo Kasztner: Villain
or hero? by Richard Z. Chesnoff WHAT would you do if
you found out your community of 1 million
souls was being deported to Nazi death
camps, but you had a chance to save some
on the condition you did not warn the
others? That was the horrible dilemma facing
Hungarian Jewish leader Reszo
Kasztner after the Nazis invaded
Budapest in 1944. Europe's last intact
Jewish community was to be the Holocaust's
next victim, and murder-mastermind
Eichmann was wasting no time in
packing Hungarian Jews into cattle cars
for Auschwitz. Kasztner, a dashing journalist and
Zionist leader, tried to end all
deportations by negotiating a "blood for
wares" bargain with Eichmann. The German
war machine was in trouble, and in
exchange for $10 million and 10,000 trucks
(for use on the Eastern front, the Nazis
said), Eichmann himself promised to halt
the Hungarian killings. Predictably, Kasztner failed to get
Allied backing for the deal. But
eventually, he raised a multimillion-
dollar ransom of gold, jewelry, diamonds
and cash that bought thousands of Jewish
lives. Among them were 1,684 Jews who
boarded a train in Budapest that finally
reached the safety of Switzerland.
Kasztner chose those who made it to
freedom. To those he saved and their
descendants, Kasztner became a hero, a
Jewish Oskar Schindler who made a
difficult but responsible moral choice. To
others, especially those whose families he
chose not to save, Kasztner became a
villain, a man who played God and
consorted with the devil. Accused after
the war of being a collaborator by
another Hungarian Jew, he was the
center of a tendentious Israeli libel
trial during the early 1950s and
eventually was assassinated in Tel Aviv
by men convinced he had betrayed his
own people. But had he? For almost 50 years, there
has been little or no discussion of
Kasztner. While Schindler, Swedish
diplomat Raoul Wallenberg and
others became icons of righteousness for
their role in saving Jewish lives,
Kasztner was almost a taboo subject.
Holocaust museums paid scant if any
attention to him. In "The Final Days,"
Steven Spielberg's Academy
Award-winning documentary about the
Hungarian Holocaust, there is no mention
of Kasztner. That's about to change. Urged on by
several New Yorkers -- notably Vera
and Imre Hecht (as a teenager, Vera
was on the Kasztner train to freedom) --
the Museum of Jewish Heritage at Battery
Park is holding a symposium on Kasztner on
tomorrow from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. It's titled
"Uncertain Redemption" and will be open to
the public. The debate, which promises to be
heated, includes Hungarian Holocaust
survivors and several experts on Kasztner
-- among them City University Prof.
Egon Mayer, whose father and mother
(who was pregnant with him) also were
aboard Kasztner's train. The new and well-deserved interest in
the Kasztner story doesn't end there.
Award-winning producer Gaylen Ross
and her French colleague Anne
Feinsilber are preparing a documentary
film on Kasztner and his moral dilemma.
They have found hundreds of survivors and
descendants of those he saved but are
looking for more. Their e-mail address:
[email protected]. History sometimes takes time to surface
--- but it always does. So what would you
have done? JWR
contributor and veteran journalist
Richard Z. Chesnoff is a senior
correspondent at US News And World
Report and a columnist at the NY Daily
News. His latest book, recently
updated, is Pack of Thieves: How Hitler
& Europe Plundered the Jews and
Committed the Greatest Theft in
Related file on this website:
lawyer Rudolph Kasztner cut a $1.5m
deal with Eichmann: hero or
Irving writes:
I have sent this
message to the award winning producer
Gaylen Ross: "You may not welcome advice
or assistance from me, but here goes:
There is a totally unnoticed file on
Kasztner and the trucks deal in the
British Public Record Office. It is a half
inch thick file, formerly top secret, of
the British-intercepted letters that
passed between him and Joel Brand
and their contact man in Palestine. I am
surprised the 'experts' have not spotted
it. I spent an afternoon reading it about
four years ago, but as you know the
Holocaust is not my subject so I took no