FOR DECISION [1] Mr. Zündel presented a
motion on Friday, April 30, 2004 in the
course of the hearing being held pursuant
to section 80 of the Act on the
reasonableness of the security certificate
issued by the Ministers against Mr.
Zündel. Mr. Zündel sought a
declaration that leave is not required for
issuance of subpoenas in the proceedings.
In the alternative, Mr. Zündel sought
an order dispensing with any requirement
for leave under Rule 41(4)c) of the
Federal Court Rules, 1998 (Rules) or, in
the alternative again, that subpoenas be
issued nunc pro tunc requiring the
following people to attend this Court on
the dates indicated on the subpoena: Mr.
Keith Landy, President, Canadian Jewish
Congress (CJC); Mr. Frank Dimant,
Executive Vice-President, B'Nai Brith
Canada; Mr. John Joseph Farrell; Mr.
Andrew Mitrovica. [2] Subpoenas have issued for
those four witnesses. One witness, Mr.
Farrell, apparently refused service of the
subpoena. The other three witnesses have
moved to quash the subpoenas, first on the
basis of their validity, having not been
issued under Rule 41(4)c) of the Rules,
then on the basis that the witnesses did
not have material evidence to provide to
the Court. [3] An additional witness, the
Honourable Regional Senior Justice
Marshall of the Ontario Court of Justice,
had initially accepted to be a witness for
Mr. Zündel. She now moves to have the
subpoena quashed. ISSUES [4] 1. Should the subpoenas that
have issued be quashed?2. Must leave be granted to issue a
subpoena in these proceedings? ANALYSISGrounds for quashing a
subpoena [5] The case law on subpoenas
shows that there are two main
considerations which apply to a motion to
quash a subpoena: 1) Is there a privilege
or other legal rule which applies such
that the witness should not be compelled
to testify?; (e.g. Samson Indian Nation
and Band v. Canada (Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development),
[2003] F.C.J. No. 1238); 2) Is the
evidence from the witnesses subpoenaed
relevant and significant in regard to the
issues the Court must decide? (e.g.
Jaballah (Re), [2001] F.C.J. No.
1748; Merck & Co. v. Apotex Inc.,
[1998] F.C.J. No. 294) [6] Privilege will apply for
example in the case of Parliamentary
immunity while Parliament is in session
(Samson Indian Band, supra), or in the
case of solicitor-client privilege,
although an attorney acting in a
managerial capacity may well be called
upon to testify (Zarzour v. Canada,
[2001] F.C.J. No. 123). [7] As to determining whether
the evidence to be presented will be
useful to the trial judge, courts will be
reluctant to prevent parties from calling
the evidence the parties feel they need,
but courts generally will not allow
fishing expeditions. Thus, if one party
moves to quash the subpoena, it must show
the lack of relevance or significance of
the evidence the party that has issued the
subpoena intends to produce. Obviously,
the judge who decides whether or not to
quash the subpoena is not deciding on the
weight to be given to such evidence, which
is to be determined by the trier of fact
(Stevens v. Canada (Attorney General),
[2004] F.C.J. No. 98). [8] In R. v. Harris,
[1994] O.J. No. 1875 (Ont. C.A.),
the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that it
was not sufficient for the party calling
the witness to simply state that the
witness might have material evidence;
rather, the party had to establish that it
was likely that the witness would give
material evidence. In that case, the Court
weighed the respective affidavits of the
parties: on the one hand, the affidavit
was that of the secretary of the legal
firm that was representing the accused who
had subpoenaed Crown counsel, who stated
that she had been told that the evidence
would be relevant to the alleged good
faith of the police officers; on the
other, the affidavit of the witness
subpoenaed was that he had no material
evidence to give. The first affidavit was
pure hearsay and highly speculative, and
thus the subpoena was quashed. [9] In Nelson v. Canada
(Minister of Customs and Revenue Agency),
[2001] F.C.J. No. 1220, Mr. Nelson
sought to subpoena a number of ministers,
including the Prime Minister, in his
action against the Minister of the Customs
and Revenue Agency. The motion was
dismissed because there was no evidence
from the supporting material that any of
these persons had been in any way involved
in the events giving rise to the
action. [10] Thus the criterion is one
of relevance and materiality of the
evidence to be provided by the prospective
witness. Subpoenas at issue Mr. Keith Landy, President, Canadian
Jewish Congress Mr. Frank Dimant, Executive
Vice-President, B'Nai Brith Canada [11] As the same issues are
raised in regards to these two subpoenas,
I will address them jointly. [12] Mr. Landy and Mr. Dimant
were each served with a subpoena that they
attend court to give evidence and bring
with them any and all documents dated
January 1, 2003 and after, in any way
related to Mr. Zündel, CSIS, or any
meeting with any agent of the Federal or
Ontario governments related to Ernst
Zündel. [13] Both have filed a motion
to quash the subpoena to testify in the
present proceedings, on the basis that the
subpoena does not comply with the Rules,
that the evidence sought is neither
relevant nor necessary to this proceeding,
and that the subpoena is overbroad in
scope and an abuse of process. [14] The test is whether Mr.
