(Tuesday) Ld
I post the Kurt
Aumeier document on the Website.
In Court. Master Trench orders
James Libson to pay me £100
costs! What glee! But they are going ahead
with their application for an
injunction. At 4:55 p.m. two girls come, on behalf
of Davenport and Mishcon, with their
witness statements. Mishcon's fill three
ring binders, and are initially very
intimidating: major statements from
Vladimir Tarasov, other Russians, etc.
However, I see that they have not got the
key Russian witness, [the KGB archive
chief] Bondarev. I work putting
on the Website all weekend! This apartment's electric lights have
been flickering increasingly over the last
four or five months; today there is a
whiff of burning in the fax-machine
area. I can't really make out what the
Russians are testifying to: their
statements appear to cover everything but
the kitchen sink, and leave me almost
unmentioned. A lot about Elke
Fröhlich, however, God bless
her. The electric lights flicker, then go
right off. The main switch-box turns out
to be corroded and warped inside, with
badly burnt prongs. I turn off all but the
most essential items and work on until
five a.m., and am up at eleven. Repeated
power failures. J. Brand Ltd send an
electrician, who will do the job tomorrow
morning. All witness statements uploaded to
Website by midday, and the first shriek
comes almost immediately from Mishcon,
telling me to take them down. They quote
Order 32, r 2A, but there is no such
thing; they mean Order 38, r 2A. Discussion about this with my legal
friends, who urge me to tough it out. They
say to put in an affidavit laying it on
thick and rotten about the Mozzochi fiasco
as justification. But moral justification
alone will not be enough to set aside
Rules of Court, methinks. We shall see. I
may have to unload the documents
I WORK until five a.m. on the Website and
the affidavit. A cheerful Black
electrician comes at 8:45 a.m. and
replaces this apartment's burned out
master switch, hammering and drilling all
morning. I am up again at eleven a.m. to
complete the affidavit and annexes.
A whoop from the kitchen, as the power
comes back on at 11:40 and the machine
churns out a ten-page
fax from Professor Deborah
Lipstadt's solicitors Mishcon de Reya:
they have made an appointment this
afternoon for a judge in chambers to hear
her application for an injunction against
my Website. The judge hearing the
application will be Mr Justice
Moses. Peals of ironic laughter from
my staff. I say that I am sure that Moses
J. will bend over backwards to be fair,
and that if he offers to recuse himself
I shall state that I find that most
offensive. [...] Complete work on all affidavits etc.,
leave at 1:10 p.m.; I swear it, and then
by taxi to the High Court. It is 3:30 p.m.
before our case comes on. Mr Justice Moses
is perhaps the same age as me, elegant,
slightly fleshy, educated and quiet
spoken, murmuring simply "Yes," from time
to time as he takes each point in. We
settle down in three rows of seats -- I
take a seat on the left hand of Moses,
Mishcon's team of four lawyers and
barrister on his right hand. Their barrister, whose name I once more
have not caught, deftly sets out Professor
Lipstadt's complaint: I have offended
repeatedly against the Rules of the
Supreme Court, he says, by posting the
most intimate documents
from her Discovery on my Website last
spring. This is common ground, and I
un-posted them within hours of Mishcon
protesting. There are just placeholders at
present, marking where the embarrassing
documents once were: the documents
themselves will be replaced as soon as
they are read out in court during the
trial. The barrister smoothly continues:
they served Professor Lipstadt's witness
statements on me last Friday at 5 p.m.,
and by yesterday, Monday, at 9 a.m., on
checking my Website, they find that I have
posted all
thirteen statements. This, they claim,
breaches Order 38, rule 2A, paragraph 11,
which indicates that witness statements
are confidential and can not be used for
any other purpose than the proceedings,
until the trial begins. MR JUSTICE MOSES
at once seizes the salient points.
