former national vice-president of
B'Nai Brith Canada
. . . Bloomfield is
charged with 16 criminal counts
of falsifying business records
and one count of conspiracy.
Montreal, Saturday, October 12, 2002
lawyer's U.S. fraud trial opens
mired in complex web. Alleged to have
recruited diplomat to pose as owner of
offshore companies in scam BRIAN HUTCHINSON Freelance HARRY Bloomfield, a
prominent Montreal lawyer and
philanthropist, could never have imagined
he would one day sit inside a grungy New
York City courtroom, listening to gung-ho
assistant district attorneys describe the
role he allegedly played in a complex
international stock fraud, involving a
trio of crooked stockbrokers, a former
British magistrate and a down-and-out
diplomat from Liberia. But that is precisely what the
58-year-old Queen's
Counsel has been listening to this
week. A
former national vice-president of
B'Nai Brith
Canada and former chairman of the
Business Development Bank of Canada's
audit committee, Bloomfield is accused of
recruiting the diplomat to pose as the
owner of 16 offshore companies used in a
pump-and-dump stock scam that U.S.
authorities broke up in 1997.
He is charged with 16 criminal counts
of falsifying business records and one
count of conspiracy. How did a man with
his pedigree ever land in such a mess? The answer,
said his defence lawyer, is that
Bloomfield was unwittingly drawn into a
devious scheme, the details of which he
knew absolutely nothing about. It began in early 1993, with a phone
call from a friend of his, an American
businessman named Matthew Snyder.
He was owed a substantial amount of
deferred compensation from a former
employer and he did not wish to pay taxes
on it. He wanted the series of
compensation payments to be kept
confidential, away from prying eyes. He
asked Bloomfield for advice. According to Snyder, who testified here
last week, Bloomfield came up with a
solution. He would arrange for the
compensation payments to be channeled
through a bank in Bermuda, and then into
Snyder's bank account in New York. Bloomfield soon traveled to London,
England, and met with a lawyer named
Stuart Creggy, a specialist in
setting up offshore companies (Creggy, who
would later become a
was eventually charged with Bloomfield and
is being tried alongside him in New
York). Documents produced in court show that
following their meeting, Creggy formed a
new company, called Bloomfield &
Bloomfield Investment Management Limited
(BBIM). He had it registered in Liberia,
and opened a bank account in its name in
Bermuda. It was through this account that Mr.
Snyder's money was to be channeled to New
THERE was only one hitch: the Bermuda bank
required details of the company's
beneficial owner. According to the
documents, Bloomfield suggested that,
rather than he or Snyder or Creggy signing
on as beneficial owner, they nominate
another friend of his, a low-level
Liberian diplomat named Charles
Wilson, who was then serving his
country in Canada.
"This was the beginning of the process
of the defendant's borrowing, then
renting, and then essentially stealing
Charles Wilson's identity," declared
Assistant District Attorney Kenneth
Chalifoux, at the start of
Bloomfield's trial last week. There is no question that Bloomfield
knew Wilson well. After all, Bloomfield is
Canada's honorary consul to Liberia. A
decade ago, when a civil war broke out in
the tiny African country, Wilson stopped
receiving his diplomatic paycheque, and
the wealthy Montreal lawyer came to his
aid. According to his defence lawyer, "when
Liberia fell on hard times, Bloomfield was
helpful to Wilson, in helping him to
survive." Once Wilson was established as BBIM's
beneficial owner, regular
deferred-compensation payments began to
flow from Snyder's former employer, to the
Bermuda bank, and then on to New York. Documents seized during the
investigation show that the transfers
amounted to about $19,000 U.S. every three
months, and were described on bank credit
advance slips as "BBIM Consulting
Fees." While he admitted in court that this
was clearly not the case, Snyder went
along with the arrangement, because, he
testified, it meant that the true source
of the funds would be hidden. Everything proceeded smoothly. So
smoothly, in fact, that Creggy suggested
to Bloomfield that they use Wilson again,
for a different purpose. In a November,
1993 fax to Bloomfield, filed as evidence
at their trial, Creggy wrote: "Dear Harry, I have had a
request for the diplomat to become a
director of a (Liberian) company ... if
he is prepared to do so, would you
kindly let me know how much he
requires. ..." Bloomfield immediately faxed a message
back the same day: "Dear Stuart, Diplomat is in
the constant state of penury,
therefore, I believe he will do it, and
for as much money as the market will
bear. ..." According to the Manhattan District
Attorney's Office, Bloomfield then got
Wilson to sign his name to documents which
falsely stated that he was the beneficial
owner of 16 separate offshore
companies. The documents were then forwarded to
Creggy in London, and eventually used to
help hide the identities of three corrupt
New York stockbrokers using the 16
companies to illegally trade shares in
other companies listed on U.S. stock
exchanges. "Using a diplomat was a stroke of
genius," declared assistant district
attorney Chalifoux, at the outset of the
Bloomfield and Creggy trial. "If he were located, he would be immune
from subpoena power ... (and) with some
good luck (Bloomfield and Creggy) would
get away with their scheme. And they were
lucky for a while, but their luck ran
out." An investigation by U.S. securities
officials led to the arrest of the three
New York brokers; in 1997 they each
pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges
relating to stock fraud. The trail led
police to the 16 offshore companies
fronted by Charles Wilson, the Liberian
diplomat, and then to Creggy and
Bloomfield. The two were charged last year and
posted bail after entering not guilty
pleas. Bloomfield's defence attorney,
Charles Stillman, said that while
his client might have had Wilson sign
documents naming the diplomat as the
beneficial owner of the 16 offshore
companies, he had no idea they were going
to be used for criminal purposes. "Bloomfield had zero to do with the
fraudsters," Stillman said in court last
week. "There is no evidence that Bloomfield
was informed of the true circumstances
surrounding the request that Wilson sign
some documents and return them to
Creggy." Wilson is no longer a diplomat, and is
therefore not shielded by immunity. He is
scheduled to testify at Bloomfield's trial
next week.  on
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