Landy or Mr. Dimant is likely to provide
any evidence which would help the Court in
its determination of the reasonableness of
the certificate. Much of the evidence
which either is likely to give is already
part of the public domain: the CJC and
B'nai Brith have many times called for Mr.
Zündel's deportation, and expressed
publicly their dismay at seeing Mr.
Zündel come back from the United
States and apply for refugee status. [15] Lobbying ministers is a
legitimate exercise in an open and
democratic society such as Canada. Anyone
has the opportunity to lobby any minister
at any time and make his or her views
known. In this case, the only evidence
that was provided concerned the public
lobbying by both Mr. Landy's organization
and Mr. Dimant's organization. They met
with the Ministers, they issued press
releases. [16] The CJC and B'nai Brith
have been rather vocal about this matter,
so that there is little to be gained from
Mr. Landy's or Mr. Dimant's testimony in
this regard. They would not be able to
testify as to the true influence the CJC
or B'nai Brith may have had on the
government, since only the decision-makers
(in this case, the Ministers) know how the
decision was made [17] It appears Mr. Zündel
is attempting to show that irrelevant
considerations were taken into account in
the Ministers' decision to issue the
security certificate, related to the
pressures exerted by Mr. Landy, Mr. Dimant
and their respective organizations. We
have evidence that the CJC and B'nai Brith
have expressed strong views to the
Ministers, but no evidence that they
provided any material or any evidence. [18] In Jaballah (Re),
[2001] F.C.J. No. 1748, Mr.
Jaballah's counsel sought to have the
Ministers testify on the decision-making
process which led to issuing a second
security certificate against Mr. Jaballah,
after the first one had been declared
unreasonable by Mr. Justice Cullen (Canada
(Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)
v. Jaballah, [1999] F.C.J. No.
1681). Mr. Justice MacKay clearly stated
that probing the motives of the Ministers
in the exercise of their ministerial
discretion was not proper, nor relevant,
nor useful. ¶ 13 In my opinion, questioning
the background knowledge or intent of the
Ministers concerned at the time of their
decision to issue the second certificate
would merely be a fishing expedition. I am
not persuaded that the evidence suggested
by counsel is relevant to the
determination this Court must make under
subparagraph 40.1(4)(d) to determine
whether the certificate filed by the
Minister and the Solicitor General is
reasonable on the basis of the evidence
and information available to ... the
designated judge. ... ¶ 14 The signature and filing of
the certificate by the Ministers was done
in the exercise of ministerial discretion.
These were administrative actions
undertaken in the discharge of statutory
responsibilities vested by Parliament, in
the interests of security of the
state. [19] The Ministers made the
decision to issue the certificate based on
all the evidence that was before them.
That decision has been referred to this
Court to decide on its reasonableness. The
intent or motives of the Ministers is of
no interest to this Court. The certificate
stands or falls on the strength of the
evidence supporting it. [20] Clearly, the subpoena is
too onerous in terms of production of
notes and documents. Moreover, I have not
been convinced that Mr. Landy or Mr.
Dimant would be able to shed any new light
on the reasonableness of the Ministers'
decision. The intervention of the CJC and
B'nai Brith has been public and
consistent. It is clear that pressure has
been exerted by the two organizations,
both in public statements and private
meetings. This, to me, has nothing to do
with the reasonableness of the
certificate, nor with whether Mr.
Zündel presents a danger to Canadian
society. The CJC and B'nai Brith have
their own opinion on the matter; the least
that can be said is that it is already
well-known, as well as the reasons for
it. [21] Mr. Zündel's counsel
was unable to specify what questions he
would ask of these witnesses. All the
evidence presented in support of the
subpoenas related to public activities and
publicly acknowledged meetings with the
Ministers. For lack of relevance to the
present proceedings, and given that Mr.
