David Irving's Fight against Australian Suppression of Free Speech
David Irving asks Australian Government why they have not replied to his application
June 9, 2002

David Irving

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Key West, Fl., June 9, 2002

Dear Sirs

It is now nearly a year since I applied yet again for a visa to visit Australia (I visited without problems twice before, 8-23.3.86, 12.9.-11.10.87). I have paid the fees, and filled in your various forms and questionnaires within the allotted time limits, and have heard no more. I appreciate that this case will have required consultation with Canberra, but can you please now expedite the matter, as I wish to make travel plans. The journey was originally scheduled for last January [2002], you will recall. I would appreciate advance notification by email, as I am currently writing in the USA: you can email me at [email protected]. My cellphone here is 305 923 6259.

Yours sincerely,

David Irving
e-mail: [email protected]

Australian High Commission
-- Senior Migration Officer --
Migration Branch
Australia House
London WC2B 4LA

© Focal Point 2002 David Irving