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Sir Richard Francis (1821-1890).
Autograph manuscript treatise entitled
'Human Sacrifice among the Sephardine
or Eastern Jews', almost entirely
unpublished, n.p. [Trieste],
n.d. [1877], written in brown
ink on recto (17 pages in blue),
footnotes and emendations on facing
verso, occasional later annotations in
pencil (by W.H.Wilkins), leaves
numbered in autograph, watermark of
Smith and Meynier, Fiume, a few
newspaper cuttings pasted in,
approximately 180 pages, 340 x 220 mm,
and 126 pages, 220 x 165 mm. Early
20th-century pebble grain red cloth for
Henry Sotheran and Co., titled in gilt
on the upper cover (spine partially
detached, some wear, extremities
Sir Richard Burton -- Lady (Isabel)
Burton (1831-1896) -- Mrs Elizabeth
Fitzgerald (her sister and literary
executor, d.1902) -- W.H. Wilkins
(d.1905) -- Henry Sotheran and Co --
Henry Frederick Walpole Manners-Sutton,
fifth Viscount Canterbury
(1879-1918)] -- the Trustees of the
Board of Deputies of British Jews (by
deed of assignment from the executors
of the estate of the late Lady Burton,
manuscript comprises: an introduction
addressed 'To the Reader', a preface (in 3
parts), and six chapters, two appendices,
an earlier draft of the first appendix,
and drafts and notes entitled
'Anthropology of the Jews' and 'Jews'. The
posthumous edition by W.H.Wilkins
of three manuscripts by Burton (The
Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, London, 1898)
includes in Part I the preface and most of
chapter VI of the present manuscript,
corresponding to approximately 70 pages in
Burton's hand.
The unpublished chapters describe (in
chapters I - IV) the events surrounding
the disappearance of Padre Tomaso,
a Capuchin friar, and his Syrian Christian
servant, in Damascus in 1840, when
thirteen members of the Jewish community
were arrested and accused of having
committed ritual murder. Some 'confessed'
under torture, but all were eventually
acquitted. In chapters V and VI Burton
gives his views on the continuity of 'the
tradition of human sacrifice', with a
historical aperçu of accusations
made in Syria, Lebanon and parts of
Europe. Appendix I ('Jews in Roumania')
gives a version of the arrival of the Jews
in Moldavia and Wallachia, and their
situation at the time of Burton's writing.
Appendix II is largely a dismissive
commentary on Dr Alexander McCaul's
pamphlet (published in 1840) which by
examining Rabbinical writings refutes the
ritual murder accusation. The manuscript
is Burton's final and complete autograph
The accusation of ritual murder made
against the Jews was largely mediaeval in
origin, and had parallels in charges made
against various heretical Christian sects.
The common form of it was the notion that
at the Passover Christian blood was used
in Jewish rites. Invariably, the
accusations led to violence, and often to
tragedies for whole Jewish communities. By
the 19th Century such tales were no longer
given credence in Western Europe, but they
continued to occur among the more
fanatical Christian communities of the
East, and in 1881-1882 allegations of
blood libel were raised again in the
clerical publication Civiltà
Cattolica in Rome. Towards the end of the
century they were revived in parts of
Eastern Europe including Roumania, and
particularly in Russia where they were
instrumental in provoking massacres.
By reviving interest in the events of
1840, Burton sought to reopen an issue
which informed public opinion had already
largely rejected as untrue. The
introduction includes his justification
for the work, that 'The statements
contained in these pages must, if untrue
to fact, be speedily buried in the limbo
of vagaries and dreams. If true, they open
up an unknown chapter of Modern History
which deserves careful perusal'. He
repudiates the judicial investigation of
Padre Tomaso's case ('the preposterous
preference of fiction to fact'), and the
'peculiar action of the British
authorities', preferring to believe the
statements of 'native Christians quite as
well informed in their own way as, and far
more acute than, the average higher orders
of our own countrymen'. The preface consists of a 'General
Opinion of the Jews', an 'Opinion of the
Jew in England', and 'The Jew of the Holy
Land and his destiny', largely a
disquisition on the differences between
the Ashkenazim ('who have brought from
Northern climes a manliness of bearing, a
strongness of spirit and a physical
hardness ... They will travel by night
over difficult and dangerous paths ...
They can endure extremes of heat and cold
of hunger and thirst') and the Sephardim
who, if more intellectual, are not their
equal in 'manliness', the quality which
Burton placed above all others. Chapters I and II comprise an
extensive, detailed and often obsessive
account, based on contemporary narratives
and unspecified documentary sources, of
the life and death of 'the Martyr Padre
Tomaso' and the consequent events. Chapter
III discusses the procès verbal of
the alleged murderers with frequent
interpolations by Burton disputing the
statements of the defendants and their
witnesses, and Chapter IV includes the
'Confessions' or testimony of the
'Doctor (Hakham) Moshe Abu'l Afiya'
[the principal Jewish witness].
