The International Campaign for Real History

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bookLipstadtGreat news: You can buy Lipstadt's literary masterpiece for less than one quarter of its real price at Barnes and Noble: Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory "Our Price: $4.98 Retail Price: $22.95 You Save: $17.97 Hardcover, 278pp. ISBN: 0641031548 Pub. Date: March 1992"


Deborah Lipstadt to rub shoulders with the great and powerful

Wiesel: my Holocaust fee? $25,000 an hour.BarakALAN Dershowitz, Deborah Lipstadt, Eli Wiesel (left) and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (right) will be featured at the General Assembly of United Jewish Communities, Nov. 10-14, 2000 in Chicago, according to the Strongsville, Ohio Sun Star. Cleveland will be sending a delegation. To attend, call the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland at 216-566-9200 extension 325 or e-mail [email protected]. We may attend ourselves.



Deborah Lipstadt bones up on her Java and HTML  

Jewish Telegraph Agency | News at a Glance | November 6, 2000

A NEW Website to combat Holocaust denial is housed at Emory University, home to a professor who won a trial against a Holocaust denier earlier this year. The site *

established with the help of the American Jewish Committee, is based on research conducted for Professor Deborah Lipstadt's defense against charges made by David Irving that she slandered him in print.

  • We shall be keeping a close watch on the content of this website. If any privileged materials are posted (i.e. documents obtained by way of Discovery and not in the public domain) we shall apply immediately to a High Court Judge for an order for Lipstadt's committal for contempt. As her lawyers will no doubt have warned her, this will very effectively bar her from visiting the United Kingdom again. Who is behind the website? [See our comment on her website.]

 [*Website safety note: as the webmaster of the Lipstadt website has installed HTML to prevent anybody from returning to our website once they are trapped in hers, we have made this a magic link: just point it it, to open her website in a different window.]

Deborah Lipstadt: a request for information

  • WE KNOW the reasons why Deborah Lipstadt was refused tenure at the southern California university where she used to teach, and transferred to her present lowly position at Emory, the "Coca-Cola" university of Atlanta. For court use in future, we should like to obtain chapter and verse. The L.A. University refuses to divulge data on personnel matters. Who can assist? This is believed to be one of the reasons why Lipstadt declined to testify on oath in London. [Confidential information to ]

Related links:

link Trial index
link Trial transcripts index
link Trial press clippings index
link DJC Irving vs Penguin & Lipstadt index

Focal Point 2000  e-mail:  write to David Irving