Zündel's counsel could not specify
what material evidence these witnesses
would be able to provide, I do not believe
Mr. Landy's or Mr. Dimant's testimony
would help the Court in deciding on the
reasonableness of the certificate. I would
therefore allow the motion to quash the
subpoenas. Mr. Andrew Mitrovica, author and
reporter [22] Mr. Mitrovica wrote a book
that was published in 2002, entitled
Covert Entry. The book is based mainly on
the revelations of one John Joseph
Farrell, who purports to have been an
agent of CSIS. The book exposes a number
of failings within CSIS, and one passage
in particular is of interest to Mr.
Zündel, where Mr. Farrell tells Mr.
Mitrovica that CSIS might have been aware
that a bomb was being mailed to Mr.
Zündel, and did nothing to stop
it. [23] Mr. Zündel wants to
have Mr. Mitrovica testify on his
knowledge of the relationship between CSIS
and Mr. Zündel. Mr. Mitrovica
counters that any information he would
have would be hearsay, and moreover, that
he would not want to betray the confidence
of various sources that may have
contributed to his research. [24] The subpoena served on Mr.
Mitrovica is also quite extensive; he is
to bring with him all materials,
documents, statements etc. in any way
related to Ernst Zündel, John Joseph
Farrell, CSIS or the book Covert
Entry. [25] Mr. Mitrovica argued that
the subpoena should be quashed because it
would require him to disclose confidential
information and sources, contrary to
rights recognized at common law and
protected by section 2(b) of the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms. [26] These rights have recently
been affirmed by a decision of the
Superior Court of Justice of Ontario in R.
v. National Post, [2004] O.J. No.
178, where Justice Benotto stated : ...the relationship between
the reporter and the source was
protected by the common law of
privilege. Society's interest in
protecting the confidentiality of the
source outweighed the benefits of
disclosing the document. To undermine
the journalist-informant relationship
and deprive the media of an important
tool in the gathering of news would
affect society as a whole. [27] The test as to whether a
journalist should be compelled to testify
was set out in detail in R. v. Hughes,
[1998] B.C.J. No. 1694 (B.C.S.C.),
where Justice Romilly had to decide
whether a journalist called to testify by
a defendant in a sexual assault case could
invoke the need to protect confidential
sources. In that case, a publication ban
was in place to protect the identity of
the complainants. However, the judge ruled
that the journalist could be called to
testify on the content of the interviews
he had held with the complainants, since
their communication with him amounted to
consent to have the information disclosed,
and the content of the interview was
highly relevant to the defence of the
defendant. In that case, Mr. Justice
Romilly set out the factors to be
considered by the court in deciding
whether to compel a journalist to
testify: - a) the relevance and materiality of
the evidence to the issues at
- b) the necessity of the evidence to
the accused's case and his ability to
make full answer and defence;
- c) the probative value of the
- d) whether the evidence was
available through other means, and if
so, whether reasonable efforts had been
made on the part of the accused to
obtain evidence from that other
- e) if the media's ability to gather
and report the news will be impaired by
being called to give evidence and if
so, the degree to which it is
- f) whether the necessity of the
evidence in the case at hand outweighs
the impairment, if any, of the role of
the media; and
- g) whether the impairment of the
media's function can be minimized by
confining the evidence adduced to only
that which is necessary to the
accused's case and his right to make
full answer and defence.
[28] Mr. Zündel has argued
that Mr. Mitrovica's testimony would be
relevant because it relates to CSIS'
alleged campaign against Mr. Zündel.
If it can be shown that CSIS deliberately
did not try to stop bomb mailings to Mr.
Zündel, all of the evidence which is
at the heart of the Ministers' decision
would be cast in doubt. [29] Mr. Zündel has not
shown how Mr. Mitrovica's testifying would
add anything to what Mr. Mitrovica has
already written in his book. As Mr.