He has read the very full affidavit
which I have sworn, opposing the Mishcon
application; how, he asks the barrister,
can Mr Irving conduct inquiries into these
witnesses and their credibility, if he is
not permitted to show those statements to
anybody else? It is at once clear that the peals of
Homeric laughter from my staff were not
justified, and that my confidence in the
Court's innate integrity was. I lay aside
the pen with which I have been making
notes. The barrister replies that it would
surely suffice for me just to list the
names of the witnesses: that is already a
concession. Eventually the judge invites me to
speak. I have placed the 1945 General
Bruns interrogation
report from my Website (overheard
testimony of 1941 mass shootings of Jews
in Russia) on top of my bundle, and he
asks why; I remind him that Mishcon have
quite gratuitously referred to me as a
"Holocaust denier" at the start of their
affidavit, and that I need scarcely
elaborate further. He takes the point. On the Lipstadt documents produced in
Discovery the law is clear, and I do not
argue. They cannot be published. Period.
Until the trial. On
the witness statements, however, I argue
that I have a right to regard posting them
on my Website to ask my readers for facts
about these witnesses, e.g. the communist
agitator Daniel
Levitas (left) and the KGB
professor Vladimir
Tarasov, as a proper use for these
legal proceedings.
Somewhat to my consternation, the judge
expresses profound horror that I have
appended a rather smudgy photograph of Mr
Levitas as a footnote to his witness
statement. I reply that people who were
indignant at his methods of standing up in
the middle of my Atlanta lecture,
and slowly photographing every section of
the audience, will need to be reminded
that this was the man, if they are not
aware of who Levitas is. I argue that it is not enough just to
list the names: my readers must know what
their separate allegations are, e.g. that
I called members of the Washington State
University "assholes" at the April 13,
1998 lecture
(I did not, as the video
will show, but two of Professor Lipstadt's
witnesses, no doubted wholly independently
of each other, state that I did).
section of the enthusiastic audience at
Washington State University, Pullman,
which gathered to hear Mr Irving on
April 13, 1998
Mr Justice Moses rules that I should
only summarise those parts of the
statements which I wish to test. Another
concession, although to make such a
selection, of course, puts valuable
tactical information in the hands of my
opponents. I say, "I cannot see what Prof.
Lipstadt is complaining about. I posted
her entire Defence
to my Writ, and left it uncontested for
six months before I posted my Reply,"
although it was served on her the very day
after her Defence. I add: "Now I have
posted her entire witness statements,
without altering one dot or comma. I would
far prefer to have my witness statements
posted in full, rather than in a
bowdlerised or edited form." But since it
has retreated into this cul de sac, the
Court is unable to backtrack. This is the
ruling that is made, and the edited
statements will be posted in the amended
form as ordered later this week. He agrees that there should now be an
injunction against me. Rejecting Mishcon's
pristine typescript draft, Mr Justice
Moses invites us to withdraw to draft a
suitable Order. At 5:30 p.m. we are back in his
chambers. He whittles the Order down still
further. Mishcon have applied for an Order
that I give them a list of all my
who have had sight of their documents; I
object that they would hardly want to
provide me with a list of all their staff.
Chop. When I ask him to add the words
"unless already in the public domain", to
the order that I not post any of the
documents appended to the statements -- if
they add, e.g. a clipping from The Daily
Telegraph, they can hardly claim that is
privileged, he asserts that it belongs to
the collection made by the witness and is
privileged as well. Chop. I must say I find this hard to grasp.
Anthology rights in a bundle of documents?
But there we are. He asks me if I have any
further submissions, and I do: on costs,
which will probably not run to less than
£7,000 for this application. I point out that my own affidavit ends
with a statememt that if successful I ask
for no order as to costs. He has moreover
drastically cut back the Order as
originally sought by Prof. Lipstadt --
"Less than fifty per cent of the original
remains," I venture to say. I am about to
ask for an order for "costs in the cause"
when he takes those precise words out of
my mouth. DO I WISH leave
to appeal? Indeed I do not. I would have
sought leave if he had made a different
order on costs, but the rest of the
was very much what I had in mind, I
say. Most satisfactory, and my high-powered
legal friends congratulate me loudly
during the evening. Mr Justice Moses has
now disposed that it is quite in order for
me to post relevant extracts of Lipstadt's
witness statements on the Website, in so
far as necessary for the proceedings. His
demeanour has confirmed my faith in the
integrity of the British judiciary.