These chapters also incorporate Burton's
views of the varying responses of the
different European consuls to the
investigation, from which only the
Frenchman, Count Ratti-Menton [a known
anti-semite] 'who had to fight the
battle single-handed', emerges with
credit. A digression on the riots in 1860 and
disturbances during his consulate in 1870
permits the inclusion of some
self-justificatory passages on 'Captain
Burton's' efforts to check 'vested abuses'
while his reports to his superior were
ignored, contending that the hatred felt
by the 'mob of "homicidal Damascus"
[the Muslims] for the Christians
rested upon its resentment of the
protection of the minorities by the
European powers. This subject allows
Burton to introduce contemptuous
references to those statesmen responsible
for legislation to remove Jewish
disabilities, including Lord
Palmerston (who had acted 'with that
... superficial regard for right which in
later life justified the large Irish
land-holder in concealing the growth of
Fenianism') and Lord John Russell,
equally 'unopen to reason', both in
Burton's eyes to blame for the problems of
the English consuls in Damascus ('The most
melancholy result of the priest's death
was the protection extended to the Jews by
the European powers'). The final appendices and notes,
composed in expectation that South Eastern
Europe will 'at some not distant period
become a focus of disorder', include some
colourful writing on the Roumanians,
'still bearing the brand of the sloth and
ignorance, the sensuality and moral
degradation which characterised their
Turkish rulers', and on recent history and
the new wealth and influence of the Jews
('the Juggernaut car of Hebrew
plutocracy'). Burton's indefatigable quest
for anthropological and ethnological facts
is curiously combined in the manuscript
with his obsessive pursuit of his
principal theme, self-justification for
his actions in Damascus, details culled
from anti-semitical tracts to underpin his
argument, passages of description and
observations about the contemporary
political scene in the Near East.
There is little to suggest that before
Burton was appointed consul in Damascus he
was anti-semitic. Not long before he had
written 'Had I choice of race there is
none to which I would more willingly have
belonged than the Jewish' (The Highlands
of Brazil, 1869, I, 430), and in the
present manuscript, despite his hostility,
he shows admiration and even envy for the
social and political cohesion of the
Jewish community and the 'prodigious
superiority of vital power' which he saw
in it. The change that he underwent at
Damascus was directly related to his
perception of the humiliating
circumstances of his recall.
Damascus was the most fanatical of the
cities of the Ottoman Empire. All the
Christian and Muslim divisions were
represented there, and it had a sizeable
Jewish community, mostly of the Sephardim.
Rumours, slanders and intrigues were a
constant feature of inter-communal
relations, and violence easily flared. The
events of 1840 had led to many Jews being
killed, prompting Sultan Abdül Mecid
to issue a firman repudiating the ritual
murder accusation as a calumny, and
ordering their protection. In 1849 the
British Government instructed its consuls
to extend their protection (already given
to the Christian minorities) to the
Ottoman Jews. Burton came bitterly to
resent this. In his first eighteen months as consul
he fell foul of the Ottoman Governor of
Syria, Mohammed Reshid Pasha, as
well as of the Consul General in Beirut
and, above all, Sir Henry Elliot,
the Ambassador at Constantinople, who had
strenuously opposed his appointment,
predicting that Burton, famous for his
participation in the Muslim pilgrimage to
Mecca, would be regarded as an infidel by
some and a renegade by others. In January
1871 the Porte delivered to Elliot a
complaint about Burton's long absences on
various excursions, and his denunciations
of the Muslims in their proceedings
against Christians. The Pasha insinuated
that by spreading rumours that Turkey was
about to declare war on Russia he might
precipitate an uprising against the
Christians (of whom many had died in riots
in 1860). Elliot himself complained that
Burton's conduct was no more satisfactory
to British subjects there, whether
Christians or Jews, than to the Muslims.
He was involved in an 'affray' at Nazareth
and made unauthorised visits to the leader
of the Druse, and to a heretical Sufi
sect. The letter of recall reached him in
August 1871, and it was recommended that
he be re-employed in 'some post
unconnected with the Mahommedan faith'.
