February 16,
David Irving, Key West.
Mr Nick Farrell
111 Balls Ponds Road Please pass urgently
London N1 4BL to
Nick Farrell
Dear Nick,
am being subjected to a deliberate international smear
campaign. You may have seen the tip of it in the Sunday
Times the last two weeks. At the behest of You-Know-Who,
the story is being put around deliberately in the USA
that I was involved in the Oklahoma
tragedy. It is about as nasty
a smear as can be imagined. I have people doing computer
searches for me to track down the culprits: we have
narrowed the search down to either the Anti-Defamation
League of the B'nai Brith In
New York, or the Board
of Deputies of British Jews
(or both), against whom I am about to issue
a libel writ in connection
with a 50
pp. report smearing me which
they con-fidentially supplied in 1992/3 to the Canadian
authorities with the intention of getting me banned from
that country. (I got the report by Access to Information
I am negotiating with
[Anthony] Julius of Mishcon's the
solicitors for the Board on the latter matter. I have a
wad of material on this Oklahoma smear, and if you are
willing to investigate further I'll fax it to you. What
the USA press is publishing is horrendous: one example
attached (alleging that I may have supplied the detonator
used...). I have got to fight back, or be buried in a
AP in New York have
convinced me that they did not plant the lies. I think
this is not unconnected with the fact that my
Goebbels biography is about to
be published in the UK and New York, restoring my
world-wide renown as an historian.
Yours sincerely,

David Irving