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Civil War Breaks Out between the Holocaust Scholars

Reply-To: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust <[email protected]>
Sender: H-NET List for History of the Holocaust <[email protected]>


Re: Editorial NY Times (Feinstein)

From: Stephen Feinstein <[email protected]>

Friday, March 19 1999

For anyone on the list who does not know Gabriel Schoenfeld, the editor of commentary who wrote the op-ed piece, he is brainless when it comes to the Holocaust. There was a big rift last summer in the June issue of Commentary where he criticized women's studies about the Holocaust. He very clearly wants a narrow and sanctified view, not to include anything about genocide, and nothing to compare the Holocaust with anything else. To achieve this, he appears like Rosespierre [sic], willing to raise the guillotine on academics.

So, in addition to criticizing some museums which deserve some criticism, he critiqued some papers from the Scholars Conference, including my own called "Outer Edges: Pop Art and the Holocaust (not bothering with the full title--one of his tricks) or apparently bothering to come to the conference to hear it.

While he may get an op-ed page in the NY Times, I would not take him or his journal seriously. He has done as much damage as deniers.

Dr. Stephen Feinstein,
Director Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
University of Minnesota
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