Documents on Real History
Documents on Auschwitz

Documents on the Effects of Cyanide Poisoning

British Newspaper Prints Shocking Lie Reflecting on Official Holocaust History


Zyklon canisters


Canisters of Zyklon-B (pellets impregnated with hydrogen cyanide) photographed by British Intelligence December 16,1944

(Crown Copyright photo: PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE)


London, Wednesday, October 14, 1998

Student's suicide gasses nine

AN AMERICAN student took so much potassium cyanide when he committed suicide that the toxic fumes from his body put nine other people in hospital.

Four ambulance crew, two teachers and three students at Grinnell College needed treatment after the chemical reacted with water in the body of 20-year-old Carl Grimm and produced hydrogen cyanide gas. The entire dormitory at the private liberal arts college, 50 miles from Des Moines, Iowa, had to be evacuated. It is not clear why Mr Grimm killed himself.

David Sapsted, New York  square


© 1998 Daily Telegraph London
The above news item is reproduced without amendment

Our opinion
THIS UNTHINKING NEWS item represents a shocking slur on the testimonies of W.W.II Holocaust survivors, often sworn under oath, who agreed that special units (Sonderkommandos) were able without wearing gasmasks, and without suffering any ill-effects themselves, to enter the gas chambers that existed at such Nazi factories of death as Auschwitz only minutes after the screams of the victims died down, and manhandle the bodies of the hundreds of cyanide-soaked corpses out into the adjacent crematoria. ARSmallLogo

We demand the prosecution of the newspaper and journalist under Germany's laws for suppression of free speech.

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