I am owed four hours' sleep from last
night alone, and catch up on the sofa in
the evening. Jessica tramples up and down
on me on various pretexts. At 11 p.m. D. phones. The New
Yorker February 1, 1999 edition has
published a lengthy
review of the new Boston film
about Fred Leuchter, entitled "The
Friendly Executioner," and makes a passing
reference* to the "loathsome" Mr Irving.
have been called worse. I have Deborah
Lipstadt and her book to thank for this
international bile machine. The author's
name is Mark Singer. Well, some of
us get named after sewing machines, and
others after prophets. We can't all be
called Moses. [*The
quote is: "He [Leuchter] is
embraced by the loathsome British
historian David Irving -- described by
Ron Rosenbaum, in his book, 'Explaining
Hitler,' as the Führer's 'chief
post-war defender' -- who extolled the
'gruesomely expert author' of 'the
Leuchter Report' and labelled its
results 'shattering' and 'truly
astounding."] I have Deborah Lipstadt and her book to
thank for this international bile machine.
The author's name is Mark Singer.
Well, some of us get named after
sewing-machines, and others after
prophets. We can't all be called
Two girls and a young man come and serve
the Moses Order and formally warn me I
face prison if I violate it. Friendly
enough afterwards, as we search for
missing documents. What a farce the law
is. I am sleepy in the evening.
To the Passport Office to get a new
passport, it has to be one of the new
plum-coloured "European" ones. A
sell-out. From L. comes a plaintive e-mail
request to know if there is anywhere on
the Internet that he can find what I
posted, and then removed, about Bernie
Farber. Achtung: I was warned some
months ago that L. is a double-agent: this
seems to clinch it. I work until far into
the night and send this e-mail reply at
5:34 am: Being served with a High Court
injunction, with all the warnings read
out in front of witnesses about going
to prison if there are ("further")
infractions and violations, makes one a
bit jumpy. They've had me in jail for
Contempt of Court before, in 1994. And
that was accidental. So I must not even
seem to be looking for that forbidden
material.I will shortly post the gist of it,
but I've got to rake it over with a
very fine toothcomb indeed first. .
. I place on the Website a good
item about the defence witness
Farber, who turns out to advocate
torture against Palestinian political
prisoners, in his own writing (so he can't
claim he is misquoted). What a hoot: Wonderful thing this Internet
is. Somebody on the other side of the
world reads what I have posted
yesterday about the Canadian gentleman
Mr Bernie M Farber, one of the
witnesses on whom Prof. Deborah
Lipstadt (Emory University, Atlanta,
Ga.) will rely in her defence of my
libel action: Oops -- turns out that Mr
Farber is a public advocate of
torturing prisoners. Not a very
fashionable view.What rotten luck Lipstadt and her
star lawyer Anthony Julius are
having with their witnesses: first
there is the West Coast gentleman
Jonathan Mozzochi, who turns out to
have had a police record as a skinhead
gangleader. . . Now, I am reminded that on page 18
of Ellen Jaffe McClain's book
Embracing the
Stranger, BasicBooks, New York,
1995 ("an in-depth survey of the social
factors and stereotypes in the Jewish
community and your society at large
that may affect the intermarriage
experience") the author speaks of Prof.
Lipstadt's trenchant opposition to the
intermarriage of Jews with
gentiles. "Although people like Deborah
Lipstadt, the Emory University Prof.
who has written and lectured widely on
Holocaust denial, have exhorted Jewish
parents to just say no to
intermarriage, much the same way they
expect their children not to take
drugs, a large majority of parents and
(more than a few rabbis) are unable to
lay down opposition to intermarriage as
a strict operating principle." In a piece mockingly titled, "Guess
Who's Coming to Dinner?" one Canadian
noted on June 28, 1996 on the Internet:
"It seems that it is other people's
exclusionary chauvinism Deborah
Lipstadt disapproves of; she damns it
as 'racism' and what-not. . . .
Different strokes for different folks,
I guess." I guess so too: in fact I guess
there is a streak of hypocrisy in most
of us. Here in England, we are fighting
racism tooth and claw: yet nobody dares
murmur, at least out loud, about the
Black Police Officers' Federation that
has been formed. In Miami, where I shall be next
week, the local newspaper The Miami
Herald -- one of the five great
newspapers of the United States --
regularly runs display advertisements
from a marriage agency which rejects
all non-Jewish applicants. Personally,
I too am happy the way I am born; uh,
hold on there, is that a racist thought
too? Alexis completes scanning the Kurt
Aumeier interrogation. It has cost
nearly £100 in labour to do!
