JOINT INTELLIGENCE SUB-COMMITTEEMeeting to be held on Tuesday, June 9th, 1945
Note on JIC/731/45.
Mr Cavendish-Bentinck's suggestion
needs careful consideration.
Whether or not a played-back record will be
accepted as evidence of "probative value" does not appear
to be of first importance at this stage, but I feel that
it should be fully realized how almost impossible it is
to prove that the voice of any individual is, in fact,
the voice alleged to be reproduced on a record.
Even if this could be established, the
basic security, from the point of view of the future, of
C.S.D.I.C. methods as developed in this war must be
considered. A large measure of our success has been
achieved by the methods we have employed, and it is the
measure of success which has been attained which is of
even greater security importance than the methods
themselves which have actually been used. From this
angle, the greater the effect of playing back these
records in open court, the more deeply will the future
use of C.S.D.I.C.'s be compromised.
If, however, these records and reports were
to be available on a TOP SECRET basis for the purpose of
briefing the cross-examiners at these trials, (in order
that the accused may be induced to confess or be so
shaken that he is discredited), then it would appear that
Security would be reserved and the main object of
discrediting the accused achieved.
If this course is adopted, I think that the
channels through which the records and reports are
conveyed should be agreed with the A.G. department (A.G.3
(V.W.)) which is the War Office branch responsible for
all matters connected with War Crimes.
I therefore recommend that you ask the
meeting to agree:-
(a) to limit the use of C.S.D.I.C.
Records an reports on a TOP SECRET basis to briefing
interrogation officers and cross-examiners, and(b) to invite the War Office to decide upon the
correct channels for the transmission of the records
and reports from the M.I. Directorate to those who
would eventually need to make use of them.
4 June 1945.