September 15, 1989
Student Accused of Faking
by James Feron THE former president of
the Jewish Student Union at the State
University of New York in Binghamton has
been charged with painting anti-Semitic
slurs near a Jewish sanctuary. The student, James Oppenheim, a
20-year-old senior from Bethpage L.I.,
organized an observance on Nov. 9, 1988,
of the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht,
when mobs led by Nazi storm troopers
rampaged against Jews in Germany. In Binghamton swastikas and slogans,
including "Kill Kikes!" and "Zionazi
Racist," were found last Nov. 10 on the
inside of a door leading to the Jewish
Student Union and the sanctuary. The door
was locked and nothing else was disturbed,
according to reports in Pipe Dream, a
student newspaper. Misdemeanour
ChargedMr. Oppenheim, regarded as outspoken on
many issues on the campus, organized a
second vigil later that night to condemn
the vandalism. He was quoted by the
student newspaper as saying, "Does it take
an incident like this before Jews and
everybody else get together and do
something?" District Attorney Gerald Mollen
of Bloome County said Mr. Oppenheim was
arrested Wednesday and charged with two
misdemeanours: false reporting an incident
and criminal mischief, each of which
carries a maximum penalty of a year in
jail. Mr. Mollen said his office had entered
the case after an investigation by the
state police and university authorities.
He declined to discuss how the police had
linked Mr. Oppenheim to the vandalism. The student is to be arraigned next
Thursday in Vestal Town Court. The Jewish Student Union had no comment
on the incident. It issued a statement
saying that "since the news came as a
complete surprise to us, we are waiting
for further developments to be brought to
our attention before we can truly
respond." No Comment by
AccusedMr. Oppenheim was unavailable for
comment yesterday. Students recalled him as the most
outspoken of several student leaders
during a sit-in at the university's
administration building earlier this year.
The 300 students in the demonstration
represented several groups on campus. Some
from the Women's Center were protesting a
campus rape, and others from the Black
Students Union were protesting what they
said was lack of university response to a
racist editorial in a conservative student
newspaper. The Jewish Student Union demands, as
presented by Mr. Oppenheim, included
establishment of a Judaic studies
department, but the administration made no
commitment. Mr. Oppenheim was quoted in
Pipe Dream as saying: "The
administration is hearing, but they're not
listening. Reason means nothing. Action is
the only thing that's going to make things
happen." Active in Student
AffairsMr. Oppenheim ran unsuccessfully for
Student Association president in April,
"basically on a platform that he really
did a lot for the Jewish cause following
the anti-Semitic incident," a member of
the newspaper staff recalled. The university
said Jewish students represented "30 to
40 percent of the 12,000 enrollment."
According to the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation in Washington, Jewish
students represent 50 percent of
SUNY-Binghamton's student population,
including 5,500 undergraduates and 500
graduate students, one of the highest
ratios of any school in the
nation. A statement by Raymond E. Dye,
the school's vice president for student
affairs, said Mr. Oppenheim's status
remained unchanged until the charges
against him were resolved. He "is entitled
to full participation in all aspects of
university life," Mr. Dye said, and "this
should not be an occasion for pre-judging
a person or a group." |