Thought-provoking expense, and is it worth
it? Like a bad penny, who should ring the
doorbell at seven p.m. but T., anxious for
a gossip. Must have known I'm going away.
He has got to be a plant. 3:30 p.m. pick up Jessica; she earns
one Loveable Bear. Down to High Court at midday; I get a
Mar. 12 date for the restored summons
against Lovell White (re Sereny), but the
Order I have drafted against Lipstadt is
defective and I must retype it. In the afternoon Mishcon return my
documents. They are in a shocking state,
and I am speechless with dismay. I write
to them at once: Damage to my Papers. In
front of witnesses here I have now
opened and examined the boxes of
documents which your staff returned,
and I am deeply concerned by the
condition of both the boxes and their
contents. Three-quarters of the archive
boxes will have to be replaced; the
fitted internal boxes were in some
cases ripped open at the bottom,
instead of the top.Your print room has ripped volumes,
taken spiral bound files apart, and
broken the backs of bound volumes. More
serious is that the file contents have
been tossed back into the boxes in
total disarray, and have frequently
been placed in the wrong numbered files
and boxes, making nonsense of the
indexing which I have worked six months
to create. If you wished to sabotage my
documentary case, you have done so very
effectively. I am particularly concerned about
the torn and battered state of the
papers, which your staff sometimes just
wrapped in rubber bands and tossed into
the boxes. Since I am negotiating with
an American university to acquire my
papers, this vandalism is unforgivable.
I have instructed my staff to buy
replacement archive boxes and to
replace the damaged boxes and labels
but it will take months to sort them
back into the proper files. My entrusting my original records to
you was a serious misjudgement on my
part, and I now have the greatest
misgivings about the condition of my
diaries and tapes. And I write to Lovell White,
representing Gitta Sereny: I do not feel it would be
proper to delay issuing this Summons
for further directions. With respect,
you might continue asking for further
documents and letters-within-letters
for months, and indeed for years to
come, and complain each time at how
long it takes me either to find them or
to ascertain that they are lost without
trace or transferred to foreign
I have a huge backlog to deal with before
leaving London in a few hours' time.
I work all night. Jessica shows up
sleepily around 7:15 a.m., baffled that I
have got up so early. Her Mama explains
that I am leaving for America in a few
minutes time. "Is it Thursday, then?" asks
Jessica. It is, and already she is
spelling out her list of desiderata, most
of which involve Barbies. Benté asks my phone number in
Key West. I say she is to give it out to
nobody -- anybody with a computer can find
out the street address of any phone number
in the United States. I want to write in
peace. I stay awake until the Virgin Atlantic
747 is aloft, then drop off into several
long and unsatisfying sleeps; my head
snaps forward, I slump into the seat, I
miss the meals, I wake, I read a book -- I
have started Hannah Arendt's
Eichmann in
Jerusalem -- then fall asleep
again. I work for three hours on the Website
until the battery runs out. Once or twice
I go to the rear and look down through
almost solid banks of white snow clouds
onto the southern tip of Greenland, then
Gander as we fly high overhead. Miami at 3:15 p.m, a ten hour flight
and hot-wet-flannel hits you as you step
out into this climate. Hertz refuses to rent a car to me, so I
walk in sweltering heat round to Avis,
five dollars cheaper. A car which in
England would be luxury in size rents here
for $26 a day; in England it would cost
ten times as much. I call in at Office
Max: A packet of 500 regular white
envelopes costs $3.39. How cheaply the
Americans live, in every aspect of their
lives. I head off down US.1 to a month of
total anonymity. It is still light here at seven p.m.;
in England it is dark at four. At the
Rusty Anchor at nine p.m., I have a quick
bite of fish and chips. Smiles all round.
Here everybody knows me, but nobody knows
my name. I pick up the keys of the tiny cottage
I have rented for a month -- it is smaller
than the brick slave-quarters I saw years
ago at the plantation in South Carolina
where they filmed Gone with the Wind
(Goebbels' favourite Hollywood movie). Aaargh: none of the keys fits the door.
