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Canadian Jewish News


Letters | | March 18, 2004

Correct the record

TO avoid the increasingly frequent accusation that world Jewry exaggerates the Holocaust, unsupportable claims and statements must be carefully avoided. I am a survivor of the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and I lost both my parents, one in Theresienstadt and one in Auschwitz.

There were no gassings or mass shootings at Terezin (Theresienstadt), and there is no record of a slaughter of 15,000 children there, as stated in the article on Jakie Young by David Silverberg ("11-year-old wunderkind to tour E. Europe with Ontario Terezin," CJN, Feb. 19). Theresienstadt was an organized ghetto and not an extermination camp.

Many people died, including many children, but most of them died due to severe deprivation, hunger and typhus. Correct records are available from the Theresienstadt Martyrs Remembrance Association in Israel, at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem or at the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

Frederick Rose




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