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January 2002

Subject: Re: Ken McVay and His Nizkor - Subject: John Morris Makes Weak Attempt to Defend NIZKOR Ken McVay's Downloading Nude Children Images aka Re: Holocaust

Calendar: January 12 Message-ID: [email protected] References: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Xref: alt.revisionism:1279705 bc.general:110363 can.general:199482

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 19:19:48 GMT, [email protected] John Morris [email protected] wrote:


In [email protected] in alt.revisionism, on Sat, 12 Jan 2002 05:57:46 -0000, "david_michael" [email protected] wrote:

[email protected] wrote in message news:[email protected]... [Follow-ups set]


"The antisemite has chosen hate because hate is a faith; at the outset he has chosen to devaluate words and reasons." (Sarte. Antisemite and Jew, p. 19) The Nizkor Project: : Mr Ken McVay, director of the Nizkor Project, admitting that he has seen photographs of naked children on the Internet: : begin quote Perhaps one thing that I should note, because authors often sensationalize the hatemongering on the Net, is that, for all their vitriol, these people are only a tiny handful of the 30-40 million users on the Internet. I am weary of seeing their activities blown out of proportion, as

Your addition does not subtract from the fact that Kenneth McVay views images of naked children from the internet which he could only do by downloading them to his computer. The fact you are replying only verifies the fact another person has signed on to validate the document presented at the link of:

I am weary of seeing the issue of "child porn" blown out of proportion (I've been on and around the Net since 1988, and have yet to come across anything I'd consider "child porn." I've seen photos of naked children,

ONLY possible by downloading them which is a criminal offense! Care to deny it John?

but then I've got some of those in my family photo album, and fail to see the harm, or any great moral danger to our society).'

Notice McVay uses the same cop out of net child pornographers who try to make their images appear innocent.

We are dealing with a few dozen cynical activists, trolling the net for money and cannon fodder. Even if all of the estimated 20,000 or so facists on the continent became active on the Net, they still would represent no more than a small ripple in the internet pond. In spite of that, the press continues to sensationalize their presence, using it as an excuse for black headlines, and the Canadian and American governments dutifully blather about "controlling the Internet," presumably for "our own good."

Speaking for myself, I wish to make it crystal clear that I don't want to be "protected" by government thought police.

Everywhere we turn, governments are pushing and prodding our lives, and I'm far more concerned about them attacking the Net, and thus our freedom, than I am about watching the Nazis do it. end quote

Those words prove false to what McVay and his masters are doing as fully documented in these archives: Subject: Nizkor's Ken McVay Spin Doctors for His Masters- Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 08:42:52 -0600 Message-ID: [email protected] Subject: Supplement- Nizkor's Ken McVay Spin Doctors for His Masters- (Corrected Second Version)... Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 08:42:58 -0600 Message-ID: [email protected]

See how McVay and his allies try to divert that McVay's Masters spy on USENET: Subject: I Slam Dunk Ken Lewis Over and Over and Over Again! Will He Come Back For More? For Certain He Will-- Being the Hard Head He Is! Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 17:59:19 -0600 Message-ID: [email protected] Subject: SUPPLEMENT: I Slam Dunk The Two Kens Again! ... Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 23:50:38 -0600 Message-ID: [email protected]

Really having a tough time finding finding a good smear, aren't you?

The above is true and you even verified it so how is it smear? On the other hand McVay engages in smear all the time and here are some examples:

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 02:08:12 +0000 (UTC), [email protected] [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) wrote:

In article 3c3b9a41.6711404@shawnews, Ken Lewis [email protected] wrote:

[Brunoblather flushed down the old Bradbury]

How many times has Ken McVay referred to me in such a manner? Using GOOGLE USENET search: Author: [email protected] Keywords: flushed down the old Bradbury I get this result:[email protected]&as_umsgid=%20&num=20&hl=en Searched Groups for flushed down the old Bradbury author:[email protected] Results 1 - 13 of about 14

Is this the sort of public conduct funded through B'nai Brith which is to be tolerated? There are many, many more examples I can provide for myself and many other people too! Does B'nai Brith know the civil liability they incur for funding your libel and smearing of private citizens? You do remember what happened to ADL for defaming private citizens in Colorado don't you? They had to shell out $10.5 million in a settlement and punitive damages and I have much libel by you against me on record such as: From: [email protected] (Ken Lewis) Newsgroups: alt.revisionism Subject: Re: Will Ken Lewis Name Just One Recipient to the Nizkor Endowment Fund Other Than Ken McVay? aka Re: suggestion on how to shut up loud lout paul kneisel Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 18:55:25 GMT Organization: Electric Zen Message-ID: [email protected] References: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

