had the good fortune to be
shown over these entire
Cabinet War Rooms in 1966,
before the Auschwitz-style
'reconstructers' could get to
work on the fabric of the
underground labyrinth.
-- David Irving
 London, Thursday, November 22,
2001 Churchill's
secret lair BY BEN MACINTYRE WINSTON Churchill waged the war against
Germany from his vast underground bunker
between champagne-fuelled lunches and
afternoon naps. Our correspondent gets a
first glimpse of Cabinet war rooms sealed
for decades. Deep beneath the pavements of Whitehall
lies a labyrinthine village, a network of
narrow passages and tiny rooms secretly
built before the Second World War, where
some 2,000 people, from Cabinet ministers
to typists, waged a cramped, subterranean
war, working around the clock. Here,
protected from the bombs by a layer of
concrete five feet thick, Churchill slept,
dined, consulted his advisers and maps,
wrote his speeches and spoke from a
transatlantic telephone room, disguised as
the Prime Minister's private loo, to
President Roosevelt. But the atmosphere inside Churchill's
lair, as the war dragged on, was closer to
Osama bin Laden's hideout in a dank
cave somewhere in Afghanistan, than the
gleaming high-tech war room of modern
times. Here Britain's most senior warriors
hunkered down, planning and plotting, with
rats underfoot, the air fetid, while the
bombs rained overhead. A handful of these Cabinet war rooms,
underneath the government offices
overlooking Saint James's Park, were
opened to the public in the 1980s, but
most have remained sealed since the war.
Now the Imperial War Museum has been
granted permission to open them up again,
with the aid of £2 million from the
National Heritage Memorial Fund, to create
a new museum dedicated to Churchill's life
and times, while precisely restoring all
the private quarters used by the
Churchills. When the rooms are reopened, visitors
will be able to see the kitchen where
Churchill's meals were cooked, his private
dining room, and the complete warren-like
military nerve centre where so many men
(and almost as many women) toiled to
defeat Hitler. By the time "Project
Churchill" is completed early in 2003, 90
per cent of the area in use in the run-up
to D-Day will be accessible again. As
Britain fights another conflict in distant
Afghanistan, the vast underground shelter
provides an extraordinary contrast, a
vivid reminder of how war was fought in
another, sepia-tinted age. "This is the room from which I will
lead the war," Churchill declared in May,
1940, when he visited the Cabinet War Room
for the first time. Churchill has been recalled many times
in the current war on terrorism. The
spirit of the Blitz has been evoked on
both sides of the Atlantic, and in their
speeches both Tony Blair and
George W. Bush have sought to scale
the heights of Churchillian rhetoric. A
bust of Sir Winston now stands in the Oval
Office. And yet, a tour of the musty,
long-sealed world 50ft beneath London's
streets demonstrates how very differently
Churchill made war. The bunker is now
crawling with workmen in hard hats, but
one has an eerie sense that its uniformed
occupants of 60 years ago have only just
left: in the corner of one room is a box
of glass transparencies, aerial
photographs of the bombing of German
cities, identified in careful copperplate
and abandoned after victory, when military
staff simply locked up and left. This was a war fought with drawing pins
and bits of coloured wool, with pen and
ink in dusty corners, in rooms so gloomy
that sun-lamps were brought in to try to
boost the vitamin D levels of workers
living a troglodyte existence in a
six-acre underground maze with more than a
mile of corridors. By contrast, Blair's
war day is a frenetic succession of
carefully measured meetings, travel,
public statements, private e-mails and
telephone calls, starting at 8am and
ending when the last call is made to the
US, often after midnight. Modern
technology ensures that information moves
at blinding speed, between individuals,
departments and capitals; the rules of
modern politics require that as much time
is spent on presentation as policy.
Coloured pins on wall maps showed
Churchill the Second World War's
approximate progress; Blair gets a daily
computer printout, depicting the bombing
of Afghanistan with pinpoint accuracy. If Blair seems more exhausted after two
months of war than Churchill ever
appeared, that may be because the modern
Prime Minister must fight a public war,
under permanent scrutiny, on a stage
rather than in a bunker. Churchill could
spend days, personally crafting and honing
a single speech, a luxury denied his
modern counterpart. One of the overriding impressions of
the Cabinet War Rooms is how private,
informal, sedentary and secret they were,
and how shaped by the war leader's
personality and idiosyncratic rhythms.
Churchill could run the war exactly the
way he wanted, and the underground maze
beneath Whitehall, soon to be restored to
the way it was in wartime, proves that he
did exactly that. Blair moves in an iron wartime security
bubble, where Churchill strolled to work.
