to David Irving's ACTION
daughter of Auschwitz commandant
writes... | CAN you tell me if the crematorium
that I saw at Auschwitz
I (main camp) was ever used at this
camp? Even Anneliese said, "those were not
there,' when she saw the pictures I took
of the inside and outside? The originals
at Birkenau were destroyed before the
evacuation of the camp, were they not? I
am busy working on my book, and yes, I
took pictures at Auschwitz.
David Irving replies: As you know the
authorities at Auschwitz have formally
banned me from setting foot in their
archives.I wonder what they're trying to
hide! It's plain that Auschwitz I, the
Stammlager, has undergone a monstrous
face lift since 1945, with many
edifices erected there since the war. A
crematorium with a chimney which is not
even attached to the building -- a
dummy! -- is one example. The "gas
chamber" shown to tourists is another,
as phoney as the magic castles at
Orlando and Anaheim. That is why your
mother Anneliese Liebehenschel
did not remember them. They were erected by the Poles in
1948, as they now
admit. It is a scandal, but anybody who
breathes a word about the fraud out
loud is persecuted, fined, and (in
which doesn't have a wonderful human
rights record so far this
millennium) imprisoned.
out, Travellers to
Germany! | When K. and I went to Salzburg in
the fall of 1997 we had to fly to Munich
and continue on by train, there being no
direct flights from Seattle. At Munich
airport they took us out of line and went
over our baggage with a fine tooth comb. I
had nothing in my luggage that hinted of
Holocaust denial.
This incident confirmed my suspicion
that they are watching everyone. I am sure
they were looking for something to put me
in jail for. Just another incident to be aware of.
All Revisionists on the Internet should be
aware of this. D., Seattle AR: D. is an active
user of the Internet. It reminds us of
once when we were leaving
Montréal to drive to Boston;
arriving at the Canadian border at 2
a.m., our car alone was taken out of
the line, we were taken into a
building, and through the window we saw
to our astonishment the car being
literally dismantled -- door panels
unscrewed, floors taken up, wheels
dismounted, spare wheel deflated. Fortunately
we had sent all our stocks of
narcotics, AK--47s, Nazi flags,
hammer-and-sickle badges, and
pornographic literature on ahead by
Canada Post, and we had stored all our
Gold Krugerrands in a Swiss bank, so
the car was bare.
After two hours they handed the keys
back to us, without a murmur of
apology, and we drove on. We silently
thanked Mr
Bernie Farber [right] and
his cohorts for this visitation.
enjoyed your talk in Fort Lauderdale --
PS: The School system in Dade county,
Florida, has implemented a filter barring
schoolchildren from access to your
Stanton, Miami AR comments: In Florida
and other parts of the United States --
the world's last bastion of free speech
-- legislators now require colleges and
schools drawing State or Federal funds
for their computer equipment to install
filtering software approved and
designed by the New-York based
Anti-Defamation League.Since most students have access to
unfiltered equipment elsewhere, at
home, in Internet cafes, and at work,
they tend to pay even closer attention
to the sites the ADL does not want them
to read. Regrettably, the overall
result in our view can only be an
increase in anti-Semitic feeling. Coming
to Cincinnati in September 1999:
David Irving's
Cincinnati conference on Real
History I WAS first introduced to your work by
Professor Hartmut Fröschle of
the University of Toronto. My wife was
fortunate to have studied under him both
in Canada and in Germany. It was by his direction that I have
begun my intellectual awakening. I look
forward to the opportunity to participate
in the upcoming conference, [SEE
"CINCINNATI"] and if possible, to meet
you personally. Kheven Grubb, Maryland SEVERAL weeks ago I received the
HITLER'S WAR posters
that I purchased through your Website. I
was impressed with the posters' quality
and historical significance. Framed and
displayed in my personal library, they
remind me daily of the importance of
preserving the Real History you so
admirably advocate. For over 20 years, I have read and
studied material dealing with all aspects
of Hitler's life. Your work remains my
unchallenged favorite. I would welcome the opportunity to
attend one of your speaking functions. I
know you are planning a conference in
Ohio. Do you foresee any future functions
a bit closer to North Carolina? Wishing you all the best in your
personal, professional, and legal efforts
-- Teresa A Wilson, North Carolina AR: Mr Irving will be
in North Carolina in September. I READ the article
in the New York Times concerning
your legal
action against Deborah Lipstadt. This
seems rather mild for the Times; I
wonder if it is intended to serve as
advance damage control -- or merely to
lull? It is noteworthy that the on-line
article is linked prominently from the
opening page, suggesting that they wish to
bring it to the notice of readers. As a daily reader of the online New
York Times (though usually with teeth
clenched), I find this all rather
surprising. Philip Smith, Chicago [email protected]
AT LAST the Swedish edition of GOEBBELS.
We are making an intensive direct drive to
the Swedish booksellers; we started only
this week and already forty-three of the
biggest book-shops have ordered -- for
Sweden that is a very good result.
Valkyria Publishing, Stockholm
ONE QUICK observation -- the Focal Point
editions of your books
BATTLE], are of very high
quality and well printed. Congratulations
are due.
F I, Big Bend,
MANY THANKS for your most interesting
ACTION REPORT, containing so much
information -- not only on the issue, as
such, but on your stupendous activities as
Thilo Bode, Munich (ex-London correspondent, Süddeutsche
Zeitung) WHEN it had miraculously disappeared
from Australian library bookshelves and
the girl at the L'Express office
finally admitted, "I am not allowed to
give it to you," you were kind enough to
send me a facsimile of its article on
Auschwitz [L'Express,
Jan. 25, 1995]. I have used this
in "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" (Book
V, chapter 28, pages 465ff) in my latest
work The Thirteenth
Stone (Fountainhead, Fremantle,
Australia). Thanks
Lewis da Costa, Fremantle AR: It is also on our
Website at www.fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/docs/Conan.html Rectitude YOU SAY your faith in the rectitude of
our wartime cause has taken another
beating. Mine faded away some time ago, I
think when I met my wife, a German from
upper Silesia (born 1927), and heard of
her experience. I also, a few years later,
came across your book on Dresden. I read the Radical's
Diary first, at a fast pace, feeling
that I'm right there! The piece
on the Swiss Gold racket was superb,
presenting a noxious catalogue of the sort
of extortionist methods used by the
enemies of the truth. Upon finishing the AR, I re-read your
1990 speech "We
have Lost our Sense of Destiny." Tears
of anger welled up in my eyes at your
description of Churchill's cynical
prolongation of the war at such an awful
cost to our nation. However, your vision,
as ever, inspired me anew to go on. W O, Ilford,
England AR-Postscript
on the Swiss Gold article. Abe Foxman
[right], estimable national
director of the Anti-Defamation
League, admitted in a smirk-smirk
article in Forward, New York,
Sept. 4, 1998, "We Bludgeoned Them and
Bludgeoned Them . . ." This article can
be seen at
http://www.fpp.co.uk/Online/98/10/bludgeon040998.htmlon our website.