Panton was a Daily Express journalist who
covered Berlin, like Louis Lochner and William
Shirer, for twelve years. His papers are in the
National Library of Australia. Attached to the
British Second Army HQ, he witnessed the events
after Himmlers death in May 1945. The
Panton papers contain the original typed wire
messages he sent to London from Germany reporting
Himmler's death. The language used is "journalist
telegraphese" - calculated to reduce the number of
words charged for. The version below is the
original transcript of these pages. For
ease of reading a cleaned-up version can be
accessed here.
These dispatches are based on his
which are transcribed
R Selkirk Panton
Papers, National Library of Australia, MS 5808,
folder 41. Selkirk
Panton's wire dispatches May 24-27, 1945
Press collect fastest route Thursday
24-5-45 Daily Express London 2 Take one 203024 Dateline Lueneburg Thursday. Heinrich
Himmler creator of infamous ess ess and kingpin of
whole Nazi terror and atrocity campaign which has
brutally killed tens of thousands is not millions
of lives of men etwomen[sic] who opposed
Naziism in conquered countries is dead. He died at
elevenzerofour oclock last night in suburban house
Lueneburg as he stood stripped naked for medical
examination after his capture two days before by
men of black watch while he was trying to escape
disguised across bridge at Bremervoerde twenty-five
miles due est[sic] of Bremerhaven. This
evening eye saw his body naked except for British
army shirt lying straight on floor in red plush
parlour of suburban villa number thirtyone a
Uelzenerstrasse Lueneburg headquarters where he had
fallen after crushing phial of cyanide potassium in
mouth. He was covered with British army blankent
etwore[sic] British army shirt put on him
after hed fallen. There was trickle of blood from
lips. His grey eyes which had sent so many untold
thousands their death were closed. But he still
wore powerful tortoiseshell glasses which had made
his eyes even more baleful than they might have
otherwise been to his victims. Red plush nineteenth
century furniture had been pushed aside to give
space for body of fallen Nazi mighty number one on
list Nazi war criminals. More Panton
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Take two Himmler. On the walls were
paintings angels. From ceiling over dead body
Himmler hung ornate chandelier in room only twelve
feet square. Eye pulled back grey blanket covering
body and looked at his face. Theres no
dount[sic] this is Himmler for eye know him
well. Eye first met him in nineteen thirtytwo
before Hitler came to power. Eye had dinner with
him and Ernst Roehm then Nazi mighty as chief Nazi
storm troopers the notorious SA. Himmler then only
small man in shadow Roehm smiled like Japanese
behind his ultrastrong spectacles throughout dinner
said not a word. He was in background despite his
participation with Hitler in Munich beerhall putsch
in 1923 and he knew it. Roehm was big man. But
Himmler waited. Two year later came Hitlers June
30th putsch against Nazi extremists. That was
Himmlers chance. Roehm ethundreds[sic]
other Nazis were shot in notorious Nazi bloodbath.
Himmler was safe. He built up his ess ess to
overcome Nazi storm troopers. He became chief of
dreaded Nazi Gestapo secret police which ever since
has ruled Germany with brutal hand. Since war its
been Himmler who threw tens thousands "enemies
reich" both Germans and foreigners into such terror
camps as Belsen and Buchenwald. In Berlin eye often
saw him parading round with Hitler as mighty Nazi
leader. Now how low has he fallen. For several days
eyeve[sic] been following clue after clue
in the area as far north as Danish frontier.
Yesterday we had great hopes of catching him in
last hideout German general staff liquidated
yesterday by British troops at Murwik near
Flensburg. More Panton
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Take three Himmler. Today eye drove three
hundred miles in search of him all over northwest
Germany. Every intelligence officer has received
reports of his having been in such and such a place
few minutes earlier. But none was hard. Then clue
in Flensburg sent me to Kiel. Clue there sent me
racing back from where eyed[sic] started-
Lueneburg. There eye learnt stories last days major
Nazi fiend fortyfour year old
exschoolmaster[sic] whos done more than any
other German blacken Germany in eyes civilized
world. This is story. Last Monday May 21st men of
black watch regiment on guard at bridge in
Bremervoerde across river Oste saw approaching
short tubby man without moustache
etwearing[sic] patch over right eye. He
wore civilian clothes. He was accompanied by two
men both in civilian clothes one burly fellow who
turned out later to be his chief ess ess aide.
