posting only New York, February, 2001
added by this website; you are urged to
buy the magazine for the full article with
illustrations] INSIDE
By John Sack [continued from Part
1] But lo! Someone did. Not someone from
the Auschwitz Museum, but Charles "Chuck"
Provan, a letterhead printer in
Monongahela, Pennsylvania, and another
scheduled speaker here in California. A
man of childlike enthusiasms, a roly-poly,
redbearded, merry man, a man with a
brandy-glass-shaped face, he'd been an
earnest denier until he had an epiphany in
December 1990. Provan was home in
Monongahela, reading from The Confessions
of Kurt Gerstein, an SS man who confessed
he was at the concentration camp in
Belzec, Poland, and who said, "I see
everything! The mothers, their babies at
the breast, the little naked children, the
men and women, naked. They enter into the
death chamber, pushed by the leather whips
of the SS. Pack well, that is what
[the] captain ordered. Seven to
eight hundred persons on twenty-five
square meters. More than half are
children...." For forty-five years, the Confessions
had been the laughingstock of the
Holocaust deniers. What? Seven to eight
hundred people on twenty-five square
meters? Thirty people on one square meter,
three people on one square foot?
"Impossible," "Incredible," "Nonsensical,"
wrote the jeering deniers. "it is feasible
if one uses a scrap press, but in that
case gassing would be superfluous." Even
mainstream historians fudged the
Confessions' figures, writing at best
inaccurately and at worst unscrupulously
of 170 to 180 people or of a hundred
square meters. For forty-five years, no
one had troubled himself to see if seven
to eight hundred people could fit on
twenty-five square meters until Provan, in
Monongahela, read these words in the
Confessions: "More than half are
children." Well, if I've got one thing,
thought Provan, it's children, and he put
down the book and took his five children
and one big baby doll into an upstairs
bedroom. "What are you doing?" asked Mrs.
Provan. "An experiment: How many kids can fit
in a gas chamber." "You shouldn't use the kids like that.
It's sorta gruesome." "Aw, it won't hurt them," said Provan
in his down-home voice, and he had the
kids strip to their underwear. He packed
them into a corner, then with two dressers
corralled them into a square of sixteen by
sixteen inches. Then, setting them free,
he used an electronic calculator to
calculate to his astonishment that he
could fit 891 children into the gas
chamber at Belzec. Tears came to Provan's
eyes, for he saw the Confessions
differently now. Its author, he saw,
wouldn't say something so impossible,
incredible, nonsensical, something no one
would believe for a half century, if he
himself hadn't witnessed it. Gerstein, the
SS man, had seen Jews die at Belzec ("One
hears them weeping, sobbing"), and the
Holocaust had indeed happened. Provan
did two more experiments even as Mrs.
Provan, a sort of Cesare Cremonini-the
colleague of Galileo's who wouldn't look
into Galileo's telescope-told him, "You
shouldn't." In one, he used five kids,
three mannequins, and one doll, and in the
other, five kids, three adults-a printer,
a minister, and an Italian woman who said,
"You're nuts, but I'll do it-all with
their clothes on, and the doll, and he
calculated that seven hundred fathers,
mothers, children, and babies would fit in
the chamber at Belzec. And last March, he
used the same scientific method on the "No
holes? No Holocaust!" hypothesis, going
with some of his children (he had nine by
now) to one collapsed chamber at
Auschwitz. The witnesses there had said
the holes were alongside the central
columns, and Provan used a forty-dollar
metric measuring tape to find where the
columns had been and found-well, whaddya
know?-those celebrated holes. No longer
were they twenty-five by twenty-five
centimeters, as the witnesses had said.
Now, with the roof blown up, they were
larger, and Provan photographed them, came
home to Monongahela, wrote up a monograph,
printed it at his print shop, and printed
a cover that, in gold letters, with the
exclamation point demoted to a question
mark, said, NO HOLES? NO
HOLOCAUST? He then flew to Orange
County and appeared at the palm-filled
hotel on Saturday afternoon.
