[images added by
this website] It
would be suicidal and highly irresponsible of
you to come to Mannheim or wherever they will
me for the duration of their vendetta
Ernst Zündel in a German courtroom, where
he was sentenced to five years in jail for statements on a
California-based website
source] Letter from
Political Prisoner Ernst Zündel to a Canadian
Supporter October 15, 2007 Ernst Zündel JVA Mannheim Herzogenrieder Str.
111 68169 Mannheim Germany
WE live in a netherworld where
there are few fundamental principles adhered to any
longer All is now subject to political correctness
and situational ethics. There is an aura of
normality projected publicity but,oh, my God, the
mental state of most of these people. The more
"educated" they are the more they are like mental
slaves or pre-programmed robots orzombies under a
witch doctor's voodoo spell. We Auslandsdeutsche were the lucky ones.
We escaped that experimental farm the Allies
erected as part of their human zoo and experiment
over here! Yesterday was the deadline for our final
submission to the"Bundesverfassungsgericht"
about the goofish farce they called these
proceedings here! Torquemada - was a paragon
of virtue - in comparison believe me! But all this
is now behind me! Yesterday, I was called to the Prison Censor's
office. He showed me two huge boxes, easily about
three feet long, 20 inches high and about 24 inches
deep. One of these boxes had arrived from the
court, brimming full with letters that had not been
processed in 2-'/2 years. And every day brings new
letters of complaints to the court, the judge, the
justice ministry, politicians and the media.
Everybody is outraged for many letters were written
by me in June, July 2005 and were only mailed 26
September 2007 at the Mannheim Post Office. Several
have come back because some have died after they
wrote me, an Easter card in 2006. Ingrid got five
letters, which I had mailed in January 2007. She
got them 29th September 2007. Several dozens of her letters were not given to
this day. My son's letters, if I was given them at
all, took four months. A boyhood friend in my
village two hours away by car had his letter to me
take eleven months. My sister's letter in the same
village - four months; one to Vancouver and one
FROM Vancouver took over two
years. I could go on and on. Total postal
correspondence anarchy. So, I had offered to help the censor dig through
these boxes to make it easier for him. But get this!!! He has
been ordered to not give me a single letter, but
instead to seal the boxes and keep them with my
belongings until I get released. Talk about inflicting insult on injury. It left
me speechless. So, now, I leave to once again the
expensive lawyers to charge the director of the
prison and I suppose the judge as well - for I am
sure that there is not a law on the books that
would cover such behavior and conduct by
WHAT is important is the mindset. All these people
are graduates of German Law Schools. What kinds of
law and what kinds of attitudes are being taught to
these people! I wonder! My suggestion to you is if
you are planning to come to Germany, to
Germany and Europe for that matter! Let me put it
in plain English, as forcefully as I can put to
you. It would be suicidal and highly irresponsible
of you to come to Mannheim or wherever they will
WAREHOUSE me for the
duration of their vendetta term!
Don't you read the papers! ++++++ was picked up
by a European search warrant/or arrest warrant.
David Irving too! Even John Ball was
kicked out of England - shipped to Holland and by a
hair, escaped on a last-minute flight from there to
Boston back to Canada. And you want to subject
yourself to this!!!!! You cannot talk about the
stuff that interests you and me and has been the
focus of our life. There comes a time that eighty
million Germans will have to get off their
collective "asses", and I see no such attempt. On
the contrary, they seem to need the lollipop of
their guilt. If the world ever rejects all that
shit, the Germans especially their so-called
educated classes, will fight tooth and nail, not to
be deprived of their GUILT!
They need it like others need air to breathe. Had I
known the mental state of these people and
appreciated the depth of their "zombification", I
would have long ago stopped to smell the roses,
rather than sacrificing and struggling for these
non-deserving mental slaves. They don't need historians, they need instead a
campaign of deprogramming on a national scale, by
an Army of ++++++++. Since we cannot supply that, I
suggest you and others stay where you are
relatively safe,look after your family and do what
you do best. You would be foolish to risk anything
else! The mail is now flowing again for the time
being. That will happen after the lawsuits but I
don't know? But now the prison censors make spot
checks and the staff are nice and humane, but they
don't make the laws or the rules. They have to
merely enforce them! I can, however, tell you that
there is far more humanity in these German prison
guards, male or female,than what I experienced at
the hands of the Americans and Canadians in my time
in their prisons. Sometimes, I thought I was an
actor in some cheap Ilse, She-Wolf of the SS
production. Nope. This is no place for you or your
family. I appreciate that you want to visit me! You are
one of he most decent guys with courage and
idealism. When I see how little others have
undertaken, I mean, meaningfully and effective, you
stand out like a beacon of light. Keep in touch
with Ingrid, encourage and help her! She is
going through a tough time for she never thought
that they would behave like this towards me. Say
hello to the others, explain the mail-mess to
them. All the best, Ernst  
dossier on Ernst Zündel
Telegraph Agency spread the smear that David
Irving supplied the Oklahoma City bomb