Mitrovica states in his motion to quash
the subpoena, any evidence he may provide
will be hearsay. Although that in itself
is not sufficient reason to set aside such
evidence, given the terms of section 78 of
the Act, it does go to the probative value
of the evidence Mr. Mitrovica could
provide, as well as its relevance to these
proceedings. Mr. Mitrovica has already
disclosed his main source of information
for the book. For other sources, if any,
Mr. Mitrovica could invoke his privilege
as a journalist, and it seems to me he
would be entitled to do so. The benefits
of having Mr. Mitrovica testify seem
rather doubtful, as against certain harm
to the freedom of the press. Lord Denning,
writing in Senior v. Holdsworth,
[1975] 2 All ER 1009 (C.A.) stated
the case for balancing the need to know
with the need to not hamper the work of
journalists (at page 1015): Next there is the special
position of the journalist or reporter
who gathers news of public concern. The
courts respect his work and will not
hamper it more than is necessary. They
will seek to achieve a balance between
these two matters. On the one hand
there is the public interest which
demands that the course of justice
should not be impeded by the
withholding of evidence. ... On the
other hand, there is the public
interest in seeing that confidences are
respected and that newsmen are not
hampered by fear of being compelled to
disclose all the information which
comes their way. ... As we said in this
court as to oral testimony of a
newsman:The judge ... will not direct him to
answer unless not only it is relevant
but also it is a proper, and indeed,
necessary question in the course of
justice to be put and answered. [30] Mr. Zündel's counsel
did attempt to subpoena Mr. Farrell, Mr.
Mitrovica's main source, but in vain. This
is a separate matter which I will deal
with when and if I have to do so. In the
meantime, I believe Mr. Mitrovica has
little material evidence to contribute
beyond what has already been published.
Compelling him to produce his notes and
materials is unduly intrusive, and given
the little probative value that I could
attach to such hearsay materials, I see no
need to disturb the journalistic privilege
that attaches to Mr. Mitrovica's
evidence. [31] The events surrounding the
bomb that was sent to Mr. Zündel, and
the circumstances surrounding the
individuals who were at one time suspects
in this affair, are of concern to me, as I
have directly stated in court. I do not
think that Mr. Mitrovica is the person to
shed light on these matters, and in the
circumstances, I believe compelling Mr.
Mitrovica to testify is unnecessary. Mr.
Mitrovica has no direct evidence of CSIS
activities, only what has been reported to
him, the main source being someone who
obviously, to put it very mildly and
judging from the content of the book, is
at odds with CSIS. For this reason, I do
not believe Mr. Mitrovica can provide the
Court with relevant evidence. [32] The last point of the
test, whether impairment can be minimized
by limiting the scope of the evidence to
be provided, was emphasized in Mr.
Mitrovica's motion as an intermediate
solution. However, for reasons already
stated, I fail to see what Mr. Mitrovica
can contribute to these proceedings beyond
what is already part of the public domain
through his book. [33] Mr. Mitrovica's motion is
allowed, and the subpoena is quashed. The Honourable Regional Senior Justice
L. Marshall (Ontario Court of Justice) [34] Almost twenty years ago,
Justice Marshall, then an attorney, acted
for Mr. Zündel. Justice Marshall was
to testify on the deportation proceedings
which the Canadian government undertook
against Mr. Zündel in 1985
immediately after he was convicted of
spreading false news, contrary to section
181 of the Criminal Code. Section 181 was
eventually declared unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court of Canada, and Mr.
Zündel was acquitted, thus putting an
end to the deportation process. [35] Justice Marshall moved to
have the subpoena quashed, on the basis
that its issuance was not valid and that
she did not have any material evidence to
give in the instant proceeding. [36] The test in this case as
in the other motions to quash is the
relevance and materiality of the evidence
which would be provided by the witness. I
do not believe that the issue of
solicitor-client privilege arises, since
it is trite law that this privilege
belongs to the client, not to the
solicitor. If Mr. Zündel is willing
to have Justice Marshall testify on
certain issues, he thereby waives any
privilege attaching to communications
relating to those issues (S. & K.
Processors Ltd. v. Campbell Ave. Herring
Producers Ltd., [1983] B.C.J. No.
1499 (B.C.S.C)). [37] Justice Marshall's main
objection to the subpoena is the fact that
she has no material evidence to provide
related to the proceeding before me. Mr.
Zündel has failed to convince me of
the relevance of the deportation process
almost 20 years ago, which was based on a
conviction in a criminal court. The
conviction has been voided, the
deportation process halted, and the
present certificate is an entirely
different process, based on entirely
different evidence. [38] Mr. Zündel's counsel
argued four reasons for having Justice
Marshall testify: her opinion on the speed
with which the government acted to have
Mr. Zündel deported once he had been
convicted; the fact that she had been
assaulted when entering the court, at the
time she was defending Mr. Zündel, by
demonstrators allegedly belonging to a
Jewish defence group; her expertise on how
deportation is applied in the cases of
convicted criminals who have appeared
before her in court; and finally, most
extraordinarily, Mr. Zündel' counsel
would have Justice Marshall help me deal
with my difficult task. The intention was
to have her testify on the fact that
hearing evidence in camera is a very
dangerous thing, that she herself,
listening only to the
examination-in-chief, would sometimes have
been misled had it not been for the
helpful cross-examination. [39] Unfortunately for Mr.