Not even washingup, he sat with
childlike delight on a flowery lobby love
seat by the Kentia palm, handing his two
dozen spiralbound copies to the illuminati
of Holocaust denial. if he expected
encomiums, he misunderstood human nature,
which clings to established beliefs as
though to a life preserver without which
we'd sink to the jet-black depths of the
Mindanao Trough. "You have a bent toward
evil," the chief denier from Australia, a
man of German ancestry, told Provan. "You
slander the German people. You believe in
the Holocaust." "But Charles, if I may
call you Charles, bring me the pudding,"
said the chief denier alive, a Frenchman
who coined the "No holes? No Holocaust!"
motto. "Bring me the holes of twenty-five
by twenty-five centimeters." "Oh, I
can't," said Proven. "Where do you see a square of
twenty-five by twenty-five?" "Oh, not anymore. But this hole is big
enough to have held it.,, "But you don't
have a square of twenty-five
centimeters." "I admit that." "This cannot convince me," the
Frenchman said. The angriest denier was David Irving,
the British historian who'd said in London
that a photograph of a hole would drive
such a metaphorical hole in his case that
he couldn't defend it. Irving, who isn't
allowed at Auschwitz and may have been
jealous of an amateur's access, sat at the
open-air downstairs restaurant in front of
a Caesar salad. on spotting Provan, he
turned black, and his words came like
chisel chips. "I'm hopping mad," Irving
said. "If I were an SS man and somebody
said, 'Knock some holes in that ceiling,
will you? We're going to start putting
cyanide in,' I'd make those holes in the
middle of some empty area. I wouldn't put
them-bang, bang, bang, bang-next to the
load-bearing pillars. what were the
load-bearing pillars for? Just cosmetic
purposes?" Provan, twenty years younger,
stood like a boy called down to the
principal's office, looking abashed, and
Irving continued, "The Germans spend God
knows how many hundreds of thousands of
pounds building this? And then they allow
some jerk with a sledgehammer to punch
holes DAVID
trial in London a year ago was
called the trial of the century
by newspapers in Jerusalem. The
plaintiff was David Irving, a
renowned World War II historian
and the best-selling author of
thirty books, including Hitler's
War. The defendant was Deborah
Lipstadt, a professor at Emory
University, who wrote in Denying
the Holocaust that Irving had
knowingly distorted history in
pursuit of a revisionist agenda.
Irving was suing her for libel,
but to the Jerusalem papers,
something much more momentous was
at issue: Did the Holocaust
happen or didn't it? Irving
lost. Not only that, but the
judge called him a racist and an
anti-Semite. Interestingly,
Irving is one of the least
extreme Holocaust deniers, a
phrase he says he finds odious.
He believes that at concentration
camps like Chelmno, the Germans
did indeed have gas chambers
where they murdered thousands of
Jews. He also believes that at
Auschwitz the Germans had
experimental chambers and that
the number of Jews who died in
the Holocaust was four million at
most, maybe less. A Brit
who normally lives in London,
Irving is now in Key West,
Florida, finishing volume two of
Churchill's War. |
next to the loadbearing pillars? I'm
having lunch," said Irving abruptly, and
he attacked his salad without a whit of
his ardent convictions voided by Provan's
photographs. Of course, the deniers would
say it's Provan and I whose convictions
weren't voided by Irving, and it may be a
hundred years before we know whose views
prevail. "We have won," an SS man told
Primo Levi at Auschwitz. "There may be
suspicions, but there will be no
certainties, because we'll destroy the
evidence together with you." Provan, the only speaker (other than
me) who believed that the Holocaust
happened, spoke in the ballroom later on.
