Monday, December 14, 1998
| Fred
Leuchter hero in new film!  | In
January 1999 Robert Redford's
Sundance Film Festival, the
leading film festival in the United
States, will premier a new movie by
Errol Morris "Mister
Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A.
Leuchter, Jr."about
Leuchter (right,
with Robert Faurisson). Fourth
Floor Productions with Scout
Productions, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
IS the first film or television
enterprise to which Mr Leuchter has
given his blessing. It
investigates the controversy
surrounding the former Massachusetts
engineer and execution-technology
consultant, his forensic exploits in
the Auschwitz and Dachau Nazi
concentration camps, the world-famous
Leuchter Report, and his consequent
persecution and hounding out of his
profession. Those whom producer
Errol Morris ("The Thin Blue
Line") interviewed for the project,
including David Irving, who was
filmed in a two-hour session at Boston,
Massachusetts in August 1998, have
confirmed that the production team have
spared no expense, and gone to great
lengths to preserve the integrity of
the story.
of our correspondents informs
Thin Blue Line" is the title of a
widely acclaimed previous film by
Morris (released in 1988). Following is
an early review on the forum
alt.movies that may give an idea
of what the "spin" on this project will
almost certainly be. December
2, 1998New
film by Errol Morris - Mr.
Death... (working
title) Review
by Pat
Morris' latest film follows
his proven recipe for
documenting the eccentric and
the extreme human. Yet unlike
the eye-candy and Fast, Cheap
and Out of Control, his
latest, Mr. Death, is a dark
portrait of Fred A.
Leuchter, an engineer who
essentially grew up working
with his dad in a prison in
Massachusetts. With only a
history degree, Fred becomes
an expert on the engineering
of electric chairs in prisons.
Due to his 'expertise' in
electric chairs, prisons all
over the country consult with
him on other forms of capital
punishment from hangings and
lethal injection to gas
chambers. In
true Morris-form, Fred is
interviewed by Morris and
these segments are interwoven
with a variety of borrowed and
not-so-borrowed films and the
late Caleb Sampson's circus
music. After we think that we
know and understand Fred, our
seats are violently pulled
from under us. We learn what
happens when (and Fred may
deny this) someone falls in
with the wrong crowd. Morris
walks the line with this film
and it's not so thin and blue
this time. However his choice
of subject and sensitivity in
dealing with it may win him
the popular acclaim that he
deserves.  | January
20, 1999from
The Boston Herald The
oh-so-prestigious Sundance
Film Festival gets under way
in Park City, Utah, today and
Massachusetts has three -
count 'em, three - flicks that
were shot, or partially shot,
here in Robert Redford's indie
showcase. "The
Autumn Heart," `Death: A Love
Story,' and "Mr. Death: The
Rise and Fall of Fred A.
Leuchter Jr.," will all make
their debut during the 10-day
movie-athon. "I
don't know how many people
understand how big this is,"
said Robin Dawson, head of the
Mass. Film Office. "To have
one project at Sundance is
huge; to have three is
unbelievable." Of
course, Sundance is, as
Entertainment Weekly wag Jim
Mullen put it, the place
"where an independent
filmmaker can be broke at
breakfast, a millionaire by
lunch and divorced and on
Prozac by dinner." In other
words, all the Tinseltown
titans are there looking for
the next Quentin Tarantino,
Spike Lee or Ed Burns, who
were all discovered at
Sundance. [...]
This year, the local flick
most likely to succeed is "Mr.
Death," a controversial
documentary by filmmaker Errol
Morris of "Gates of Heaven"
and "Fast, Cheap and Out of
Control" fame. It
is the story of Fred A.
Leuchter Jr., the Malden
man who proclaimed himself the
nation's leading "execution
technologist." Leuchter made
headlines a few years back
with his explosive report that
claimed the Holocaust was a
hoax.[...] The
state film office is throwing
a big bash in Utah next
Thursday to honor the locals
and thank them for filming
here. "It's
very rewarding to have three
projects represented," Dawson
said. "It sets us aside as a
serious production
 | Watch
this space for further reports
April 5, 1999 In the evening, an email
from Scout
Productions about their
film of Fred Leuchter: Dear David: -- We are
very close to finishing the
movie about Fred. We screened
the movie for Fred in December
and he was very pleased. We
also had a screening in
January at the Sundance Film
Festival, where it was well
received. We are now trying to
clear the various film clips
that we would like to include
in the film. One of the clips
is of you and Fred at the hall
in London where Fred was
scheduled to speak. Thames
Television, which has the
rights to that clip is asking
for thousands of dollars for a
(9) second clip. We would like
to include this event in the
film, but we cannot pay a
ridiculous fee. Would you have
any footage of that event that
we could license for a more
reasonable fee? Or would you
know of any other person or
group that would have any type
of video or film of the event?
I would appreciate any
leads.--Sincerely, Michael
Williams I reply: I am shocked to hear
that Thames TV is asking for a
fee from you. They flatly
refused our request for a fee
for the exclusive right to
film the event, which we
granted to them in return for
a strict undertaking not to
reveal details of the location
or event to anybody else.
Their producer Sushma Puri
promptly notified the police
about the event, with the
desire of securing better
newsworthy material, namely
Leuchter's arrest and
deportation. We made a formal
protest to Thames TV about
this breach of trust. You
might like to threaten to
reveal this betrayal of TV
ethics, which are strictly
guarded in the UK, to them, in
your attempt to get them to
release the footage.,
Unfortunately nobody else has
any footage, in consequence of
our trusting them with the
exclusive. -- David Irving
stories on Fred Leuchter: the Movie ("Mr
Death"):- Early
stories, Boston Herald, etc., Jan
- Acclaim
for Leuchter film at Sundance Film
Festival, Jan 27, 1999
- Mark
Singer's review article Feb 1, 1999 in
The New Yorker
- George
Jonas comments in review that Stalin
and Mao killed tens of
- Canada's
Lions Gate Entertainment picks up North
American rights to the documentary "Mr.
Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A.
Leuchter Jr."
- NY
Daily News, Dec 29, 1999: Irony is good
for the blood
- New
York Post, Dec 29, 1999: Mr. Death Sums
Up Moral History of Century
- Los
Angeles Jewish Journal, Dec 24, 1999:
on Errol Morris and Mr. Death
- More
news about the new movie by Errol
Morris "Mr Death: The Rise and Fall of
Fred A. Leuchter, Jr."
- Erroll Morris admits he
had to alter this film on life of Fred
Leuchter, after Jewish
- New
York Times Reviews the film Dec 26,
- Forensic Chemist Roth comments
he would have made different findings
if he knew source of fragments was
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