British tommy on bridge was suspicious. Himmlers
papers were not in order although had made out in
name discharges Wehrmacht man Hinziger. But the
tommy did not recognize Himmler without moustache
etwith[sic] his black eye shade. But he put
him in local internment camp at Barnsted. After
short while there Himmler who saw game was up lost
his nerve. He sent his adjutant for British
commandant Captain Sylvester
etannounced[sic] his identity to him.
Colonel Murphy chief intelligence officer of second
British arm waswas[sic] call. More
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Take four Himmler. Colonel Murphy had no
doubts. He at once confirmed Himmlers identity sent
him down to chief interrogation point in bourgeois
Lueneburg villa. There Himmler was stripped naked
and examined by British medical officer. This
officer examined him four times for any signs of
concealed poison which every ess ess man is ordered
to carry. Again he looked in Himmlers mouth. He
lifted Himmlers tongue. Himmler again knew game was
up. Suddenly British army doctor saw purple tip of
phial halfinch[sic] long
quarterinch[sic] wide
appearbetween[sic] Himmlers
teeath[sic] for split second. Then SS chief
crush phial in teeth. Despite efforts British
doctor Himmler died in agony fifteen minutes later
there on bare boards where hed fallen. Hed kept
phial in mouth several hours all through his
interrogation by British officers. He died at
elevenzerofour last night and with him disappeared
most innocentlooking[sic] yet
mostfeared[sic] etcruel[sic] man
whole Nazi reich now crumbled into dust. Tonight
his body lies there on bare boards suburban parlour
viewed by Allied officers of British American
etRussian[sic] armies who want make quite
sure that real beast of German us indeed dead as
last symbol complete fall Hitlers third reich. Now
remains to be caught only Joachim von Ribbentrop
Hitlers foreign minister who undoubtedly caused
World War number Two because he refused to believe
that Britain would keep her word
etfight[sic] in defence of democracy
etconvinced[sic] Hitler of this. Hes still
at large. End Panton
Press collect fastest route Friday
25-5-45 Daily Express London 251800 Himmler take one dateline Lueneburg
Friday. With white flabby body of dead ess ess
chief Heinrich Himmler cruelest man since Nero on
their hands British officer here tonight were still
waiting for instruction what to do with it. They
dont know whether hes to be buried in unknown grave
cremated or buried at sea. Whatever course is
chosen its believed here that main aim will be
prevent any Himmler cult arising or any place
pilgrimage for Germans of today or tomorrow. While
they waited for order from higher up Himmler today
lay in ornately furnished redplush[sic]
parlour of Lueneburg suburban villa just down road
from second army press camp. Windows of his room
were open. Door of house was locked. Inside British
tommy with gun kept watch. But outside there was no
guard. There was nothing show local population that
cruelest man since Nero whom they had always feared
lay dead etnaked[sic] except for British
army shirt etbritish[sic] army socks
beneath grey British blanket on bare boards house.
But Himmlers body was not left in peace. All day
today British army doctors etsecurity[sic]
officers worked on it to obtain actual proof that
dead man is indeed Himmler. We dont want another
man turning up in a week or so
etclaiming[sic] he is real Himmler. So
science has been called in- science of
doctorsetscience[sic] of Scotland Yard
detective. More Panton
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Himmler take two. They took dead mans
fingerprints. They examined his body minutely for
any special marks. They examined his nails. They
took casts of his teeth. They measured exactly
every one of his limbs etwhole[sic] body.
Finally they made death mask thus preserving for
posterity face of archfiend of twentieth century.
While this was going on in Lueneburg British offers
were playing cat etmouse[sic] game with
Himmlers two ess ess bodyguards ten miles away at
POW cage at Barnstedt. That is camp where Himmler
discovered etstripped[sic]
etfirst[sic] searched. He was taken from
there dressed only in British army shirt
etsocks[sic] etwrapped[sic] in grey
blanket down to Lueneburg villa etto[sic]
his death by poisoning. These two ess ess men- both
flaxenhaired one twentyfour etslightly[sic]
built tother[sic] twentynine
etgiant[sic] of man- are in small room of
wooden barracks of former Nazi labour camp. This
afternoon when eye went to camp they lay on bed
halfdressed[sic] reading German novels. Two
British tommies arms folded sat stolidly on chairs
watching them. They were both truculent arrogant.