He spoke about a Jewish coroner at
Auschwitz and not about his "No holes? No
Holocaust?" monograph or his one other
epoch-making discovery. In the cyanide
chambers at Auschwitz, there are no
cyanide stains, and the deniers, though
they've never worn a T-shirt saying
DIED! call this another proof that
what we call cyanide chambers were, in
fact, innocuous morgues. But according to
Provan, the chambers have no stains
because the Germans painted their
walls. Sixteen other speakers spoke on
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, for this was
a holiday weekend, and I counted six who'd
run afoul of the law because of their
disbelief in the Holocaust and the death
apparatus at Auschwitz. To profess this in
anyone's earshot is illegal not just in
Germany but in Holland, Belgium, France,
Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, and
Israel, where denying the Holocaust can
get you five years while denying God can
get you just one. one speaker, David
Irving, had been fined $18,000 for saying
aloud in Germany that one of the cyanide
chambers at Auschwitz is a replica built
by the Poles after the war. A replica it
truly is, but truth in these matters is no
defense in Germany. Another speaker, a
Frenchman, had been fined in France, and
another speaker, a German, had been
sentenced to fourteen months in Germany
but, his landlord evicting him, his wife
deserting him, had fled to England.
Another speaker, an Australian, had come
from seven months in a German jail for
writing in Australia (alas, on the
Internet, which Germans in Germany can
read) that there were no cyanide chambers
at Auschwitz. In his defense, he'd called
an expert witness, but the man couldn't
testify or he'd be jailed, too, the victim
of the selfsame law. The fifth speaker was
a Swiss, a man whom I'd once roomed with
(I'd met many deniers previously) and fed
the kangaroos with in South Australia.
He'll go to jail for three months in
Switzerland for questioning the Auschwitz
cyanide chambers. In the United States, thank God, we
have the First Amendment. But even in that
shuttered ballroom in California, the
sixth speaker couldn't say all he wanted
to-couldn't, for example, say the Germans
didn't kill the Jews deliberately. A few
hours earlier, he and I had debated this
at a waffle breakfast, debated it in
audible voices with no qualms of being
arrested, indicted, or imprisoned by
federal marshals. "But what about
Eichmann?" I'd asked him. "He wrote that
Hitler ordered the physical destruction of
the Jews. He wrote about Vergasungslager,
gassing camps." "John. The man was in Israeli
captivity." "Well, what about during the war? Hans
Frank, the governor general of Poland,
said to exterminate all the Jews, without
exception." "He was only quoted as saying that,
John." "And what about Goebbels? He said a
barbaric method was being employed against
the Jews. And Himmler? He said the SS knew
what a hundred, five hundred, one thousand
corpses were like." "John, I don't know. They might have
said it," the sixth speaker told me. "But
it isn't true that genocide was a German
national policy." A few hours later, the
speaker didn't dare repeat this up in the
ballroom, for he's a Canadian citizen and
his speech was carried live on the
Internet in Canada, and if he said what
he'd said over waffles, he'd have been
prosecuted in Canada. Already he'd been
tried twice as well as hit, beaten,
bombed, engulfed by a $400,000 fire, and
told, "We'll cut your testicles off " The man's name is Ernst Zündel.
He's round-faced and red-faced like in a
Hals, he's eternally jolly, and he was
born in Calmbach, Germany. if you saw the
recent movie about the Holocaust deniers,
Mr. Death, he's the man in the hard hat
who says, "We Germans will not go down in
history as genocidal maniacs. We. Will.
Not." He has become a hero to anti-Semites
and, like every denier, has been called
anti-Semitic himself, but it's just as
honest to say that the Jews who (along
with God) oversee the Jewish community are
in fact anti-Zündelic,
anti-Countessic, anti-Irvingic, and, in
one word, anti-denieric. The normal
constraints of time, temperance, and truth
do not obstruct some Jewish leaders from
their nonstop vituperation of Holocaust
deniers. "They're morally ugly. They're
morally sick," said Elie Wiesel on PBS.