On Fri, 05 Oct 2001 08:44:18 -0500, Doc Tavish [email protected] wrote:


* post for FREE via your newsreader at


*On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 19:38:21 +0000 (UTC), [email protected] [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) wrote:

In article [email protected], Ken Lewis [email protected] wrote:

[BlubberWhining excised]

How many times has it have to be asked and answered before you take your head out of your ass? : It think it's stuck, Ken. : Ken has already answered this. Unfortuanatly. I would have left you swinging in your own ignorance for a few more days. : Ken, this stupid lout will swing in his own ignorance for his entire lifetime. I rather enjoy that thought :-)

Now. Do you want to take the bet or not?

(Ken McVay's one example of (many) public libel and smear funded through B'nai Brith):[email protected]&num=20&hl=en From: [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) Subject: Re: Will Ken Lewis Name Just One Recipient to the Nizkor Endowment Fund Other Than Ken McVay? Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 19:38:21 +0000 (UTC) Organization: The Nizkor Project, Message-ID: [email protected]

Exact quote: "He won't - no balls, no bet. (Besides, he's, er, "impoverished," you know... your basic welfare bum.)"

Doc Tavish comment January 8, 2002: I am not on welfare and I am not a bum. I resent such lies and libel which McVay is famous for doing on a daily basis. For a fact, as I show further down, this sort of behavior is funded through B'nai Brith! : Personal attack won't be a defense when CCRA gets around to investigating an endowment fund which does not make grants!

~~End of GOOGLE Archival Excerpt~~

More examples of Nizkor's Ken McVay's public slanders funded through B'nai Brith: Subject: Just For The Sake of Conjecture - Is B'nai Brith Civilly Liable for Nizkor Ken McVay's Defaming Private Citizens? Organization: Ken McVay's WWW.NIZKOR.ORG Smears Private Citizens Message-ID: [email protected] (EXCERPTS)

From: [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) Newsgroups: alt.revisionism Subject: Re: Question for Hilary Ostrov Date: 5 Jan 2001 19:07:34 GMT Organization: The Nizkor Project, Message-ID: [email protected]

On 5 Jan 2001 19:07:34 GMT, [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) wrote:

In article [email protected], Buck Turgidson [email protected] wrote:

"Jeff F. Davis" wrote:


I am not sure but the B'nai Brith (which controls Nizkor by the way rather Ken admits this or not) is so powerful in Canada they had the nerve in a Canadian court that they should be able to illegally harass people because of the nature of the holocaust and all the good they have done to fight racism. : Looks like Li'l Tommy doesn't bogart HIS joints!

(Ken McVay's own documented smears): I'd have guessed Mid-Hootch Giwerundean, actually. We used to see a lot more of it here, but I gather the Sterno shortage of '98 led to a steep decline.

Of course, Donnie could simply have been sniffing gasoline.


From: [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) Newsgroups: alt.revisionism Subject: Re: Just In to the Tavish Hotline!... Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 21:37:02 +0000 (UTC) Organization: The Nizkor Project, Message-ID: [email protected]

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 21:37:02 +0000 (UTC), [email protected] [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) wrote:


I understand that Bradbury may need money to buy an old trailer after his house is turned into a Jewish daycare center....

I guess there's no way it'll ever be kosher, tho, what with all that lard...

-- "...I note that on the few occasions of which I am aware where purveyors of anti-Semitic propaganda have endeavoured to justify their materials in court on the facts and the merits, they have been singularly unsuccessful..." (

From: Kenneth McVay, OBC ([email protected]) Subject: Re: The wacky adventures of Matt Giwer Newsgroups: sci.skeptic, soc.history.ancient, alt.revisionism Date: 2001-01-24 09:47:43 PST

Of course. That's what Mr. Giwer does. (With any luck at all, we may be entertained with Full-Hootch Giwerundean during this thread, if the Sterno holds out.)


