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Posted Monday, July 9, 2001
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Monday, July 9, 2001


Demosthenes Koukounas writes from Greece:

Wisliceny, either in Athens or in Thessaloniki, has a reputation of bon viveur with much entertainment in cabarets and many love affairs, according to Greek historian Poly Enepekides (born 1914), a professor of History in Vienna University.

I suggest you could search for a Benroubi case, as the head of Spanish Embassy at Athens expressed his interest about Mrs Alice Frances Benroubi and protested to German Embassy, in order to protect her, as after her divorce from Benroubi was again Spanish citizen.

Wisliceny had made a report to German Ambassador to be used as a draft of the answer, explaining the details of the case. In this report signed by him (9 January 1944) says about the Athens Rabbi who had helped other Jews to get false papers that he tries

"to negate the measures of German Authorities to solve the Jewish Question".

As this phrase is coming from the Wisliceny report in German, then translated into Greek by Enepekides and published in a relative book by him (the title in English is "The German Persecutions against Jews in Greece 1941-1944, according to the Secret Archives of SS", Athens 1969, p. 92), I think you could find the original Wisliceny report in German, if you think that the phrase is worthy. My point is that "a solution of Jewish Question" in an official paper has important meaning.

Some other references about Wisliceny are in the above book, as also about Max Merten. Please note that Dr Merten who had been during German Occupation in Thessaloniki a political counselor to the German Administration had passed an adventurous trial in Greece in 1959, after related the then Greek Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis (later President of Hellenic Republic) with Germans during World War -- but without evidences. It seems possible some other important references on Wisliceny or similar matters to have been occured during the trial.

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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