This ended permanently his hopes of an
embassy in the Arab world. To Burton however the fiasco of his
consulate was the result not of his
relations with the Ottoman authorities but
of complaints of him made by three of the
48 Sephardic Jews under his protection, to
whom he had refused to extend the
assistance required by his consular
instructions. He was said to have 'lost
the composure befitting the Diplomatic
Service'. On his return to England, full
of resentment and anger and for over a
year on half-pay, he used his enforced
leisure to gather material for the present
work, to add to the information he had
acquired in Damascus about the events of
1840. He completed the manuscript in May
1877, when he wrote to a publisher that it
was ready, adding 'you must tell me that
you want it, or rather that you are not
afraid of it' (Fawn Brodie, page
363, n.7). He seems to have been dissuaded
from publication only by friends, fearful
of the harm it might do to his
The history of the manuscript after
Isabel Burton's death was eventful.
The trustees of her will included her
nephew, Gerald Arthur Arundell
(15th Baron Arundell of Wardour,
1869-1939). Her sister, Mrs Elizabeth
Fitzgerald, her secretary, Miss
Plowman and W.A. Coote were
appointed her literary executors. Isabel's
and her husband's letters, journals and
manuscripts were to be burnt by Miss
Plowman, according to separate
instructions. The recent discovery of her
'Last Wishes' in the Arundell Papers in
the Wiltshire Record Office has revealed a
direction that 'a manuscript about the
Jews - Richard's fair and rough copy -
must be burnt' (M.S. Lovell. A Rage
to Live, London 1998, page 789).
The burning of the papers was, however,
delayed so that Isabel's editor, W.H.
Wilkins, might have access to them to
complete her autobiography. Mrs Fitzgerald
meanwhile was eager for the publication of
the manuscript. In October 1897 The Athenaeum carried
an advertisement for the publication by
Hutchinson and Co. of a work by Burton
entitled Human
Sacrifice amongst the Eastern Jews: or the
Murder of Padre Tomaso, edited
by Wilkins. This
caused great concern, in particular to the
Board of
Deputies in London. The trial of
Alfred Dreyfus in France two years
earlier had provoked violent reactions,
and arguments for and against his
innocence continued to rage in the French
press. The 1890s also witnessed an upsurge
of violence against the Jews of Eastern
Europe, and ritual murder accusations were
used to trigger the waves of renewed
anti-semitism. Against this background the
Board of Deputies expressed their
opposition to the publication of a work
which would revive 'a cruel and absurd
mediaeval legend' and inflame racial
hatred. Under threat of a libel action the
book was withdrawn. Wilkins removed many
names, the chapters relating to Padre
Tomaso and to 'human sacrifice', and the
appendices. He included the preface and
most of one chapter in The Jew, the Gypsy
and El-Islam, misleadingly referring to
the much more substantial withdrawn
portion of the manuscript as 'an
In 1904 Wilkins (whose ownership of the
manuscript was doubtful) gave it to
Sotherans and it was sold to Henry
Frederick Manners-Sutton. In 1908
Manners-Sutton, through his publishing
business, approached Gerald Arundell for
permission to reprint the chapters
published by Wilkins in a new and complete
edition of the work. Arundell, his co-executors, and
Wilkins's executors objected strongly and
in 1909 the ownership of the manuscript
and of all the rights in it was
transferred by deed of assignment to
David Lindo Alexander, K.C., who
was President of the Board of Deputies.
Manners-Sutton gave it up only after a
ruling in the High Court on 27 March 1911,
when he was ordered to surrender it.
Included in the lot is a copy (manuscript)
of Isabel Burton's will (28.12.1895); a
page from The Athenaeum with Messrs
Hutchinson's advertisement (16.10.1897);
two indentures in which Isabel Burton's
executors and the executors of W.H.
Wilkins assign all their rights in the
manuscript to D.L. Alexander (24.3.1909);
the statement of the latter's claim and
the judgement delivered in the High Court
(27.3.1911); and related
Richard Burton. The Jew, the Gypsy and
El Islam (ed. W.H.Wilkins, 1898) Fawn
Brodie. The Devil Drives (1967) B.J.
Kirkpatrick. Catalogue of the Library
of Sir Richard Burton etc (1972) M.S.
Lovell. A Rage to Live. A biography of
Richard and Isabel Burton (1998) Dr
Alexander McCaul. Reasons for Believing
that the charge lately revived against
the Jewish People is a baseless
falsehood (1840) Frank McLynn. Burton:
Snow upon the desert (1993) Stanford J.
Shaw. The Jews of the Ottoman Empire
(1991) Hermann Strack. Das Blut im
Glauben und Aberglauben (Berlin, 1886)
A. Vincent. 'The Jew, the Gypsy and
El-Islam: An examination of Richard
Burton's consulship and recall' (in the
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,
1985, pages 155-173) Sir Arnold Wilson.
Richard Burton (1937) |