Like the Mafia, Holocaust deniers
never like to let go -- a lesson
that Dr Hayward has learnt the
-- Dr John Zimmermann
Listener New Zealand, November 9,
1992 Letters in
response to Listener article, "In denial,"
November 2, 2002 [not posted on this
website] Denial
of denial
Joel Hayward
replies: GUILT by association is a nasty tactic.
Nonetheless, I'll swat that aside for a
moment and address some of my
'obfuscation' alleged in 'In Denial'
(November 2), which, by the way, contains
nothing new, and certainly nothing not
seen by the Working Party two years ago.
But first let me make one thing clear:
Vincent Orange (with whom I still
have occasional email correspondence) is a
warm and kind man -- a true gentleman --
and an outstanding military historian. He,
too, has found the last two or three years
difficult, I believe that, like me, he did
his best to be honest and accurate all
those years ago. He doesn't deserve this
vilification. Now, to the main claims. It would have
been fair journalism to point out the
following: 1. My meeting with Robert
Countess took place nine or so years
ago, when I was in Alabama on a
prestigious scholarship with the US Air
Force. Countess was then a minor figure in
the Holocaust controversy, and I knew
almost nothing about him. He offered to
take me to meet the family of my athletics
hero, Jesse Owens. I jumped at the
offer (who wouldn't?), and Countess kept
Irving comments: LIKE David Cole before him,
Joel Hayward has been
brainwashed, or petrified, by his
opponents, and who can hold it
against him? The witness to that
fact is his Freudian slip, in
talking of my inviting him, "to
testify for his
[Irving's] defence at his
2000 trial in London". I was not
on trial, nor was I "defending"
myself; I was suing a Jewish
writer for her libels, libels
done in the paid service of the
Yad Vashem Institute of
jerusalem. It was not my trial,
but the trial of that writer,
Deborah Lipstadt. I LIKED, and still like Dr
Hayward and for the sake of old
times I shall not print the
correspondence we have had, which
reveals a different story from
what he implies. He was a
diligent and sincere toiler in
the fields of revisionism, and
his master's thesis was an honest
attempt to address the issues of
Holocaust historiography. Honesty: that
is what caused his grief, and he
knows it. He has now chosen the
softer option, and good luck to
him. The rest of us will soldier
on, taking the still more honest
IN 1999 he talked of
inviting me to lecture at his
college in New Zealand. (He was
then Dr Joel Stuart A. Hayward,
Senior Lecturer at Massey
University and the Programme
Co-ordinator of Defence and
Strategic Studies in the
University's School of History,
Philosophy and Politics.) Nothing
came of it. I in turn asked
Dr Hayward to address our eager
audience that year at Cincinnati.
After a week or two for
reflection he replied that he
could not get away for the
requisite five days, or shuffle
his teaching commitments around
to create a suitable gap. He
volunteered instead: "My next
period of relative calm is
late-October, and then again in
January and February, but for
almost all the latter period I
will be away in Freiburg, " and
he added: "You know, I am
nevertheless keen to do a
conference or something with you.
But we should plan it well in
advance so I can work my
lecturing around it." He already
had little time for the thing he
loved most about his profession,
he said: research. "Even my Hitler
book is behind schedule, and I
won't be visiting archives for
another six months or more. So
please accept my regrets. Your
offer to give a paper at your
Cincinnati conference has appeal,
but my hectic workload makes it
impossible during September." His inability
to appear as an expert witness in
the Lipstadt trial was expressed
in similar language.
