public prosecutor in Leoben had reviewed
the actual tapes, and concluded that I had
not broken any laws; so had the Stapo
[Staatspolizei] officer who
DRAFT (A foretaste)
Imprisonment FOR
many weeks I brooded on where the Pottersman Factor
fitted into all this. Apart from the eight police
officers who had forced my car off the autobahn at
gunpoint -- they had been informed that I was a car
thief -- the Austrians could not have been
As word spread round Vienna's Josefstadt jail on
who I was, I received a stream of visitors. Jailers
brought me magazines, mail, packets of coffee as
gifts. One gave me a glass of whisky, "Nobody must
hear of this." The enemy blubbered with fury in the
national press when they learned that my books were
in all the prison libraries, over a hundred as it
turned out, including Hitler's
War. The ministries reassured Parliament that
my books had now been withdrawn. An unknown
Austrian historian -- nearly all Austrian
historians are unknown -- was appointed to check
them. The books by me were burned. This would
surely convince the world that Austria was not a
Nazi state. The criminal court permitted me to see a duly
sanitized police file. Intelligence materials had
been removed but it was still quite thick, and went
back sixteen years. The top transcripts were
laboriously typed and worryingly inaccurate,
transcripts of my talks in Leoben (November 5,
1989) and Vienna (November 6) received by the
police several weeks later, after ordering
my arrest. The public prosecutor in Leoben had
reviewed the actual tapes and concluded that I had
not broken any laws; so had the Stapo
[Staatspolizei] officer who actually
attended. The Socialist Student society at Leoben
University had kindly supplied to the Stapo their
own tape of my talk. Günther Bögl , the Vienna
Polizeipräsident, had isssued the now faded,
yellowing arrest warrant, before any of the
transcripts were received, on the evening of
November 8, 1989; that was the day before the
Berlin Wall came down, an ironic counterpoint in
European freedoms. Bögl's panic was evident --
the Viennese press that morning was reporting that
Jewish and Communist organizations were calling for
his resignation or dismissal for having failed to
silence me completely in Vienna on the sixth. Turning the page, I came to the pivotal
documents. Although they now (2006) deny it and
pretend in statements to the press not to have been
involved, here was their actual Anzeige, their
formal demand for my arrest and prosecution: the
Communist-front and largely Jewish organization,
the Dokumentationsarchiv
des Österreichischen Widerstands (Document
Centre of the Austrian Resistance) had
addressed this Anzeige, calling for my
arrest, to Bögl on the seventh, based solely
on that morning's report in the far left newspaper
Arbeiterzeitung (Worker's Newspaper); a
report which the journalist concerned, Christa
Zöchling, almost immediately partially
retracted as inaccurate, when sworn before a judge
two days later. Police chief Bögl received this Centre's
arrest-demand at midday on the eighth, as the copy
in my hands showed, and he had acted on that
alone. There
were familiar names on its letterhead, including
Professor Erika Weinzierl; she still
promotes the hate-filled dogmas of Austria's
historians, and may God have mercy on her
otherwise, as newspaper photographs suggest that
Erika has the kind of ineffable beauty that can
stop one thousand ding-ding-ding full-right-up
Number 15 London buses charging pell-mell down Pall
The Archive Centre's Honorary President was
Professor A. Maleta: it is not an unusual
name: Maleta is not Rumpelstiltskin. Still, I
confess I did really wonder if this was the same
Professor A. Maleta who had sworn affidavits many
years ago that he had personally seen homicidal gas
chambers in operation at Dachau,
Heinrich Himmler's first concentration camp?
(The German Government has long ago dismissed that
particular piece of nonsense history; there was no
such installation at Dachau.) A lot of people
served time because of Maleta's convenient little
perjury. Deeper in this public file I came across even
uglier stuff, including letters from the
Israelitische Kulturgemeinde of Austria:
Their chief executive Peter Grosz* was
applying for a permit to demonstrate outside my
Vienna lecture on November 6, 1989, with a
hatred-filled coalition of three to five thousand
like-minded folks: the Vienna Gesindel would
all be there, and Grosz appended a battle-order of
participating bodies. There was something about this Israelite
Cultural Community, the equivalent of our own
unduly respected Board
of British Deputies, that reminded me of that
Coalition for
Human Dignity in Oregon, the mob-spitters.
Perhaps it was the news clipping I found in this
police file, reporting that Grosz, in his address
to the Gesindel multitudes, had called on
them to use Gewaltmassnahmen, violence, if
necessary to stop me lecturing. My attorney Dr
Herbert Schaller had read that item at the
time and issued an immediate Anzeige against
Grosz for criminal incitement to violence, but it
was soon choked off in the conduits of Austrian
justice. Prosecutions are a one-way street in modern
Austria. People like Grosz get special treatment;
while I am reading this police file 16 years later
in a Vienna prison cell. GOTCHA! -- These
Lilliputian swarms, Pottersman's people, these
international midgets with their buckets and
ladders and threads, must have thought that they
had finally got me strung down. . . (etc.) Donate
| regular * As fortune had it, my cell
neighbour for a time was Peter-Paul Grosz, a
major Viennese cocaine dealer; presumably no
relation.Copyright ©
David Irving 2006 
David Irving arrest in
Vienna (dossier)