From: Kenneth McVay, OBC ([email protected]) Subject: Re: Gourd McFee Newsgroups: alt.revisionism Date: 2000-10-09 19:03:24 PST

In article [email protected], Sara Salzman [email protected] wrote:


[Some drunk wrote]

[ What's more incredible is that this Susie thinks you have to count whatever Gourd types have spent time at when all you have to do is type in its name and there the number is. We can do the same thing with "Susie" and get thousands and they would all be just like what he/she/it has put out here. ]

[an understandably perplexed human with a working mind asked...]

I know the words are English, but what language is this?!

I believe it is Full-Hooch Giwerundian. Ask Ken McVay, I believe he studied it a few years ago.

I must agree... the cited text has every appearance of being a sample of Full-Hootch Giwerundean. That is quite beyond dispute.

Whether this suggests that the Moron has further degenerated to the Full Pits or has simply begun the endless Sterno Cycle is not known. Additional samples will, as always, provide scientists with valuable clues.

Perhaps the real question for research scientists is this: If a Moron ingests several gallons of Sterno, would anyone notice?


From: Kenneth McVay, OBC ([email protected]) Subject: Re: I can't believe this Newsgroups: alt.revisionism Date: 2001-02-22 17:20:07 PST

But then, as the Tampa drunk would say, you knew that.


The above was in reference to Mr. Matt Giwer.

~~End of GOOGLE Archival Excerpt~~

Are the above examples acceptable speech toward private citizens in public forum by Ken McVay, sole operator of the WWW.NIZKOR.ORG website, and funded through B'nai Brith with "exempt donations'?

More and more people are getting fed up with McVay and HIS smear organization John! Care to deny the fact McVay lies about people as the examples show above? Care to deny McVay is funded through B'nai Brith Canada? care to deny that the Anti-dDefamation League of B'nai Brith seeks people to spy on USENETIZENS which McVay lies about and denies as shown here:

From: [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) Newsgroups: alt.revisionism,bc.general,soc.culture.jewish,can.general,can.taxes Subject: Re: CCRA CHEATED OUT OF REVENUE BY NIZKOR Followup-To: alt.revisionism Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 22:06:01 +0000 (UTC) Organization: The Nizkor Project, Message-ID: [email protected]

On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 22:06:01 +0000 (UTC), [email protected] [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) wrote:

In article [email protected], Stephen H. Kawamoto [email protected] wrote: B-nai B-rith is also a civilian spy arm of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the official oxymoron for the Jewish-American people who deface, defame and destroy free speech that exposes their smoke-and-magick show Indeed, BB is collecting information on citizens who post in alt.revisionism and anywhere else articles of an anti-Semitic theme.

I'm pointing this out as common knowledge. : In other words, you have no evidence whatsoever that anyone at B'nai Brith Canada, or B'nai B'rith, or the ADL is collecting any information whatsoever on anyone posting to UseNet. Thank you for making that clear.

How about this? From: Doc Tavish [email protected] Subject: Here Is What Nizkor's PUPPETMASTER ADL Does With Info... Organization: McTavish Informational Services (Non-Profit) Reply-To: [email protected] Message-ID: [email protected] References: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:43:12 GMT

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. - FAIR USE INTENDED (Link active December 7, 2001 for verification purposes.)

Fighting anti-Semitism and bigotry here and abroad, the Anti-Defamation League probes the roots of hatred against Jews and serves as a public resource for government, media, law enforcement agencies and the public at large. (In other words they are a Gestapo! Doc Tavish)

ANTI-SEMITISM, BIGOTRY, RACISM ADL is America's prime resource for information on organized bigotry. The League collects and assesses a vast amount of information on anti-Semites, racists and extremists. After carefully evaluating information, ADL disseminates that information through books, periodicals, videos, reports and other materials. The League also monitors haters in cyberspace.....


Is not USENET "cyberspace"?

BTW Ken here is proof your masters monitor USENET and in their won words too! (Link active December 7, 2001 for verification) "HATE ON THE INTERNET The Internet presents ADL with new opportunities and challenges. With its information-filled Web site, ADL now reaches more people than ever -- opinion molders, the media, law enforcement... At the same time, hate groups have taken to the Internet and World Wide Web to propagandize and proselytize. Anti-Semites and racists are rapidly expanding their use of the Internet, communicating with each other, preaching to the vast majority of people who do not share their beliefs, raising funds and threatening their enemies. ADL monitors and documents hundreds of extremist Web sites as well as dozens of e-mail mailing lists, newsgroups and chat rooms...."