They bombard us with disinformation, said
Abraham Foxman, the national director of
the Anti-Defamation League, on the op-ed
page of The New York Times. "Holocaust
deniers," said Foxman, spreading
disinformation himself, "would have
[us] believe there were no
concentration camps." Myself, I disagree
with these Jewish leaders. Most deniers,
most attendees in their slacks and shorts
at the palm-filled hotel, were like
Zündel: people who, as Germans, had
chosen to comfort themselves with the
wishful thinking that none of their
countrymen in the 1940s were genocidal
maniacs. I can sympathize with the Germans, for
I've seen a bit of this wishful thinking
among some Jews. Seven years ago, I
ruefully reported in my book An Eye for an
Eye that thousands of Jews who'd survived
the Holocaust had rounded up Germans and
beat, whipped, tortured, and murdered them
German men, women, children, and babies-in
concentration camps run by Jews. This
little holocaust was corroborated by 60
Minutes and The New York Times but not by
Jewish leaders. They, pardon the
expression, denied it, writing reviews
whose titles were "The Big Lie" and "False
Witness" and "Do Me a Favor-Don't Read
This Book." If Jews feel pressed to deny
what happened to sixty thousand Germans,
then Jews might forgive the Germans, like
Zündel, who choose to deny what
happened to six million Jews. Instead, Jewish leaders hound them.
Astronomers don't spill rivers of ink
denouncing the UFO fanatics, whose
theories are much less malignant but whose
legions are much more numerous than the
dozen dozen deniers at that international
conference, their first in six slow-moving
years. But for various reasons (for
reparations, for the survival of Israel,
or for real apprehensions that it could
happen again), Jewish leaders want the
Holocaust to be front and center in
America's consciousness. In this they've
succeeded spectacularly. Americans who
aren't senior citizens think it was partly
to save the Jews that we declared war on
Germany, though that was no factor at all.
Americans who don't know if one hundred
thousand, two hundred thousand, or one
million of our own soldiers died (and
surely don't know that fifty million
people died in China) know exactly how
many Jews died in World War 11. Once, said
Michael Berenbaum, the former research
director of the U. S. Holocaust Memorial
Museum, "the Holocaust was a side story of
World War 11. Now one thinks of World War
11 as a background story [to] the
Holocaust." Among many ways Jewish leaders
accomplished this was to tap out an SOS,
an all-points alarm, whenever in any dark
corner they spotted a knavish denier. They may have adopted this from Jakob
Böhme, a German mystic of
Shakespeare's time. Böhme once said,
"Nothing becomes manifest without
opposition, for if it has nothing to
oppose it, it slowly moves away from
itself and does not return." Lest the
Holocaust become unmanifest, lest the
Holocaust move away from itself, Jewish
leaders constantly point to the
opposition, the bogeyman, the bugaboo, the
otherwise ineffectual squad of Holocaust
deniers. But there's a double edge to
Böhme's sword: By opposing, opposing,
opposing them in print, on the radio, and
on TV, Jewish leaders make the deniers
manifest, too. The deniers survive because
they are being persecuted. They survive to
spread their doctrine to the true Jew
haters of the world. My own speech was on Monday afternoon.
It was about An Eye for an Eye, which the
Germans among the deniers wanted to hear
about so they could share their parents'
guilt with the Jews, their parents'
victims. No longer did I want to tell the
deniers off, but I did want to edify them
(and I did) that I and the Jews in An Eye
for an Eye devoutly believe that the
Holocaust happened. But also I wanted to
say something therapeutic, to say
something about hate. At the hotel, I'd
seen none of it, certainly less than I'd
seen when Jews were speaking of Germans.
No one had ever said anything remotely
like Elie Wiesel, "Every Jew, somewhere in
his being, should set aside a zone of
hate-healthy, virile hate-for what
persists in the Germans," and no one had
said anything like Edgar Bronfman, the
president of the World Jewish Congress. A
shocked professor told Bronfman once,
"You're teaching a whole generation to
hate thousands of Germans," and Bronfman
replied, "No, I'm teaching a whole
generation to hate millions of Germans."
Jew hatred like that German hatred, or
like the German hatred I saw on every page
of Hitler's Willing Executioners, I saw
absolutely none of, but I saw that some
people, all Germans, had had to struggle
to suppress it. "The tone of the Jewish establishment,"
said Zündel at another breakfast in
the airy downstairs restaurant, "is so
strident, offensive, grating, so
denigrating of Germans, there's going to
be-" He stopped short. "We are so sick of the Holocaust!" a
German woman with us took up. "Gentiles
have it thrown in their faces morning,
noon, and night without relief. Do the
Jewish people know that?" "They convict us, imprison us, make us
into outcasts," said Zündel, who is
now being prosecuted in Canada for, among
other things, truthfully saying that
Germans didn't make soap out of Jews.