dossier on some of the origins of
| My day at the Owens house is a wonderful
memory. I even supplied the
Listener with photographs of me
with the Owens family as evidence.2. I declined David Irving's
request to testify for his defence at his
2000 trial in London [see panel on
right], and I also turned down a
similar request from a Canadian
revisionist, Ernst Zündel, a
few years earlier. I want no part in the
debate. 3. As a gesture
of goodwill to the concerned Jewish
community, I gave my large and
expensive collection of Third Reich books,
sources and microfilms (including rare
first editions of obscure German texts) to
the Mazal Research Library in the US, a
center that counters anti-Semitism and
Holocaust denial. 4. I received one bad review for my
book Stopped at Stalingrad. The one
that the Listener quoted from was
the only bad review it received. All
others, and the book was widely reviewed
internationally, were glowing. The book is
in its third printing and is considered
the standard work on the Stalingrad
airlift. It is used in many staff colleges
and university defence studies courses as
a set text. 5. In the years since I wrote my
controversial thesis I have had around one
million words published, yet not one
sentence denies the Holocaust. I have
several new books out soon, none of them
on a remotely related topic. My favourite
military commanders (my professional
'heroes', if you like) are Lord
Nelson and the Duke of
Wellington. They pre-dated the Nazis
-- not one of whom features in my list of
favourites -- by one-and-a-half centuries,
and were 'good guys', not 'bad guys'. I'm certainly not an extremist. I am an
ordinary liberal and democratic New
Zealander. How I came to attract more
publicity two or three years ago than
criminals and gang leaders is still beyond
my comprehension. I have received worse
treatment, and had my freedom and privacy
violated to a worse degree, than my
alleged 'crime' warrants. I did not rob a
bank; I wrote a thesis. I regret that I
hurt people, and have apologised often on
my own initiative, but this character
assassination has to stop. I have to be
able to move on in life without further
smears. I am not a 'story'; I am an
average Kiwi man with a loved and loving
family. We deserve the same privacy and
freedom from hassles that every other
citizen gets. Dr Joel Hayward, Palmerston North, New Zealand
IT IS with disgust that I read of the
further smears and attacks levelled at Dr
Joel Hayward, who was a senior lecturer at
Massey University until he could no longer
cope with the anguish he felt. His truth-twisting opponents seem to
want to portray him as responsible for, or
involved in, almost every controversy
regarding Jews in the country. They seem
to hate him with undisguised ferocity.
This reflects badly on the New Zealand
Jewish Council. I had the pleasure of being in Dr
Hayward's stimulating, informative classes
and have known him for several years. He
is the best lecturer I have ever studied
under. I can confirm his popularity among
students, many of whom share my disgust at
his treatment. They miss him at Massey and
think the university suffered a great loss
when he
resigned. Dr Hayward is a helpful,
honest and sensitive man. Even when the
controversy over his thesis erupted a few
years ago, and students could see that it
was taking a toll on his health and
nerves, he remained a dedicated and
inspiring lecturer. His books and articles
are highly regarded around the world. Dr Hayward is certainly not a neo-Nazi,
Holocaust denier, anti-Semite or
right-winger. He has always demonstrated
tolerance and cultural kindness in classes
and in person. He deserves to be left
alone to rebuild his life and career. Kelly Badman, Palmerston North, New Zealand
I AM the author of a book debunking the
claims of Holocaust deniers and a member
of The
Holocaust History Project, an
organisation that fights Holocaust denial.
I have read Dr Hayward's Masters thesis as
well as the report issued by Canterbury
University. I fully endorse the report's
findings and agree with Dr
Richard Evans' critique
of the supervision, or lack thereof, that
Hayward received. However, the article
omitted two key points that I brought to
the attention of its author, Philip
Matthews, whom I contacted at the
request of Dr Hayward. First, much to the
consternation of Holocaust deniers, Dr
Hayward has issued a
public apology for his thesis. Second,
Dr Hayward made a valuable contribution to
the Project of documents dealing with the
Nazi era. This material helps us to
continue to fight against the lies and
distortions of deniers. Dr Hayward
also assisted me in obtaining key
information for a study I published
refuting Pearl Harbour revisionism. He
does not even accept Pearl Harbour
conspiracy theories, much less the more
mendacious claims of Holocaust
deniers. I have corresponded with Dr Hayward off
an on over the past three years and know
that he has been trying to sever his ties
with the deniers, despite what the deniers
themselves may be claiming. Like the
Mafia, Holocaust deniers never like to let
go -- a lesson that Dr Hayward has learnt
the hard way. A current prominent member of the Ku
Klux Klan, as was a former highly
respected justice of the Supreme Court,
the highest court in the US. The Klan is a
racist and terrorist organisation that has
plagued the US for over 100 years. Both of
these individuals regretted and apologised
for their association and were able to
make valuable contributions to American
democracy. Surely if a US senator and
Supreme Court justice can be allowed to
live their lives in peace after denouncing
the Klan, everyone can grant Dr Hayward
the same consideration. John C Zimmerman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. [Website
note: John Zimmerman is a professor of
accounting, not a historian:]
Philip Matthews
replies: NOWHERE in the story is it suggested
that Joel Hayward is "responsible
for, or involved in, almost every
controversy regarding Jews in the
country". This is paranoid and
persecutionist. I will leave it to the New
Zealand Jewish Council to confirm whether
or not they hate Hayward "with undisguised
ferocity", but this comment seems to have
the same thinking behind it. It is unfortunate that the detail that
Hayward met Robert Countess in
Alabama in 1994 was omitted, but it
doesn't change the fact that Hayward was
circulating his thesis (and another
student's) to Holocaust deniers within a
period during which he has claimed to have
had no contact with them. Nor am I
convinced that "Countess was then a minor
figure in the Holocaust controversy and
[Hayward] knew almost nothing
about him", given that Countess was
acknowledged among the sources and experts
in Hayward's thesis -- which was
completed, remember, in 1993. It's worth adding that Countess was so
inspired by the theses that Hayward
presented to him that he established a
company -- Theses & Dissertations
Press -- with the express intention of
publishing both of them. That company' s
website ( says that "neither
thesis was published for various reasons
of logistics and constraints of time".