And British officers are treating them very
carefully. They think these Himmler bodyguards may
have some information. But they are afraid that if
they try too hard to get it these ess ess men will
pull a Himmler trick etswallow[sic] poison
from tiny vial concealed in mouth. Himmler guards
on other hand dont know that their demigod chiefs
committed suicide. So there is situation: more
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Himmler take three. So there is situation:
British officer have not searched ess ess guards
mouths for poison because theyre afraid if they try
to two men will crush &endash; if they have them
concealed mouths- etdie[sic] without giving
what information they have. They are also afraid to
tell them Himmlers dead for same reason. On other
hand ess ess men are holding out etare[sic]
mostly annoyed when questioned because theyre
trying find out whats happened Himmler. Our
officers dont know what theyve got in their mouth.
They dont know Himmlers dead. How long this cat
etmouse[sic] act will go on not known. Our
officers to whom eye suggested they should give ess
ess men something make them vomit or knockout drops
so that mouths can be searched are still awaiting
instructions. Before he took one most painful
poisons to end his life Himmler told British
officers that hed planned lie low for several weeks
until search for him had relaxed etwe[sic]
had got over "first flush of victory" he remained
truculent until dramatic and refused submit any
detailed and claimed right be transported for
interview General Eisenhower. He said he wouldnt
talk with "underlings" Himmler said that if hed
been Berlin when Hitler died he "would have died
with him" whenever he was questioned he went into
long diatribe about menace communism
etexplosive[sic] nature relations now
between Russia et western Allies this carrying on
in last moments underground Nazi propaganda line
which is already developing into whispering
campaign is hope splitting Russia from Britain
etamerica[sic]. More Panton
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Himmler take four. But he gave no hard fact
away. Himmler chief of worlds greatest secret
police was caught just because his papers naming
him as Hinziger were not quite in order
ethe[sic] failed tell same story at
repeated questionings. But his end is mystery. We
shall never know answer to questions: Why did he
wait two days being humiliated stripped naked
etrepeatedly[sic] searched before crushing
that vial of cyanide of potassium in mouth? Why did
he wait until he was standing naked except for
British army shirt etsocks[sic] in parlour
Lueneburg villa surrounded by British officers
before ending his life? Was he afraid at last
moment that minute medical examination had some
sinister significance for him? Did he still hope
that he had some chance of escape? Or did nerves
this Nazi mighty whod personally ordered torture
etdeath[sic] untold hundreds thousands men
women etchildren[sic] suddenly crack at
end?. End Panton
Press collect fastest route Saturday
26-5-45 Sunday Express London 261415 Lueneburg Saturday. Take one. Himmler
worlds greatest terrorist shrouded only in two grey
British army blankets was buried unmarked grave at
tenthirty smorning[sic] in clump tress
somewhere in this area without any of the pomp or
ceremony to which he was used. His grave is secret.
It is in unconsecrated ground. Afterwards leaves
were strewn over spot so that future generations
Germans will not know where this fortyfour year old
man who personally ordered worst atrocities this
worlds seen modern times lies buried. Only British
major etthree[sic] sergeants who interred
former dreaded ess ess chief know where grave is.
But even they tonight would have difficulty if
finding it. Early smorning[sic] Himmlers
nakes[sic] body which had been lying bare
boards redplush[sic] suburban parlour
Lueneburg since he crushed vial cyanide potassium
in mouth last Wednesday evening was wrapped in two
British army blankets. Cords were tried round feet
waist etneck[sic]. Two sergeants picked
body up one at feet tother[sic] at head. As
they went out towards back door villa British army
truck drove up back entrance. Himmlers body was
dumped in truck. Shovels were thrown in. Truck
drove off. Germans passing along street didnt even
turn head when truck drove out taking Himmler for
last drive. They didnt know Himmler was dead most
of them. Place his death scene had been kept secret
too. More Panton
Press collect fastest route Sunday Express London Himmler take two. The truck sped away to
secret burial place. Sergeants scraped away leaves
started digging grave. While they dug Himmlers body
lay nearby. Then he was thrown into grave. It was
filled in leaves were raked back
etthey[sic] went home for lunch. Himmler
once under Hitler most powerful man Nazi reich had
been buried. It was burial which might have been
given some mongrel dog killed on road. Now of all
Nazi mighties theres only Ribbentrop to be caught
man who perhaps did more than any other cause this
