on Fred Toben Adelaide
Institute director Dr Fred Toben
has just written after his first four
months in a German jail -- held without
trial on account of materials posted on
his Australian Website, to which the
notorious German public prosecutor
Hans-Heiko Klein
had taken exception. Toben, an Australian
revisionist, was arrested in Klein's
Mannheim, Germany, office in April
His German lawyer, Dr L Bock,
has confirmed that the formal indictment
was filed with the Landgericht, or
Provincial Court, on June 21,1999; he has
one month in which to reply to it. His
trial is not now expected to be before
October, 1999 therefore. There has been speculation that Dr
Toben expected to be arrested when meeting
Herr Klein in the Prosecutor's office, and
even courted prosecution; Dr Toben has
denied this. In an article published on
Feb. 22, written 1999 before leaving
Australia, he stated that he did not seek
to confront the law or challenge it
directly; he did expect to visit Klein for
purposes of discussion. He had met Klein
previously without threat of arrest. The Adelaide Institute charges that
their director Dr Toben was the victim of
entrapment. Not unexpectedly, Alexander
Downer, of the Australian Foreign
Ministry, has refused to challenge the
decision of the German government to
arrest Dr Toben, and has extended to him
the normal consular service due to an
ordinary Australian citizen. Freedom of speech on the Internet in
Australia, notes the Institute, has been
threatened by the passage of an Internet
Censorship Bill on Jun. 30, 1999, despite
vigorous opposition from many campaigners
for free speech, notably Electronic
Frontiers Australia (EFA) which described
the censorship Bill as "draconian". Would do it
again A letter received from Dr Toben's
German jail cell shows that he is
determined to maintain his commitment to
free speech: "I am in my fourth month
in a prison cell, and although I'm
still here, I would do it all over
again. Only now do I understand the
true value of free speech -- in the
past having belonged to the talkers.
But talk about free speech is cheap.
"Now the real fight is on, and
Adelaide Institute and its supporters
are showing the way - viam monstrare (a
reference to the Adelaide Institute
motto, "to show the way") into the
global electronic village, lit up by
the flame of truth. "The evil forces of censorship
may have succeeded in passing the
Internet Censorship Bill, and would-be
smalltime dictators may label us
"racist", but we shall continue to
provide uncensored historical
material. "Our only criterion is
truth-content, and in the
Internet-library of the universe, we
shall soon become irrelevant if we tell
lies! "Mature adults do not wish to be
told what they ought to see and read.
The dictators who want to enslave our
minds fear the Internet because it
gives us our humanity- the freedom to
think and speak. "Those who say we indulge in
'hate' talk by raising historical
issues, ought to see and read. The
dictators who want to enslave our minds
fear the Internet because it gives us
our humanity -- the freedom to think
and speak. "Those who say we indulge in
'hate' talk by raising historical
issues, ought to tell us where we are
lying. We maintain that there is no
proof that Germany systematically
exterminated German Jewry in homicidal
gas chambers during World War II. Why
cannot Mr Jeremy Jones [of the
Executive Council of Australian
Jewry] show us or draw us a
homicidal gas chamber? Or show us the
alleged four insertion holes in the
alleged homicidal gas chamber at
Auschwitz-Birkenau? Or just shut up and
admit that there is no proof, and you
are either ignorant or historical facts
or worse still, that you are lying.
"Thank God for the liberating
forces of the Internet, and I thank all
those individuals who have supported
our battle financially and morally. On
paper and on the Internet we have won
this war. The final background is in
the law courts, the most difficult one
... even in Germany, truth is no
defence [a reference to the fact
that, after a challenge to the Adelaide
Institute Website by the Executive
Council of Australian Jewry to the
Human Rights & Equal Opportunity
Commission, the Commission refused to
accept factual historical evidence,
because :"truth is no defence"]
"This makes any court case a
joke, and immoral. Where truth is no
defence, the lies flourish. Where lies
flourish, evil triumphs and good people
begin to suffer and hurt. "This is not what is in
Australia's best interests."
Adelaide Institute would like to thank
many supporters from around the world for
their financial and moral support. These
statements are a rallying cry for
revisionism as we enter the Twenty-First
Century, -- Geoff. Muirden, Acting
Director, Adelaide Institute |