What really went on at the Nazi
concentration camp, Dachau, before (and after) April
1945? January 28, 1998

Photo: Gastight shower door at Dachau camp.
 January 28,
1998 Mr. Erich
Brudehl 1068 Keentz Rd. Chehalis, Washington 98532Dear Mr. Brudehl: This letter is in response to
your query as to whether there were any working gas
chambers in Dachau and if any people were gassed. The
following is taken from the Encyclopedia of the Third
Reich (New York: MacMillan, 1991) article on
Dachau: "Dachau
was not planned as an extermination camp; its prisoners
were shot trying to escape or died of hunger, disease,
and exhaustion, under torture or as victims of
pseudoscientific experiments After the decision for the
Final Solution, a crematorium, including a gas chamber -
whose use, however, cannot be proved - was built in 1942.
By November 1944, 3,225 physically and. mentally
handicapped prisoners had been transferred to the
euthanasia facility at Hartheim Castle and
gassed." This
is consistent with other accounts of Dachau by scholars.
American troops did claim that people were gassed there,
but after Dachau trials and historical study, the
consensus seems to be that people were routinely executed
in many incredibly cruel ways, but not gassed. Hope
this helps and I would encourage you to do more research
than I was able to do here with our limited staff and
time. | Sincerely, | | 
| | Steven
Vitto, Library Technician |
Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024&emdash;2150, Telephone (202)
488-0400, Fax (202) 488-2690 |