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Reply-To: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust <[email protected]>
Sender: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust <[email protected]>


Monday, October 23, 2000

List Editor: Jim Mott

Gas Chamber at Auschwitz (Mazal)

From: Harry W. Mazal OBE


I am presently in London doing some research before departing for another couple of weeks in Auschwitz and, time allowing, in Sobibor as well.

While in Auschwitz I will make some final observations regarding the holes on the roof of the gas chamber of Krema II. During an earlier visit this year my colleagues and I identified three of these holes. The purpose of this visit will be to locate the last one of the Zyklon introduction holes. The prospects of this happening are good due to the unique metrological method that we are employing.

On another matter...

During my visit here I have been told that David Irving has moved all of his archives to the United States with the possible intent of taking up residence there. It appears that he has not filed an appeal with the higher court in his suit against Prof. Lipstadt and Penguin books.

Sic transit...

Harry W. Mazal OBE


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DAVID IRVING has written this response:

Wrong on all counts, Mr Mazal

Related links:

Mazal's website[*]
Van Pelt's $200,000 witness report (it says there are now no such holes visible in the roof)

For those who are curious, here the the details of the neutral people behind Mr Mazal: His above website is registered by the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" c/o BASIC of 600 Sandau Suite 400, San Antonio, TX 78216, in Texas, USA. The billing contact is Mr Harry Mazal of the same address: San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund c/o BASIC, 600 Sandau, Suite 400, San Antonio, TX 78216, and their phone number is 210-377-2422. Somebody might like to check them out in more details. We will be happy in the spirit of openness to post all that we are told of these people. It is the old Nizkor gang at work again.

© Focal Point 2000 F e-mail: Irving write to David Irving