"Teachers lose their jobs. Professors lose
their tenure, and I say this isn't good
for the Jewish community." "I see dissatisfaction," said the
German woman, "that I shudder about. I
think the Jewish community has to try to
lessen it. This censorship! This
terrorism!" In no way did her or
Zündel's jaw get twisted like a
twisted rubber band into the outward
contours of hate, but the woman's quivered
at the edges somewhat. So at the lectern in the grand ballroom
on Monday, I spoke about hate. "There
are," I said, "eighty-five thousand books
about the Holocaust. And none has an
honest answer to How could the Germans do
it? The people who gave us Beethoven, the
Ninth Symphony, the ode to Joy, Alle
Menschen werden Brüder, all men are
brothers. How could the Germans perpetrate
the Holocaust? This mystery, we've got to
solve it, or we'll keep having genocides
in Cambodia, Bosnia, Zaire. Well," I said,
"what I report in An Eye for an Eye is
Lola-the heroine, the commandant of a
terrible prison in Gleiwitz, Germany-"Lola
has solved it. The Jews have solved it.
Because in their agony, their despair,
their insanity, if you will, they felt
they became like the Germans-the
Nazis-themselves. And if I'd been there,"
I said, "I'd have become one, too, and now
I understand why. A lot of Jews,
understandably, were full of hate in 1945;
they were volcanoes full of red-hot hate.
They thought if they spit out the hate at
the Germans, then they'd be rid of it. "No," I continued. "It doesn't work
that way. Let's say I'm in love with
someone. I don't tell myself, Uh-oh, I've
got inside of me two pounds of love, and
if I love her and love her, then I'll use
all of my love up-I'll be all out of love.
No, I understand and we all understand
that love is a paradoxical thing, that the
more we send out, the more we've got. So
why don't we understand that about hate?
if we hate, and we act on that hate, then
we hate even more later on. If we spit out
a drop of hate, we stimulate the saliva
glands and we produce a drop and a quarter
of it. If we spit that out, we produce a
drop and a half, then two drops, three, a
teaspoon, tablespoon, a Mount Saint
Helens. The more we send out, the more
we've got, until we are perpetual-motion
machines, sending out hate and hate until
we've created a holocaust." I then said
emphatically, "You don't have to be a
German to become like that. You can be a
Serb, a Hutu, a Jew-you can be an
American. We were the ones in the
Philippines. We were the ones in Vietnam.
We were the ones in Washington, D. C., for
ten thousand years the home of the
Anacostia Indians. They had one of their
campgrounds at what now is the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "We all have it in us to become like
Nazis," I said. "Hate, as Lola discovered,
is a muscle, and if we want to be
monsters, all we have to do is exercise
it. To hate the Germans, to hate the
Arabs, to hate the Jews. The longer we
exercise it, the bigger it gets, as if
every daywe curl forty pounds and, far
from being worn out, in time we are
curling fifty, sixty, we are the Mr.
Universe of Hate, the Heinrich Himmler. We
all can be hate-full people, hateful
people. We can destroy the people we hate,
maybe, but we surely destroy
ourselves." The
people who say the Holocaust didn't happen
applauded. Loud and long they applauded,
and a number of German deniers stood up.
Some asked questions about Auschwitz, like
why did I think that Germans meant for
Jews to die? But one from Berlin, named
Wolfgang, later confessed to me, "I
believe that Auschwitz became unsanitary.
The Jews were worked very hard, I grant
you that. They died. And they had to be
gotten rid of. And after they died, the SS
put them into crematoriums. I won't deny
that. And maybe to scare some, the SS told
them, 'You're next, you're going to go up
in smoke.' And maybe..."
The conference ended on Monday. No one
was ever attacked by the Jewish Defense
League. The deniers (revisionists, they
call themselves) meet next in Cincinnati,
and they have invited me to be the keynote
speaker there. I've said yes. John
Sack |