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September 1997

ON the Nizkor website at, we find the following letter, apparently written by Mr. McVay himself:

mail"I am reliably informed that the following letter was received at the national office of B'nai Brith Canada in September of 1997, closely following the international symposium on "Hate on the Internet."

"The letter, written under the Simon Wiesenthal Center's letterhead, contained the following text, in part:

"On whose side are McVay and his cohorts on? For some time I have wondered why B'nai Brith continues to give him a platform when he avidly proposes policies which our respective agencies oppose. His site provides automatic links with almost all of the major Holocaust deniers - all in the name of free speech!

"Let's face it, McVay is a quirky loose cannon whose usefulness is almost over. If it weren't for B'nai Brith he would be out of business.

"Sincerely, [signed] Sol Littman"

"If Mr. Littman really believes that my work would come to a halt without the help and support of B'nai Brith, he is . . . misinformed. It would be interesting to know if this letter reflects an official position of the Simon Wiesenthal Center."

Related links:

Kenneth McVay index
B'nai Brith Canada index
Focal Point 2002  e-mail:  write to David Irving