However, the company has gone on to become
one of the leading Holocaust denial
presses. Hayward did not need to send the
Listener photos of himself with the
Owens family -- that visit was never
doubted in the story. Regarding John
Zimmerman's letter, it was clear that
Hayward has publicly apologised. Zimmerman
also endorses Richard Evans'
thorough and incisive report on Hayward's
thesis, although, in correspondence with
me, he went further than simply blaming
the supervisor, as he does above. "Evans
was right on the money about the thesis,"
he wrote. "Having read the thesis I know
it constitutes Holocaust denial."
Fredrick Töben
comments: WHEN the heat was on him, Dr Joel
Hayward was quick to label me an
antisemite, etc. and his reference to his
poor health tended to neutralize my desire
to fend off his attacks on my person. He
even rang me up after my release from the
German prison and expressed his concern
for my wellbeing. I even stated publicly
that Hayward had the right to change his
mind, this being a normal revisionist
characteristic. But I did demand of
Hayward that morally he owes the
Revisionists a detailed justification as
to what caused him to change his mind,
i.e. what new information was it that made
him change his mind. This material has not
been made public. For the sake of completeness, I would
like to state the following, something I
have mentioned in my book: The pressure on
Revisionists is tremendous, and Joel
Hayward , among other things, did receive
death-threats -- and it involved the
Israeli embassy in Auckland. He therefore
had to make his recantation appear as
realistic as possible. Unfortunately my
request that he detail the reasons on
which he based his change-of-mind remains
unanswered. But I can still empathise with
him, that he loves his wife and children
above all else. During 2000, while we
spent time together in his office, every
few minutes his wife would ring through to
enquire how he was. Perhaps she thought
that I had evil intentions upon her
husband. Professor Robert Faurisson made
the pertinent comment about pressure. If
Revisionists have to endure a lot of
stress and pressure, think about the
pressure, for example, the US president
has to endure from the Zionist lobby. I
think we are all realistic enough to know
that this battle about getting the true
story of the 'Holocaust' out into the
wider world is a life and death struggle.
It is not for the fainthearted. And a
Revisionist who still has a wife and young
children is perhaps foolish to risk all. I
have been given a rather friendly reminder
via our court system not to doubt the
'Holocaust' and not to question the
details of the murder weapon. I am
complying with that court order to the
best of my ability. The most important
thing is to lose one's fear of fear, but
unfortunately we are moving closer and
closer to what prevailed in the eastern
European countries and in the former
Soviet Union until the collapse: a general
hush, a shroud of modesty and serenity,
befitting those who live cautiously,
pervaded socialist societies. Public
offices were all guarded, something we did
not see in western countries until
recently. So what is happening today is actually
a transference of the fear factor that
operated in the former communist countries
onto the once vibrant democratic western
world. Through their work, Revisionists
are at the forefront of sensing this
negative fear-driven development. Hayward
himself clearly alludes to it in the
Matthew interview where he addresses the
loss of academic freedom. Joel Hayward, like David Cole
before him, has done his job, and we must
respect his silence with the proviso that
he does not attack Revisionists. For
example, his comment about not attending
the Toronto Zündel trial as an
expert witness can be regarded from his
view-point and also from the perspective
as expressed by Professor Faurisson. The
critical point of it all is this:
Hayward's thesis still stands, as does
Germar Rudolf's report. Legal and
social sanctions have been imposed to
discourage others from reading this
material, but we all know that the
Internet is our weapon of mass
instruction. Individuals will make up
their own minds, and dissent according to
their personal sense of urgency that
surrounds the "Holocaust'. One final point, John C
Zimmerman ( I always muse how many
prominent Jews have such good German
names!) claims the Mafia does not like to
let go. I thought he was referring to the
anti-Revisionists who will simply not let
Hayward go. Revisionists have moved on,
and some don't even look upon his work as
important. But I would rather deal with
the Mafia than with anti-Revisionists such
as Zimmerman. Why? The Mafia has a code of
honour, something the anti-Revisionists
lack. Related
item on this website: Joel
Hayward index Joel
Hayward's thesis: 'The
Fate of Jews in German Hands' Holocaust
denial viewed as world class
blunder Joel
S. A. Hayward: Stopped at Stalingrad.
The Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in
the East, 1942-1943 (Univ. Press of
Kansas), 1998 [extract praising
David Irving's Hitler's