When the bombs started falling Churchill
was more often to be found on top of the
building, observing the destruction from
the roof of what is now the Treasury
Building, than safely underground. "He
tended to put his head above the parapet,"
says Phil Reed, director of the
Cabinet War Rooms. After October 1940, when 10 Downing
Street was damaged, and a bomb landed a
few hundred yards from the underground
complex, Churchill remarked nonchalantly:
"Pity it wasn't a bit nearer so that we
might have tested our defences." From then
on he began using the underground quarters
more regularly, but grudgingly, preferring
to sleep above ground rather than in the
cramped private quarters beneath the
concrete. It is easy to see why. Although a
kitchen was installed for the Prime
Minister's cook, all water had to be
pumped in by hand, while fresh air was
circulated with vast ventilators, equipped
with filters in the event of the feared
gas attack. Churchill slept on a narrow
single bed (although he is said to have
insisted on a thicker mattress), in his
own room, along with the regulation
(crested) ministerial chamber pot, there
being no sewer system in the complex. A
sheltered bedroom, kitchen and dining room
were installed for Mrs Churchill,
as were bedrooms for the Churchills'
private detectives, senior aides and
secretarial staff, which are now
undergoing restoration by HOK, architects
to the Churchill project, under the
direction of the conservationist Neil
Cooke. The unvarnished surroundings reflect
the starkness of the job for which they
were intended. The only decorations in
Churchill's suite were military maps; the
only personalised item was a table with
folding legs for use in bed, which was
altered to accommodate Churchill's
expanded girth after he returned from
America in 1941. If the prime ministerial quarters were
Spartan, the sleeping accommodation in the
sub-basement, a floor down and now
undergoing renovation, was even less
comfortable. Known as Storey's Gate or
"The Annexe", the bombproof government
headquarters was designed to sleep and
feed 270 people in 150 offices, rooms and
dormitories. During air raids, when it was
too dangerous to go home, in this dank
sub-basement area known as "the dock",
typists, civil servants and officers
crammed together, sometimes as many as 30
to a room, under ceilings barely over five
feet high. One of the most sophisticated
items of technology, rigged up by Royal
Engineers, was a button that could be
pushed to turn on an electric cigarette
lighter. Many young civilian women worked
at the Cabinet War Room, and while the
rats and spiders flourished, so did
romance. As the Cabinet War Rooms guide
observes discreetly: "A number of romances
blossomed there during the war years." Churchill set a punishing but peculiar
pace for his underlings. Waking at about
8.30, he would light a cigar and hold
court in bed, giving dictation or
discussing developments with his senior
military advisers. Lunch would be
accompanied by copious champagne, followed
by a mid-afternoon nap, in pyjamas, and
then a bath -- an extra-large hot-water
tank had to be installed because the
preoccupied Prime Minister tended to
forget that his bath had been run,
allowing it to get cold, and thus
requiring another bath to be filled.
Churchill would then work until three or
four in the morning, but even as he slept,
his staff continued to work, producing the
briefing that had to be ready for
presentation to the Prime Minister first
thing in the morning. The stress told on even Churchill's
granite constitution. "The adrenalin kept
him going -- like Tony Blair, I'm sure --
but there were physical relapses,
illnesses, and the famous 'black dog'
depressions," says Mr Reed. Churchill's
War Cabinet met underground no less than
115 times, as the course of the war was
vetted, plotted and altered day and night.
Here the London Control Section worked on
"Fortitude", the deception plans for the
D-Day invasion; nearby were the offices
and sleeping quarters for the Double Cross
(XX) Committee under John
Masterman, which controlled turned
German spies. On August 18, 1945, the lights were
switched off for the first time in six
years, the doors were locked, and the huge
bunker fell silent, awaiting another war.
The Royal Marines had been responsible for
cleaning the place during wartime, but
after victory the dust settled and the
spiders multiplied in peace. Through a
bureaucratic error, no cleaners were
issued with passes. In 1956, during the
Suez crisis, there was a move to reuse the
underground lair, but officials took a
look at the accumulated dirt and thought
better of it. The rooms were shuttered,
closing down but also preserving an
extraordinary slice of wartime
history. Blair's war -- of evanescent electronic
signals, computers, shuttle diplomacy,
snatched meals and photo-ops -- will leave
few such traces, and no such
places. Copyright
2001 Times Newspapers Ltd.  ...
on this website:
Irving: Churchill's War, free
- Website
note: Churchill's monthly desk
calendars for the war years
September 1939-1945 are available as
a service to historians on CD Rom in
pdf format for $50 from
Point Publications, 36 Hertford St,
London W1J 7SE
Irving recalls:-
I HAD the good fortune to
be shown over these entire
Cabinet War Rooms in 1966,
before the Auschwitz-style
"reconstructers" could get to
work on the fabric of the
underground labyrinth. I well
remember those glass
photographic plates: in fact
there was a stereoscopic
viewer in the entrance
corridor, with aerial stereo
views of the damage that RAF
Bomber Command had done to
Dresden; Churchill invited his
more privileged visitors to
gloat, looking through the
viewing lenses. (I don't
remember Hitler doing to same
with pictures of Auschwitz
or Buchenwald.)
A befriended Cabinet minister
(Duncan Sandys) secured
a pass for me, to assist me in
my Churchill
biography and my second
book The
Mare's Nest. The solitary
guardian unlocked all the
doors for me, and showed me
around, switching the lights
on and off as we went from
room to room. As reached the
Cabinet conference room, with
its horseshoe table, he paused
at one place card, with a
couple of Utility pencils
neatly lined up before it, and
nodded at the name on it:
AMERY. "Amery," he said
in his Cockney accent. "They
topped 'is son after
the war. Treason." That was
the first I ever learned of
the fate of John Amery,
brother of Julian (a
more orthodox and recent
Cabinet minister), who had
remained in Berlin during the
war, broadcast occasionally to
England for Dr Joseph
Goebbels, and pleaded
guilty to treason at the Old
Bailey in 1947; he was hanged
two weeks later. It seems that
a discreet veil had been drawn
over John Amery, just as it
has over his
father Leo's Jewish
origins. Eventually I will
post here my 3-page
description of the Cabinet War
Rooms that I wrote at the
time. |