Notice that your MASTERS used the term "newsgroups"? That kind of deep sixes your claim of: "you have no evidence whatsoever that anyone at B'nai Brith Canada, or B'nai B'rith, or the ADL is collecting any information whatsoever on anyone posting to UseNet.." It is so easy to catch you lying for your MASTERS!

Need I say more other Nizkor's Ken McVay, ADL, and B'nai Brith are enemies of FREE SPEECH!?


Xref: Subject: Supplement- Nizkor's Ken McVay Spin Doctors for His Masters- The Jews (Corrected Second Version)... Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 08:42:58 -0600 Message-ID: [email protected]

[...] Do Your Student Members Want to Help ADL Fight Hate on the Internet?

As a vehicle for spreading hate, the Internet is more powerful than anything extremists of past decades could have imagined. Using the World Wide Web, electronic bulletin boards, chat rooms and E-mail, anti-Semites and racists voice their ideas, hoping to recruit new supporters. Bigots also employ the Internet to communicate with each other. Often, extremists invade the space of unsuspecting Internet users to spread their message. Propagandists send unsolicited E-mail messages to thousands, post off-topic messages to USENET newsgroups, and seek to dominate the bulletin boards at mainstream Web sites.

What can be done about hate on the Internet? Practically and legally, combating online extremism is enormously difficult. ADL does not believe that censorship is the answer, supporting the free speech guarantees embodied in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Believing that the best way to combat hateful speech is with more speech, ADL continuously monitors and documents Internet hate. By communicating its findings, ADL promotes public awareness of the plans and history of online bigots. It is the League's view that exposure will lead to rejection of haters and their propaganda.


If your students are interested, all they need is a computer with Internet access and the desire to volunteer time. Volunteers can monitor the Internet on their own, wherever and whenever they choose. Information collected by volunteers will be transmitted to ADL via E-mail using the attached "ADL-Hillel Online Hate Reporting Form." Student volunteers will receive confirmation when their reports are received and a special, periodic newsletter on the state of hate online.

The Anti-Defamation League is requesting that volunteers monitor publicly-available information on the Internet only. We are particularly interested in finding out about threats of action, announcements of upcoming events, specific information about extremist individuals, written attacks on well-known Jewish institutions or individuals, bigoted comments on current events, and links to new hateful Web sites. Particular areas of the Internet that are of concern to us are Web-based chat rooms and discussion boards, Internet Relay Chat rooms, and USENET newsgroups. As appropriate, some volunteers may be asked to look at specific chat rooms, bulletin boards, or USENET newsgroups in addition to general monitoring duties. ... Combating hate on the Internet is a daunting task. Despite this, we must find a way to respond. You and your students can play an important part by helping ADL. Please contact us today! end

I thought Nizkor's Ken McVay claimed that his masters don't monitor USENET which his previous statement declared: "[Y]ou have no evidence whatsoever that anyone at B'nai Brith Canada, or B'nai B'rith, or the ADL is collecting any information whatsoever on anyone posting to UseNet."

The above "LIE" is from this post:[email protected]&hl=en From: [email protected] (Kenneth McVay, OBC) Subject: Re: CCRA CHEATED OUT OF REVENUE BY NIZKOR Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 22:06:01 +0000 (UTC) Organization: The Nizkor Project, Message-ID: [email protected]

I now ask- how many lies have I exposed Nizkor's Ken McVay in so far in this series of posts?


Do you still wish to continue supporting a flake who downloads naked child images from the internet and lies about his and his masters' true agenda to act as Net Gestapo? : It was stupid of you to put in the URL.

It was great of you to verify that the confession was Mcvay's and that the above isn't a forgery.

Mr McVay expressing interest in a hardcore pornography version of Alice in Wonderland while posting to : And?

He's interested in porn revolving around the adventures of a little girl!

I guess you are just troubled because you have exposed yourself as a supporter of mass murder and as an advocate of violence against children.

Look who is engaging in smear now?

Doc Tavish

---I, Doc Tavish, asked: Care to tell all of us why both Todd Miller (and Associates) and Paul Trainor (Law Office) distanced themselves from you? (Yale F. Edeiken [email protected] answered): Because they were dealing with someone who was "mentally unstable" (their dscription) and a "crazy man" (again, their description) who they wanted to go away as quckly as possible. [email protected] 8/20/2001


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