Zündel, all these arguments failed to
convince me. Justice Marshall, as she
mentioned in the transcript, had no
particular expertise in immigration at the
time of Mr. Zündel's deportation
proceeding; thus, her opinion on how the
government was acting at the time has
little relevance. The fact that she was
assaulted 19 years ago on entering the
court has no relevance to the proceeding
before me. [40] As Justice Marshall's
counsel rightly pointed out, the
deportation process in the case of
criminal convictions has nothing to do
with the certificate proceeding we are
dealing with. In addition, if the evidence
is to show that deportation proceedings
usually take years, I would think Mr.
Zündel would be a prime example of
how long these proceedings can stretch
out. Deportation proceedings against Mr.
Zündel began in 1985. The Supreme
Court judgment acquitting Mr. Zündel
came out in 1992. Mr. Zündel was
never deported. [41] Finally, as to the last
purpose for which Justice Marshall would
testify, I will state only this. I apply
the legislation, I did not write it. I
have stated many times in the course of
these proceedings how difficult it is to
have to deal with secret evidence. I do
not need to be reminded of the perils of
ex parte proceedings, nor to be told how
to carry out my judicial duties. [42] I conclude that Justice
Marshall has no material evidence that
would be useful to this Court, and allow
her motion to quash the subpoena. Mr. John Joseph Farrell [43] In the initial motion made
to this Court by Mr. Zündel,
reference is made to the subpoena issued
to Mr. John Joseph Farrell. So far, there
is no motion to challenge that subpoena.
The motion pursuant to Rule 41(4)c) of the
Rules is premature in this case. [44] If Mr. Farrell appears
before this Court, there will no doubt be
some discussion on his testifying and the
scope of the evidence. That will have to
be determined. I would simply point out
that in the case of Mr. Farrell, given
what appears in Mr. Mitrovica's book, my
first inclination would be to say that he
has relevant evidence to provide to this
Court, and I would be willing to hear him.
All this is subject, of course, to any
representations which may be made by the
parties. Need for leave of the Court to issue
the subpoenas [45] Given my decision on the
motions to quash the subpoenas, it will
not be necessary to address the issue of
whether leave of the Court must be sought
to issue such subpoenas. [46] In the parties' written
submissions, only one party has asked for
costs of its motion. I believe that it is
not appropriate to allow costs of any of
the motions before the Court. O R D E R IT IS ORDERED THAT: The subpoenas issued to Mr.
Landy, to Mr. Dimant, to Mr. Mitrovica
and to the Honourable Justice Marshall
are quashed.There shall be no costs of these
motions. "Pierre Blais" Judge
- DOCKET: DES-2-03
- STYLE OF CAUSE: In the matter of a
certificate signed
- pursuant to subsection 77(1) of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,
S.C. 2001, c. 27 (the "Act")
- And in the matter of the referral
of that certificate to
- the Federal Court of Canada
pursuant to subsection 77(1), sections
78 and 80 of the Act;
- And in the matter of Ernst
- DATES OF HEARING: May 9, 16,
- July 28, 29, 30, 2003
- September 23, 24, 2003
- November 6, 7, 2003
- December 10, 11, 2003
- January 22, 23, 26, 27, 2004
- February 9, 12, 18, 19, 2004
- April 13, 14, 29, 30, 2004
- May 4, 5, 2004
- REASONS FOR ORDER The Honourable
Mr. Justice Blais
- DATED: June 23, 2004
- Donald MacIntosh & Pamela
- Department of Justice
- Toronto, Ontario
- Murray Rodych & Toby Hoffman
- Canadian Security Intelligence
- Legal Services
- Ottawa, Ontario
- Peter Lindsay & Chi-Kun Shi FOR
- Barristers and Solicitors
- Toronto, Ontario
- Marvin Kurz FOR MR. FRANK
- Dale Streiman & Kurz
- Barristers and Solicitors
- Brampton, Ontario
- Brian MacLeod Rogers FOR MR. ANDREW
- Barrister & Solicitor
- Toronto, Ontario
- Paul D. Stern FOR JUSTICE
- Stern & Landesman
- Barristers & Solicitors
- Toronto, Ontario
- Judy L. Chan FOR MR. KEITH
- Blake, Cassels & Graydon
- Barristes & Solicitors

Our dossier on
Ernst Zündel