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Reply-To: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust
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Sender: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust
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Author: John
P Fox
Book and Other References
With reference to Suzanna Hicks's helpful
reference to the New York Times review
of the new Robert Proctor book by Michael
Sherry - the latter underlining yet again how total
objectivity and not emotion must be the watchword of Nazi
studies - list members might be interested in a small
contribution of mine to the wider discussion of doctors
and Nazis.
It was in a review article entitled "The Road to the
Racial Millenium: German Medical Science From 1870 to
1945. A Review Essay" (Patterns of Prejudice.
Volume 26. Nos. 1 & 2. 1992. pp. 103-23).
One of the points I emphasised in that piece was the
extent to which the post-1945 world had actually taken
much farther many of the "medical science" ideas
"pioneered" by German doctors during the Nazi regime.
Indeed, taken so far nowadays that we hardly blink our
eyes at some practices in place today in terms of
"controlling the population" that, in the history books
at least, the Nazi period was so condemned for.
P Fox

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