Numbed by exhaustion, I slump in the car's
front seat instead, and fall fast
asleep. Awake at seven a.m. The car's windows
are steamed up. I drive to the Croissant
Shop for a snack. I am totally anonymous;
one of the town's nameless visitors. A
comforting, velvety famelessness. At eight a.m., Roger at the estate
agency sheepishly admits that he mixed up
the keys. I carry the heavy trunks of
equipment into the cottage, and set up my
office to write. I rescue a bicycle from under the tree
where I chained it in August; it is
beginning to rust, and I take it to a bike
shop for minor repairs. Several times I
stop at the barber shop. Each time the
sign has advanced an hour: Back at 2:30
becomes Back at 3:30 and so on. At five
p.m. he is at last in. "How much off?" he asks. "All of it," I say, "Right down to the
bone. I don't want anybody recognising me
down here." I go on line. There are 42 e-mails to
deal with. I go over to a Cuban Restaurant
for a snack. As I pay, the middle-aged waitress,
with whom I have conversed in Spanish all
evening, sidles up to me: "Excuse me
señor, but aren't you a writer?
Isn't your name Irving?" She continues, "I
am in Spain some years ago, and I read a
book with your picture in the cover. La
Guerra de Hitler," she confirms.
Aaargh. I escape as fast as I decently can.
Later I return and slip a two-dollar tip
into her hand. The game is up: She knows
my name, and I can't have people putting
it around that David Irving doesn't tip
handsomely. I ask one of the locals what damage was
done by Hurricane Georges in August. He
drawls, "Nothing, but now there's chickens
everywhere." I fail to grasp the
connection, and foolishly say: "Chickens?
Where do they come from, then?" "Eggs," he snarls. Aaargh again. I am ill from ten hours of breathing in
the Virgin Atlantic passengers' assorted
infections. A truly awful night, awake on
and off, feverish, hallucinations,
senseless meanderings of the mind, thirst,
pains, aches, coughing up rusty-coloured
phlegm -- in short all the signs of a
return of that pneumonia. Lo que me
faltava. This e-mail to Benté: It is now Wednesday. I feel
listless and apathetic. I haven't eaten
for three or four days; I ordered the
usual breakfast at Harpoon Harry's this
morning, but left nine-tenths of it, as
I could not face it. I think I have
beaten it however, with the aid of
about 100 hypochondradene's
[aspirins] so far.I had another bad night, and am
perspiring and feverish all the time.
My living costs so far are minimal:
$2.50 per day!
I see that Christopher
Browning is in London giving evidence
for the prosecution of a Yugoslav
(alleged) war criminal. He would make an
interesting opponent.
I finally resume work on editing
War, vol. ii. Lunch at Higgs Beach. Crazy family with
a barking dog. Everybody irritated by it.
When I express mild annoyance, her macho
husband threatens a punch up; she stands
up on leaving and tips a bowl of garlic
soup over me, to general astonishment
including my own. Have a nice day to you
too, sir. Mishcon fax that the Lipstadt trial is
set down for Jan. 11, 2000, to last an
estimated twelve weeks. E-mails start arriving like artillery:
from one Brian Behrend, comes this
highly suspicious letter: I am a high school student at
York Suburban High School in York,
Pennsylvania. Recently, we had an
homework assignment that dealt with the
segregation of schools. We were
supposed to describe the position of a
senator in the 1950's for segregation
and a senator against segregation. For
the senator for segregation, I gave him
a racist point of view. He is quoted as
saying, "If you allow blacks in
educational institutions where whites
are, it will have a negative effect on
the whites' education because blacks
are less intelligent." My teacher
circled the "less intelligent " part of
the writing and wrote "no" next to it.
My teacher then proceeded to use my
paper as an example of poor logic for
the homework assignment. My teacher
says that politicians during the 1950's
were not openly racist and would only
use Plessy versus Ferguson for
justification of segregation. I
disagree with him and believe that
there were openly racist politicians.
However, my resources are limited and I
have been unable to find conclusive
evidence to substantiate my claims.
Could you please provide me with any
information that would corroborate my
position? I specifically need quotes
that would verify openly racist
statements that involve senators
claiming African Americans are less
intelligent. I am concerned we are not
learning the full truth about our past.
Thank-you for your time and any help
that you may provide. Sincerely, Brian
Behrend I respond as I do to all agents
provocateurs. |