Add MS 52572 - Correspondence
1945 Letter
from Cunningham to Sir Bruce Fraser 5th
July 1945 'D. You will probably have seen
the most unhelpful signal from the
Australian Prime Minister to the PM here
[Churchill] on the subject of
support for the British Pacific Fleet.
They seem to wish to take less and less
part in the war. They are also reducing
their army to three divisions - but you
probably know more about this than I
[Rear Admiral Louis] 'Turtle'
Hamilton to Cunningham 2nd August 1945
'The Election was a bit of a shatterer but
I'm not sure it's not a blessing in
disguise, as Attlee won't produce the
houses in time anyhow!'
Churchill to Cunningham 8th August 1945 'I
have been granted the privilege of sending
in my Resignation List of Honours, and it
is my earnest desire that my three great
friends the Chiefs of Staff should receive
some recognition of my initiative of the
work we have done together in these long
and anxious years. I hope therefore that
you will allow me to submit your name to
the King for a Barony the Prime Minister
approves the action I am taking in this
respect. Perhaps you will let me know your
wishes at the earliest moment.'
reply to WSC letter dated 9th August 1945
'I am very honoured to be included among
your friends and I would be churlish
indeed if I refused what you offer in such
generous terms. I therefore gratefully
accept. May I take this opportunity of
saying how privileged and honoured I feel
to have worked under you and how very
deeply I regret that circumstances have
not permitted this, to me, most proud
association to continue until the end of
the war. I shall never forget the kindness
and consideration you showed to one who
after all is but an indifferent staff