on the deputy commandant of the Nazi concentration camp at
Auschwitz, Hans
Aumeier  |
Hans | born
Amberg, 20.8.1906 |
Rank: SS HStufPhysical description: 1,60m, thin, small face,
blue eyes, balding, married, no children. Completely
uneducated, almost illiterate. Arrested in camp in
Terningmoen, Norway, 11.6.1945 in full uniform and with
no forged papers. At first in PWIS(Det(N)18 at
Akershus prison, 10.8.1945, Aumeier denied all knowledge
of Auschwitz, then witnesses confronted him and he
admitted he was Schutzhaftlager-Leiter from Juni 1942 bis
Ende Mai 1943. Interrogator found his memory especially for names was
very poor. |