diary, Mar 27, 1942, pages 19-22 (Bundesarchiv
file NL.118/42). Translation by Richard Evans, of the Goebbels
diary, March 27, 1942, commencing with the last
line: "The Jews are now being pushed out of the
General Government, Note that on line 8 Goebbels' stenographer Dr
Richard Otte leaves a blank space for the name
Odilo Globocnik, far right, for which
he presumably intended to confirm the spelling. Völkischer Beobachter, Jan 31, 1939,
reeports Hitler's "prophetic warning" to Jewry. a new world war, is beginning to realise
itself in the most terrible manner. One must not
allow any sentimentalities to rule in these
matters. If we did not defend ourselves against
them, the Jews would annihilate us. It is a
struggle for life and death between the Aryan race
and the Jewish bacillus. No other government and no
other regime could muster the strength for a
general solution of the question. Here too, the
Führer is the persistent pioneer and spokesman
of a radical solution, which is demanded by the way
things are and thus appears to be unavoidable.
Thank God, during the war we now have a whole
series of possibilities which were barred to us in
peacetime. We must exploit them. The ghettos which
are becoming available in the General Government
are now being filled with the Jews who are being
pushed out of the Reich, and after a certain time
the process is then to renew itself here. Jewry has
nothing to laugh about... Note: From the all-important sentence
referring explicitly to "liquidated", conformist
translators like Prof Richard ("Skunky") Evans like
to leave out the word wohl (line 5) which
means "perhaps" or "probably", no doubt because it
tends to bring out that Goebbels is speculating,
and does not know for certain.
Saturday, March 6, 2004
. . .
and what David Irving made of it in his biographies
of Goebbels
and HitlerThe
passage was extensively wrangled over in the
Lipstadt trial in 2000, on Days 4,
and especially Day
There is no doubt as to these pages' authenticity:
the originals are in the Hoover archives' Goebbels
collection at Stanford University; the microfilm of
them (now NA film T84, roll 261) was made in New
York in 1947; and David Irving also checked the
microfiche copy made by the Nazis in 1944, in the
Moscow archives where the microfiches have
languished since 1945.
near Lublin, to the East. A pretty barbaric
procedure is being applied here, and it is not to
be described in any more detail, and not much is
left of the Jews themselves. In general one may
conclude that 60% of them must be liquidated, while
only 40% can be put to work. The former Gauleiter
of Vienna [Globocnik], who is carrying out
this action, is doing it pretty prudently and with
a procedure that doesn't work too conspicuously.
The Jews are being punished barbarically, to be
sure, but they have fully deserved it. The prophesy
[see VB newspaper headline below
left] that the Führer issued to
them on the way, for the eventuality that they