war by his fanatical hate of Britain which led him
convince Hitler that Britain would not honour word
etfight[sic] in defence of Poland in
nineteen thirtynine. End Panton
Press collect fastest route Sunday
27-5-45 Daily Express London 271700 Take one Himmler dateline Lueneburg
Sunday. As Heinrich Himmler today lay in his
rainsoaked[sic] nameless unmarked grave
somewhere on lonely Lueneburg heath his two aides-
burly colonel etslightly[sic] built major
Waffen ess ess- were flown in British transport
plane to twentyfirst army group headquarters of
fieldmarshal[sic] Montgomery. There they
will undergo further velvetglove[sic]
interrogation used by out intelligence officers in
hope of getting more information. With them in
plane went Himmlers personal belongings
etall[sic] material British army doctors
etdetectives[sic] have been able to collect
in their examination his body- fingerprints of all
fingers cast of lower jaw special markings on body
etdeath[sic[ mask. All records of
conversation with Himmler before he crushed glass
suicide vial in mouth together with small amount
information drawn his aides travelled in same plane
for higherups[sic] at
armygroup[sic] level to work on. Two ess
ess men did not know what bage[sic]
etparcels[sic] British escort guarded
carefully in plane contained. Cat
etmouse[sic] game is still going on. They
dont know Himmler their chief is dead
etburied[sic]. We dont know whether they
too conceal in their mouths tiny glass vial with
cyanide potassium which theyll crush if we are too
tough. We havent searched their mouths yet for two
reasons. If they have vial there theyll crush it
etdie[sic] on our hands without divulging
perhaos vital information. If they havent vials
mouths theyll know weve found out Himmlers trick
etthat[sic] hes dead. Etwe[sic]
dont want them know that- yet. More Panton
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Take two Himmler. They tried find out about
Himmler smorning[sic]. They asked for
newspaper. They got them- but only up to day before
Himmler died. Before going plane
theywere[sic] taken out their small room
wooden barracks for exercise. They walked about
Luneburg[sic] heath where their chiefs
buried escorted by British guards
etalsatian[sic] policedog[sic] our
men had "captured" from German ess ess policemen
here. For all eye know two ess ess men may in their
strolls have kicked leaves over Himmlers grave. For
only British major etthree[sic] sergeants
who buried him secretly yesterday know where it is.
At twentyfirst army group headquarters two Nazi
thugs will be questioned again. Evidence Himmlers
identity collect at Luneburg[sic] will
again be examined by experts. Contact will be made
with Himmlers widow ethis[sic] brother-
both in Allied hands. Shaef doesnt want any Himmler
mystery cropping up later. Supreme command wants
indisputable proof that body buried yesterday was
Himmlers. So far identity rests this evidence:
Himmler said he was Himmler his appearance
comparison of features with photographs especially
minute inspection ear {this must be due express
revelations re Hitlers ears} correct replies to
trick questions etmost[sic] interesting all
his signature. Just before he took poison Himmler
was asked sign name. Without hesitation he wrote
his signature on piece paper. He was just going
hand it back with ink still wet when suddenly he
tore paper into fortyeight pieces. More
Press collect fastest route Daily Express London Take three Himmler. Over weekend British
officer have been piecing scraps of paper together
again. Its now stated that Himmlers signature on it
tallies with other specimens our hands. But
question nobody can answer is this: But why did
Himmler whod freely admitted identity wanted make
us believe it etnever[sic] denied it after
revealing it tear up his signature which would help
confirm his identity? Possible he feared we might
write something above it such as confession of
having personally ordered horrors of Belsen
etbuchenwald[sic]. End New story dateline Luneburg three German
generals arrested last Wednesday by British troops
at Flensburg when the sham Doenitz government
etwhole[sic] German general staff was
rounded up had concealed in their clothes similar
poison vials to that used by Himmler. One general
was General Reinicke no details. Personality. They
were discovered when members Doenitz cabinet et
general staff were stripped after arrest
ettheir[sic] clothing was searched. But
generals made no attempt take poison. Poison vials
are like tiny glass bottles halfinch[sic]
long quarterlong[sic] diameter with blue
bulb at end of neck. Glass is very thin
etcan[sic] be easily crushed. No such vial
was found on grandadmiral[sic] Karl von
Doenitz selfdesignated[sic] last fuerher
German. Instead British security officers found
when they stripped grandadmiral[sic] that
he was wearing seven pairs woollen[sic]
underpants. It was embarrassing moment for both.
Bit Doenitz made no explanation of why he was doing
this in May. End Panton 